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04/26/2018 13:27:08 EST [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])CUSTOMER INFORMATION:[redacted] J [redacted]CA# [redacted] [redacted] BENTLEY MI 48613-9690Dates of service: 08/23/11 - present.RELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION:- Current account balance: $2477.81- Account was reviewed with the October 2017 billing, which indicated...
nochange to the payment amount. The balance at that time was $775.13.- The balance when the customer initially enrolled in SPP beginning withthe November 2016 billing was $417.75.- Customer's Electric Usage History:2015 2016 2017 2018Jan 1276 1027 1246 3709Feb 963 805 935 4286Mar 908 626 769 3077Apr 909 653 787 2554May 714 465 986Jun 911 863 1128Jul 896 895 961Aug 1482 1253 1323Sep 1021 1319 1804Oct 989 1170 1696Nov 937 1287 1098Dec 799 1661 1901- Smart meter installed 10/28/16.CUSTOMER CONTACT SUMMARY:04/26/18:2:01 pm - I called ###-###-#### and got voicemail. I left amessage with my contact information, requesting a call back.04/30/2018 08:41:02 EST [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])RELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION:- Customer requested SPP enrollment on 10/26/16. Down payment $32.00(Balance was $317.75 - this is a correction to the amount stated above),Monthly plan amount: $164.00.- The 12 months prior to enrolling in SPP, the customer's average monthlybill was $148.37. The 12 months after enrolling in SPP, the bill increasedto an average of $196.20 per month.- Based on the above information, the customer's monthly SPP paymentamount should have been increased to $325.00 per month in October 2017.- The average monthly bill was $432.27 for the last 6 months. Even if wehad increased the monthly payment in October to $325.00, the accountbalance still would have been about $1500.00 as of the April 2018 billing.- SPP (Shut-off Protection Plan) is designed to assist a customer withcatching up on a past due balance while giving them equal monthly paymentsover an 18 month period. The goal of the plan is to have the customercaught up and current at the end of the program. Because Mrs. [redacted]'susage continued to increase over the life of the program (which we couldnot have predicted), she ended up with a large balance owing at the end ofthe program.- The customer can choose to re-enroll in SPP for a down payment of$248.00 (10% of the current balance) and monthly payments will be $479.00.05/03/2018 13:22:11 EST [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])CUSTOMER CONTACT SUMMARY (CONTINUED):05/03/18: 1:24 PM - I called and got voicemail. I left a message with mycontact information, requesting a call back.05/07/2018 10:20:30 EST [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])There has been no response to my voicemail messages left for the customer.I am sending the following letter for closure:May 7, 2018[redacted] J. [redacted] [redacted].Bentley, MI 48613-9690Account Number: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],I#m pleased to let you know that we've received your concerns regardingyour billing and account balance for [redacted] [redacted]. Bentley, MI from Because our customers are important to us, we'vetaken your concerns seriously and have reviewed your account.My review of your account shows that when you enrolled in the Shut-offProtection Plan (SPP), your average monthly bill for the 12 months priorwas $148.37. We used this amount and the account balance at the time ofenrollment ($317.75) to calculate your monthly payment amount of $164.00.The goal of SPP is to help a customer bring the account current over an 18month period. The customer is still billed for their actual usage and themonthly bill shows this usage along with a running account balancehowever; you are only asked to pay the program amount each month.After 12 months on the program, the account is to be reviewed and a newpayment amount calculated for the final 6 months of the program if needed.Due to an error in our billing system, was not done properly with youraccount with no change occurring in your monthly payment amount.Your average monthly usage during the first 12 months you were on SPPincreased to $196.20. Based on this and your account balance at the time($775.13), your monthly payment amount would have increased to $325.00 ifour system had worked properly.For the last 6 months that you were on SPP, your average monthly billagain increased to $432.27. Even if we had increased the monthly paymentin October to $325.00, the account balance still would have been about$1500.00 as of the April 2018 billing.In reviewing your energy usage, I see that it sharply increased over lastyear's usage beginning in January. Was there a change in how the home washeated compared to the previous year? This usage is consistent with theuse of electric space heaters or some other form of electric heat. Theincrease in your energy usage is why your balance is so high.I see that the account balance was paid in full last week on May 3. I amrequesting that we apply a $100.00 bill credit to your account in light ofcustomer service because of the error in not recalculating your monthlypayment amount last October.It is my sincere hope that this information has resolved your concerns.Please let me know if there is anything further I can do to help you.Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with your inquiry.Respectfully,[redacted]Customer Care Representative###-###-####[redacted].[redacted] I have submitted a request to have the account credited $100.00.SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION:- High bills: Usage is consistent with the use of electric space heatersduring the winter months. As the weather warms, the usage is decreasingwith the May bill looking like it's going to be just over 1000 kwh for themonth.- Details regarding SPP: SPP is meant to help a customer catch up on theiraccount by setting a monthly payment amount based on previous usagehistory and the existing balance. It is not able to account for anyincrease in the customer's usage, which they should be keeping track of.For the last 6 months that the customer was on SPP, their average monthlyusage increased dramatically.- Assistance: Customer has paid the bill in full and assistance is notneeded.- Fraudulent business practices: The Shut-off Protection Plan works forthe majority of our customers, giving them a set payment amount to budgetfor while catching up on any past due balances. The program is voluntaryand is offered when a customer is struggling to catch up with theirbalance. They are mailed a letter after they are enrolled which explainsthe program and their monthly billing shows them their actual energy usagemonthly and also shows their actual account balance monthly. It would bea bad business practice to want or encourage our customer's to build up alarge balance.COMPLAINT CLOSED 5-7-2018
[redacted] Ave, Warren MI 48091-3492 Account number: [redacted] Dates of service: 02/07/14 to 03/23/14. CUSTOMER INQUIRY OPENED AS OF 09/06/17. 09/08/2017 12:23:40 EST [redacted] N [redacted] ([redacted]) RELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION: ...
- 02/07/14 - Move in requested by [redacted] - 03/04/14 - ASP repair ordered by [redacted], our contractor replaced the water pump on 03/05/14. - 03/09/14 - Gas leak investigation order called in by Autumn Saro, gas leak found on main floor, dryer connector and pilot on water heater. The meter was turned off and danger-tagged. -03/24/14 - Contract was force-ended as of 03/23/14 when [redacted] called us to start service in his name. -BILLING DATES: - 02/07/14 - 02/28/14 - billed for actual use of 36.3 mcf in the amount of $297.23. Payment of $222.00 on 03/05/14 took the remaining balance to $75.23. -03/01/14 - 03/23/14 - billed for 34.5 mcf in the amount of $296.87. Final bill balance was $372.01. - Final bill reminders sent: -05/06/14 - Final bill reminder call - call not completed -05/16/14 - Final bill notice sent - 05/30/17 - Reminder notice mailed ( 08/19/17 - Released to collection agency) CUSTOMER CONTACT SUMMARY: 09/06/17 -1:32 pm - spoke with Mr. [redacted] at phone number ###-###-#### about his concerns: -He stated that he did live at this address, but doesn't remember the specific dates that he lived here. Mr. [redacted] said it was a roommate situation, and not a good one. - We went over the details of my investigation (above) and he said he feels like he moved out of that address at the end of February 2014. He doesn't have a lease agreement or any proof of this. - In light of customer service, I agreed to credit the account for the use after 03/01/14, and he felt this was fair. - Mr. [redacted] stated his main concern was setting up a new account at his new address. I started account number [redacted] at [redacted], Warren. The order was scheduled for 09/07/17 between 8 am and 12 pm. I assured the customer that I would check with our scheduler to see if we could reschedule the order for today. - I agreed to set up an installment plan for $75.01 balance left over from his previous account. He has children in the home, and the service was turned off. I placed a reconnect order for the gas service to be completed the same day and asked what arrangements he was looking for on the owing balance. - Mr. [redacted] was happy with the resolution. 09/06/17 - 1:55 pm - called [redacted] (dispatcher) - who pulled the order ahead for today 09/06/17 - 1:57 pm - reached back out to the customer to confirm that we will try to get this order completed today. He was happy with this. 09/06/17 - 3:14 pm - order was completed and service turned on. SUBMITTED COMPLAINTS RESOLUTION CREDIT REQUEST FOR $297.00 09/07/17 - Credit requested posted to the account. 09/08/17 - 10:40 am - spoke with [redacted] to follow up on his resolution. -He was happy that we were able to turn his gas on at his new home on the same day he requested service with us. - I confirmed that the credit of $297.00 has posted to the account. - He didn't confirm what days he wanted to set up his payments of $10.00 to pay off the back balance that was transferred over ($75.01 total), but said he would pay the $10.00 amounts with his monthly bill. - I have placed an interest lock on his account to prevent late payment charges and noted that we have this arrangement set up. He understands that he will not get any late payment charges, and confirmed that he will be paying the $10.00 per month on time and in full with his regular monthly bill (this was because he was not able to confirm a date every month he would be paying the $10.00). - He was satisfied with this arrangement and appreciated the follow up phone call. - I confirmed that he has my direct phone number in case of any questions in the future. SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION: - (Date customer closed out account) - The customer never contacted us to close his account according to our records. The account was closed automatically when a new party called us to start service. Mr. [redacted] was also unable to verify the date he moved out. - (Was final bill paid) - no, final bill was not paid. In light of customer service, agreed to credit the account for 03/01/14 to 03/23/14. 09/14/2017 18:38:11 EST [redacted] N [redacted] ([redacted]) Tell us why here...
STATUS REPORT FOR CUSTOMER ONLY. Still waiting on additional information to provide closure.09/11/2017 12:24:49 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])CUSTOMER INFORMATION[redacted] / [redacted]675 / [redacted] SHELBY TOWNSHIPDates of Service: 02/25/2012 - 02/04/2013[redacted] / [redacted]451...
/ [redacted] STERLING HEIGHTSDates of Service: 07/14/2013 - 12/14/2014[redacted] / [redacted]634 / [redacted] [redacted] ROCHESTERDates of Service: 06/23/2017 - Present09/11/2017 12:25:38 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])RELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION- 07/20/2013 - Balance Transfer of $277.14 from Account #[redacted]675 to#[redacted]451- 12/04/2014 - Gas service Sealed for Non-Pay under Mr. [redacted]'name([redacted])- 12/14/2014 - Service was automatically removed out of Mr. [redacted]' name([redacted]) due to Seal for Non-Pay- 02/07/2015 - LLD requested gas service to be turned on at [redacted]Dr and placed into their name- I do not see notes or payments to any accounts regarding the LLD takingresponsibility for Mr. [redacted]' remaining account balance at [redacted]- There are no notes on Mr. [redacted]' or the LLD's accounts saying anythingabout the LLD paying off Mr. [redacted]' balance- 06/24/2017 - Balance Transfer of $398.90 from Account #[redacted]451 to#[redacted]634- Dunning History (Active account 2nd St)Date Action08/24/17 Turn-Off Notice08/29/17 Mid-Cycle Call - Completed09/01/17 Intent to Disconnect09/07/17 Sealed for Non-Pay09/11/2017 13:36:11 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])CUSTOMER CONTACT SUMMARY- I briefly spoke with Mr. [redacted] on 09/11/2017 at 1:35 PM- He asked that I call back as he was going into a meeting shortly- I let him know I could call tomorrow and he said that would be fine09/19/2017 13:15:46 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])- I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on 09/19/2017 at approx. 1:30 PM- I informed him that I didn't show any payments to his account where thelandlord paid off his balance- There aren't any notes on the accounts- I informed him that I would reach out to the [redacted] (apartmentmanager)- I left a message for [redacted] on 09/19/2017 at approximately 1:45PM, at phone number ###-###-####____________________________________________________________________...⇄ Mr. [redacted] on 09/11/2017 at 1:35 PM- He asked that I call back as he was going into a meeting shortly- I let him know I could call tomorrow and he said that would be fine09/19/2017 13:15:46 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])- I spoke with Mr. [redacted] on 09/19/2017 at approx. 1:30 PM- I informed him that I didn't show any payments to his account where thelandlord paid off his balance- There aren't any notes on the accounts- I informed him that I would reach out to the [redacted] (apartmentmanager)- I left a message for [redacted] on 09/19/2017 at approximately 1:45PM, at phone number ###-###-####
STATUS REPORT ONLY - WAITING ON METER TEST04/11/2018 10:31:10 EST [redacted] N. [redacted] (EN[redacted])[redacted] D [redacted] / [redacted] DR KALAMAZOO MI 49001-4479SERVICE DATES: 6/3/13-CURRENTACCOUNT INFORMATION:-In April of 2017 customer received a letter and a credit on the accountin the amount of $49....
This credit was for a fast gas meter adjustment-The gas meter was tested October 2015 and tested at 104.9% and anaccurate meter is between 98-102%. It was removed from the home on10/1/15-The electric meter was upgraded in 2015 and usage was consistent untilJuly 2016-The usage during the timeframe that is in dispute was as follows:2016 USAGE:JULY 574 KWHAUG 672 KWHSEPT 645 KWHOCT 573 KWHNOV 684 KWHDEC 744 KWH04/12/2018 12:51:44 EST [redacted] N. [redacted] (EN[redacted])CUSTOMER CONTACTS:-On 4/11 I called [redacted]2 and was able to speak with Mr. [redacted] abouthis account. I apologized for the lack of response on his initial inquiryand advised that I did have a chance to review the account and wanted todiscuss the account further.I explained what the credit was for back in April 2017 and apologized ifit was not clear that the fast gas meter was the reason for theadjustment.I explained that the electric meter was installed in 2015 and that theusage was consistent until July 2016. I explained how the meter works andthe fact that the use has dropped back down which tells me that it wassomething in the home during that time frame.I explained that we would however like to double check the meter to ruleout any issues and explained the accuracy guidelines. I explained that ifit test outside of the guidelines than we would adjust accordingly howeverif it does test accurately then at that point he and I will discuss thefurther. He asked if an adjustment would be at that time and I advisedthat we would need to further discuss his account depending on the meterresults.The meter test has been scheduled for 4/18 between 12-3 p.m. and I advisedI will follow up once the test is completed and he appreciated the help
11/03/2016 12:37:35 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])PEGGY S [redacted] / 5619 / [redacted]Dates of Service: 05/16/2016 - Present11/03/2016 13:33:25 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])I left a message for Ms. [redacted] on 11/03/2016 at 1:33 PM, at phone number###-###-####.11/04/2016 11:37:37 EST [redacted]...
W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])I spoke with Ms. [redacted] on 11/04/2016 at 11:30 AM. I apologized for theissues she's experiencing and let her know that our eServices team isfollowing up to fix the issue.I let her know her total balance is only $185.94, at this time.She told me she setup an Installment Plan (IP) because she didn't know howshe was concerned after receiving a bill this large. I suggested that Iremove the IP and place a hold on her account. This way her account won'tshow that she owes so much money.She was relieved to hear that she didn't have to pay the $550.00 balance.Then I verified her login ID for her eServices. I reset her password andprovided the temporary password to her. I suggested that she wait untiltomorrow to make any payment on the account so the system can perform itsnightly download and the account will reflect the accurate amount owing.I let her know I would get in contact with our eServices department toobtain further insight as to what caused this. I will also call her backnext week to verify everything has been corrected.She thanked me for my time.11/04/2016 13:18:12 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])This complaint has been assigned to [redacted].11/08/2016 14:14:44 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])I sent a request for a resolution to [redacted] and [redacted] on themorning of 11/08/2016.11/08/2016 15:55:37 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])This one had to go to IT, but here#s their response is below (we did voicethe wrong amount, but it was corrected shortly after she called. Itturned into being a timing issue):An eBill reversal was going on at the time the customer called in and justhappened to call in at the right moment.I sent an email to Ms. [redacted] on 11/08/2016, to email address[redacted] afternoon Ms. [redacted],I#m writing this email as a follow-up to our conversation we had regardingyour Michigan Agency for Energy inquiry.I received information back regarding the balance you were provided overour automated system. At the time you called in we were in the middle ofreversing your eBills. You happened to call in between the time wecanceled the eBills and the time we regenerated them. Because of this, itappeared to the billing system you owed more than you did. This is whyyou received information stating you owed a larger balance than you did.As of today, your total balance is $0.00.If you have further questions, please reply to this email. You may alsogive me a call; here's my direct line, ###-###-####.Thank you for your patience while we sorted this out. Have a great day.Thank you,[redacted], Customer Care RepresentativeOffice: ###-###-#### | Fax: ###-###-####brian.[redacted] | www.ConsumersEnergy.comcc Michigan Agency for EnergyMAE Complaint Closed 11/8/16Tell us why here...
07/27/2016 09:48:05 [redacted] I [redacted] ([redacted])--------------------------------------------------------------------...⇄ - [redacted] Oxford, MI 48371 ------------------------------------------------------------------------On 07/20/2016 I had email correspondence with [redacted]...
[redacted] at[redacted] Where Mr. [redacted] was advised that the paymentextraction was not initiated by Consumers Energy and as a result theappropriate course of action would be to connect with his financialinstitution to have the funds returned and protect himself from anyadditional unauthorized transactions from occurring.On 7/21/2016 at 3:57 PM I called ###-###-#### and left a voice message ona generic voicemail providing my phone number for contact.I received a returned voice message from [redacted] on 7/21/2016 at4:37 PM advising he was at would and would be available to receive a callthe following day after noon.On 7/22/2016 at 1:40 PM I called ###-###-#### and spoke with [redacted]. I explained that I was the initial representative correspondingwith him by email, and I apologized as with the escalation I was made moreaware of how "cold" the information can come across in writing. Iexplained that we definitely understand the circumstance and want him tounderstand that the advisement to work with his financial institution isthe ideal course of action to best secure his funds moving forward. Iadvised that If Consumers Energy were to find and refund the balance thatsomeone else provided us, it would offer him only a temporary fix, becausea refund by Consumers Energy would not take the financial information outof the unauthorized person's hands. Whereas the financial institutionshould have steps in place to ensure the security of the state of theaccount; and if the concern is addressed through the bank, they should beable to retrieve the funds and re-secure his account by supplying a newaccount number.We discussed that I did receive authorization to have the fundselectronically reversed to his account, however we would still encouragethat he go to his bank to address the security of his account to preventthis from occurring again. Mr. [redacted] indicated that with our emailcorrespondence he had already began the process with his bank and togetherwe decided that the funds would not be returned by Consumers Energy and hewould continue the process with his bank. I advised Mr. [redacted] that hecan reach out to me with any additional questions or concerns, and hethanked me for my follow up phone call.Complaint closed 7-22-2016Tell us why here...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of why I am rejecting this response appear below:
As nothing changed in the household for those 6 months and the values of electric use fall well outside the values ever demonstrated by myself, the current home owner, compensation will need to be provided regardless of the electric meter reading. I have allowed the current delay by Consumer's (allowing them to come check my meter) because of the possibility my meter was incorrect since it was replaced and additional compensation, on top of what should be coming due to the overcharge from June to December of 2016, is warranted.
09/22/2016 10:45:32 [redacted] I [redacted] (EIHALLEN)----------------------------------------------------------------------...⇄ # 1679 S Greenfield Cir NE Apt 201 Grand Rapids, MI 49505CA# 5018------------------------------------------------------------------------Serv...⇄ Dates: 10/22/2012 to...
PresentTotal account balance $105.1312 Month Payment HistoryDate Amount10/09/2015 $97.8712/11/2015 $50.8212/18/2015 $50.0004/08/2016 $75.0004/15/2016 $50.0006/23/2016 $50.0007/15/2016 $50.0008/17/2016 $50.0009/16/2016 $50.0009/21/2016 $332.30DunningDate Status08/25/2016 Mail turn-off notice $202.2609/07/2016 Mid-cycle call-not completed09/12/2016 Turn-off call-not completed09/13/2016 Mail intent09/20/2016 Interruption of serviceConsumers Energy has no record of having received any returned mailedcorrespondenceFor reconnection Consumers Energy waived the $105.00 security depositassessed.On 9/22/2016 at 10:32 AM I called ###-###-#### and spoke with [redacted]. We discussed the notices that were issued and that ConsumersEnergy did not received any returned correspondence. I explained thatcalls are made prior to interruption however the calls on record were notcompleted; I confirmed and updated the phone number on the account. Wediscussed alert preferences available and I encouraged that he set upalerts for reminders of the bill due dates and past due notices. Iadvised that I forwarded his situation to management in the contact centerfor a learning opportunity. For customer service I applied a $50.00credit to the account in the form of a good faith credit. Mr. [redacted]asked about transferring service and I provided him with the steps. Hethanked me for my call and my help.Complaint closed 9/22/2016Tell us why here...
[redacted] [redacted]
Dates of Service: 04/09/2012 - PresentDunning HistoryDate Action07/08/2016 Mailed Turn Off Notice07/12/2016 Mid Cycle Call Made07/15/2016 Mailed Intent to Disconnect08/08/2016 Service Disconnected12 Month Payment HistoryDate Payment08/28/2015...
$325.0009/25/2015 $10.0011/05/2015 $83.0012/21/2015 $220.0001/04/2016 $80.0001/05/2016 $80.0001/15/2016 $100.0001/29/2016 $90.0002/12/2016 $80.0003/11/2016 $265.0004/06/2016 $265.0005/24/2016 $265.0007/15/2016 $270.0008/08/2016 $1,078.05I contacted Ms. [redacted] at ###-###-#### on 08/09/2016 at 11:39 AM todiscuss her concerns regarding the recent disconnection of service.Although I was able to reach her, she told me that it was not a good timeand asked that I call back in a couple of hours. I told her that I wouldreach back out after 1:30 PM.08/11/2016 16:09:57 [redacted] C [redacted] (JCJOHNSO)I was unable to contact Ms. [redacted] back the same day, so I called heragain at ###-###-#### on 08/11/2016 at 4:13 PM and reached her voicemail.I left a message with my contact information and asked that she call mewhen she became available.08/12/2016 17:54:50 [redacted] C [redacted] (JCJOHNSO)- After reviewing her payment history and her active engagement on theaccount, I submitted a request to PO Box: Controls to waive both thesecurity deposit of $455.00 and reconnect fee of $50.00 from the account.I contacted Ms. [redacted] at ###-###-#### on 08/12/2016 at 1:46 PM andreached her voicemail. I left a message with my contact information andasked her to contact me to discuss her inquiry further. I also let herknow that I would be sending her a letter with additional details toresolve her concerns.I sent the following letter to Ms. [redacted] on 08/12/2016:[redacted]August 12, 2016[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted], MI 48634-9522 Dear Mrs. [redacted],This letter is in response to the concern you have about the fees attachedto your recent reconnection of service. After we initially spoke on08/09/2016, I attempted to call you back on 08/11/2016 and 08/12/2016, butwas unable to make contact. I hope this letter addresses your concerns.After reviewing your account, I see that you've consistently made paymentsand have kept up on your payment plan for most part. Although we haverecord of two mailed notices and a phone call being made to inform you ofthe shut-off status on the account, I understand that you didn't receivethem and am unable to provide further insight as to what had occurred toprevent that from being communicated to you.In light of customer service and considering your payment history as wellas the significant payment made to restore service, I've agreed to reverseboth the security deposit of $455.00 as well as the reconnect fee of$50.00. The total amount of $505.00 will be credited back to your energyaccount, bringing your balance down to $34.23 due 08/17/2016. You willnot be rebilled for this, but you will see the reversed charges on yournext bill following the scheduled meter read on 08/23/2016. Your paymentof $34.23 can be sent with your existing invoice or paid however youprefer.If you have any questions or further concerns, please feel free to contactme. My direct line is ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Care Representative[redacted].[redacted][redacted]Customer concerns have been addressed.Complaint closed 08/12/2016
STATUS REPORT ONLY - 04/27/2018 10:47:10 EST [redacted] N. [redacted] (EN[redacted])[redacted] / [redacted] ST [redacted] MI 49201-7511SERVICE DATES: 11/7/14-CURRENT-On 4/27 I called [redacted] and reached a voicemail. I left a messagewith my direct dial number and office hours for [redacted] to contact...
me andadvised that I will follow up once I have investigated further05/02/2018 13:50:57 EST [redacted] N. [redacted] (EN[redacted])ACCOUNT INFORMATION:-First smart meter installed on 1/9/2017then it looks like on 2/5/18 ce exchanged due to the socket burning up themeter,Then changed again on 4/2 with notes that cust is going to replace theirmtr socket.11/07/2014 11/17/2014 211/18/2014 12/16/2014 97312/17/2014 1/20/2015 1,286.001/21/2015 2/17/2015 1,073.002/18/2015 3/18/2015 9053/19/2015 4/17/2015 9994/18/2015 5/18/2015 8805/19/2015 6/17/2015 7656/18/2015 7/17/2015 7657/18/2015 8/18/2015 1,340.008/19/2015 9/15/2015 9879/16/2015 10/15/2015 92610/16/2015 11/16/2015 1,062.0011/17/2015 12/18/2015 1,093.0012/19/2015 1/21/2016 1,452.00 145081/22/2016 2/18/2016 1,037.002/19/2016 3/18/2016 1,031.003/19/2016 4/19/2016 1,414.004/20/2016 5/17/2016 7785/18/2016 6/20/2016 1,050.006/21/2016 7/18/2016 7226/21/2016 7/18/2016 7227/19/2016 8/17/2016 8918/18/2016 9/19/2016 1,130.009/20/2016 10/17/2016 86410/18/2016 11/18/2016 1,004.0011/19/2016 12/21/2016 1,182.0012/22/2016 1/19/2017 1,147.00 12,972.001/20/2017 2/19/2017 1,100.002/20/2017 3/20/2017 8973/21/2017 4/19/2017 8894/20/2017 5/18/2017 9625/19/2017 6/19/2017 1,084.006/20/2017 7/19/2017 1,035.007/20/2017 8/17/2017 6528/18/2017 9/18/2017 7119/19/2017 10/17/2017 55710/18/2017 11/15/2017 67911/16/2017 12/17/2017 1,090.0012/18/2017 1/21/2018 1,372.00 11,028.001/22/2018 2/19/2018 1,073.002/20/2018 3/20/2018 7353/21/2018 4/19/2018 1,484.0005/09/2018 15:39:27 EST [redacted] N. [redacted] (EN[redacted])-Sent the account over to SE Daily Operations to see if the current meteris still experiencing any events and any other information they couldprovide-They were able to confirm that the following meters were on the home andthat the exchange was due to heat events being reported and the customersmeter socket needing to be replacedMeter #1: [redacted] (1/9/2017 # 2/4/2018)Meter #2: [redacted] (2/5/2018 # 4/1/2018)Meter #3: [redacted] (4/2/2018 # current)-Despite the issues with the heat events, the usage is in line with thepast history for the location-Customer did speak with customer service regarding the opt out for thesmart meter program and requested the fees to be waived. Was advised thefees will not be waived and that she would be required to pay the $123.91plus the $9.72 per month-There was no request to opt out prior to installation and notificationwas sent that the smart meters would be installed
She is willing except the offer from consumers energy with ssp payment option to save the bill and she told us she be willing to pay $122 by march 8 and $149 from than on I just need someone to contact her to but her mind at ease or adjust the bill and send her email confirming that if be willing to do this I will consider the matter closed.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
02/24/2018 11:57:59 EST [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])CUSTOMER INFORMATION:[redacted] J [redacted]CA# [redacted] MI 49288-9655Dates of service: 04/02/15 - present.RELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION:- Electric smart meter installed 10/11/16.- Electric usage history for this address:Month 2015 2016 2017...
2018Jan 210 1456 1762 2213Feb 210 1429 1576 2061Mar 404 1537 1410Apr 356 1390 1483May 356 1094 1054Jun 97 827 896Jul 187 704 943Aug 181 1217 1023Sep 1128 962 808Oct 648 878 921Nov 165 830 828Dec 1657 1280 1259CUSTOMER CONTACT SUMMARY:02/14/18: 1:45 PM - [redacted] B. called and spoke to [redacted], discussinghis concerns.- Home is heated with propane and has some electric base board heat aswell.- Reviewed with him his Energy Use Details and discussed temperaturesduring the January billing cycle.- His usage does show some impact based on the temperature as well as theimpact that the electric heat has on his bill. Customer understands thatthe electric heat will impact his usage but didn't think it would be soextreme.- Discussed the customer's concerns about the accuracy of the smart meteras he has seen it discussed on social media.SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION:- High bill: Customer is aware of the meter's accuracy and his usage is inline with previous usage at this location considering the extremely coldweather we experienced during the January billing period, and his use ofelectric baseboard heaters in the home.
[redacted] E [redacted] Jr.[redacted] MI 48433-1043I have remarked the account.03/07/2016 15:21:53 [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])I've sent an email to [redacted] for resolution.I've sent the following email to the customer:Dear Mr. [redacted],I#m pleased to let you know that we#ve received your...
concerns about thefurnace repair from the Eastern I have forwardedyour concerns to the Appliance Service Plan Management Team for review,and they will be following up with you within the next 24 hours. If youhave any questions or concerns prior to them contacting you, pleaserespond to this email.Respectfully,[redacted] A. [redacted]Customer Care RepresentativeOffice: ###-###-####Fax: ###-###-####[redacted].[redacted]@cmsenergy.com03/09/2016 16:59:01 [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])I've sent a reminder to [redacted] and [redacted] who is filling in for [redacted],that this is due tomorrow.03/10/2016 16:34:31 [redacted] A. [redacted] (JA[redacted])Per [redacted]:After speaking with the customer, it was discovered that the assignedcontractor was not able to work on Lennox furnaces and had not notifiedus.Another contractor was assigned and they called the customer to schedulethe repair. The contractor and customer agreed on scheduling the work forthis morning, 3/10.[redacted] followed up with the customer this afternoon, and the furnace isfixed and running and the customer is very happy.COMPLAINT CLOSED 03/10/16
09/19/2016 13:37:39 [redacted] C [redacted] (JCJOHNSO)[redacted] / 4159[redacted] MI 49461-9753Dates of Service: Prior to July 2008 - PresentI contacted Mrs. [redacted] at 231-766-9277 on 09/19/2016 at 1:36 PM todiscuss the inquiry that she submitted to the Revdex.comregarding...
her credit card and autopay information and reached hervoicemail. I left a message with my contact information as well as thereason for my call and asked that she call me when she was available todiscuss this further.09/22/2016 16:10:51 [redacted] C [redacted] (JCJOHNSO)Mrs. [redacted] contacted me back on 09/20/2016 at 6:47 PM to discuss theproblems that she's having with her eServices account and automaticpayment. I found that her online account had not been accessed since weupdated our system in March 2015, so we would need to manually reset herpassword, which was completed.Once she had access to the account, I walked her through the process ofupdating her card information and re-enrolling in recurring card payments.After we completed that, I informed her that her balance of $167.07 wouldbe pulled at midnight and her payments from there would be automaticallypulled when the bill is generated.- Mrs. [redacted] was successfully enrolled in recurring card payments withher updated card information.I apologized to her for the difficulty that she had in completing thisupdate with Customer Service. I told her that there was likely amiscommunication between her and the previous representative that shespoke with that led to the incorrect account being updated and assured herthat the account for [redacted] was now set up correctly on autopay. Ialso verified that no late payment charges have been applied and theservice is not at risk of being disconnected.Although we're aware of the high call volume that customers have recentlybeen experiencing and are making adjustments to mitigate that, I informedMs. [redacted] that her customer service concerns would be forwarded to ourContact Center to analyze. I told her that I would make sure that herconcerns are heard.- I've forwarded Mrs. [redacted]'s concerns to [redacted] in Customer ExperienceDelivery to ensure our Contact Center is aware of these problems.Ms. [redacted] thanked me for my assistance and verified that she had nofurther questions. I told her that she can keep my contact informationfor the future in case she has any other issues as well.Customer concerns have been addressed.Complaint closed 09/20/2016
01/19/2017 16:06:26 EST [redacted] ([redacted] / [redacted]1/19/2017 Called and left a voicemail for Mr. [redacted]01/20/2017 09:59:17 EST [redacted] ([redacted])1/20/2017 Called and left a voicemail for Mr. [redacted]01/24/2017 08:29:48 EST [redacted] ([redacted])I have not...
been able to reach Mr. [redacted] by phone, I was not sure exactlywhat his meter concerns were. The recent change was the installation ofhis smart meter, therefore I addressed the testing of the smart meter andalso provided the history for his consumption.I sent the following letter for closure.January 24, 2017[redacted]Account Number: [redacted]Dear Mr. [redacted],This letter is in response to the inquiry you filed with the regarding your Consumers Energy account.Unfortunately, I have not been able to reach you by telephone.First let me start by apologizing for any frustrations or inconveniencesyou may have experienced with Consumers Energy.I have reviewed your account, and our records show your gas meter wasinstalled in 1991 and your new smart meter was installed November 23,2016. Prior to installation the smart meter serving your home was testedfor accuracy and the meter tested within the *Michigan Public ServiceCommission guidelines at 100%.I have compared your electric and gas consumption to your prior historyand your current billing consumption is in line with your homes potentialuse.Dates of Service MCF kWh Billed12/9/2016 1/11/2017 12.6 442 $166.3712/10/2015 1/13/2016 9.1 323 $124.4412/7/2014 1/9/2015 11.9 368 $167.8912/10/2013 1/10/2014 17.5 402 $213.5612/9/2012 1/10/2013 13.6 444 $192.1412/8/2011 1/9/2012 13.1 416 $192.41I would be happy to further discuss your billing or meter concerns. Pleasefeel free to contact me at [redacted] if you have any questionsregarding this matter. At this time I have closed your inquiry.Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Care Representative[redacted][email protected]: Eastern*the accuracy standard for gas and electric meters is plus or minus 2.0%.This means that meters testing between 98.0% to 102.0% are accuratemeters. Metes that do not test within the allowable limits of accuracyarea subject to the rules governing the adjustment of bills due to themeter error as defined by the Michigan Public Service Commission.Closed complaint 1/24/2017
[redacted] MI 48617Dates of Service: December 23, 2015 - January 1, 2016I have remarked the account.[redacted]Time LineDate Action12/22/15 Service Requested for [redacted] by [redacted] -balance owed of $125.5312/23/15 Payment of $125.53 - received12/23/15 Request Reversed -...
per [redacted]12/23/15 Service Requested for [redacted] by [redacted] -documentation requested12/29/15 Lease Received - in [redacted] & [redacted] name12/29/15 Service Placed in [redacted] name - balance owed of $288.31from previous address12/30/15 Salvation Army Authorized Payment of $288.3101/02/16 Service Placed in [redacted] Name01/02/16 Service Turned on at 3:13 pm[redacted]12/30/15 - At 1:16 pm I called [redacted] at ###-###-#### and left him avoicemail with my contact information.01/04/16 - At 9:34 am I called [redacted] at ###-###-#### and left him anothervoicemail with my contact information.01/04/16 - Due to no response from [redacted] I sent him the following letter:January 4, 2016[redacted], MI 48617Account Number: [redacted]Dear Mr. [redacted],I am writing in response to the inquiry that you placed with the BetterBusiness Bureau. I understand this is regarding having services placedinto your name. Sadly I have not been able to reach you by telephone.After reviewing your account I see that you had requested service in yourname at [redacted], [redacted] on 12/22/15 but you had an outstandingbalance of $125.53 that had to be paid before we could process yourrequest and it was received on 12/23/15. That request was reversed as youhave requested and you then requested service in your name at [redacted]Dr., [redacted] and we required documentation to complete the request.On 12/29/15 we received your documentation and the rental agreement was inboth you and your wife [redacted]#s name. Because [redacted] had an outstandingbalance the service was placed into her name and her balance had to bepaid before the electric service could be restored. [redacted] from ourinvestigation department attempted to call you on 12/29/15 to explain thisbut there was no answer and voicemail was not set up so she was unable toleave a message.Our records show that on 12/30/15 Salvation Army authorized a payment of$288.31 to cover the outstanding balance owed by [redacted]. When youcontacted us on 1/2/16 our customer service representative was able tohave the services turned on in your name at [redacted], [redacted]. Theservice was turned on at 3:13 pm on 1/2/16.I do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you haveany further questions please call me directly at ###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Care Representative###-###-####[redacted].[redacted]@cmsenergy.comCC: Revdex.comComplaint closed________________________________________________________________________
09/01/2017 13:48:32 EST [redacted] s [redacted] (ASBERTRA)[redacted] / 7242[redacted] AVE FLINTSERVICE DATES - 9/4/2014 - 8/16/20163/20/2015 PRIOR COMPLAINT WITH CMH [redacted]5- Same issue and [redacted] wasunable to reach the customer by phone. A letter was mailed with abreakdown of the transfer addresses and...
dates. A hearing was not requestedwhen this complaint was filed.1/24/2017 PRIOR COMPLAINT WITH ASB [redacted]1- Same issue, I was not ableto reach customer by phone. Sent almost an identical letter to Claudia'swith the breakdown of the transfers. A hearing was not requested when thiscomplaint was filed.TRANSFER HISTORYTransfer FromAccount 5065[redacted].Flint, MI 48505Closed 12/20/2007Final Bill $1,505.61Transfer ToAccount [redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506Start Date 03/17/2010End Date 02/06/2011Final Bill $2,292.18Transfer Date03/17/2010----------------------Transfer FromAccount [redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506Start Date 03/17/2010End Date 02/06/2011Final Bill $2,292.18Transfer ToAccount 9320[redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506-3058Start Date 02/07/2011Closed 06/20/2011Final Bill $3,715.84Transfer Date03/03/2011---------------------Transfer ToAccount 9320[redacted] Ave.Flint, MIStart Date 02/07/2011End Date 06/20/2011Final Bill $3,715.84Transfer ToOpen-Active Account7242[redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506-3058Start Date 09/24/2014Transfer Date01/05/2015-----------------------TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSFER $3715.84TOTAL ACCUMULATED LATE PAYMENT CHARGES SINCE TRANSFER $1629.13REMAINING ACCOUNT BALANCE $1455.34, unpaid balance from 9/4/2014 to8/16/2016 while services were in [redacted]'s name.CUSTOMER CONTACT9/1/2017 - Left a voicemail for Mr. [redacted] to call me back regardinghis concerns.09/11/2017 10:12:39 EST [redacted] s [redacted] (ASBERTRA)9/11/2017 Left a voicemail for Mr. [redacted] to call me back regardinghis concerns.09/12/2017 13:41:00 EST [redacted] s [redacted] (ASBERTRA)[redacted]Correction to the amount of Late payment charges removed, $1551.85 wasremoved. $77.28 of the Late payment charges were valid and charged towardthe balance that had accumulated 9/4/2014 to 8/16/2016Account balance is $1532.62The following letter has been mailed since I have not been successful withreaching Mr. [redacted]September 12, 2017[redacted] AveFlint, MI 48506-3058Account Number: 7242Dear Mr. [redacted],This letter is in response to the inquiry you filed with the regarding your utility bill.I have reviewed your account and our records show you previously filed aninquiry in 2015 regarding this same issue. At that time [redacted]sent you a letter of explanation. An additional inquiry was filed January2017 and I sent a letter of explanation as well.I understand your concern is regarding the $3,715.84 energy charged toyour account. Per the prior investigation completed on your account ourrecords show each time you moved to a new address the final billing wastransferred to your active account. Below is a list of the accounts andaddresses.Transfer FromAccount 5065[redacted].Flint, MI 48505Closed 12/20/2007Final Bill $1,505.61Transfer ToAccount [redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506Start Date 03/17/2010End Date 02/06/2011Final Bill $2,292.18Transfer Date03/17/2010----------------------Transfer FromAccount [redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506Start Date 03/17/2010End Date 02/06/2011Final Bill $2,292.18Transfer ToAccount 9320[redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506-3058Start Date 02/07/2011Closed 06/20/2011Final Bill $3,715.84Transfer Date03/03/2011---------------------Transfer ToAccount 9320[redacted] Ave.Flint, MIStart Date 02/07/2011End Date 06/20/2011Final Bill $3,715.84Transfer ToOpen-Active Account7242[redacted] Ave.Flint, MI 48506-3058Start Date 09/24/2014Transfer Date01/05/2015-----------------------According to public records and credit reports you resided at [redacted]Street and [redacted] Avenue when the energy charges were accrued.In my review of your account I was able to determine that the balance of$3715.84 exceeds the 6 year collectable rule. Therefore the amount willremain owed under your name but will not be required to be paid for toobtain service and will not be transferred to an active account. Latepayment charges associated with the balance have been removed as well inthe amount of $1551.85.The collectable balance left owing is $1532.62. This balance along with asecurity deposit of $145.00 will need to be paid in full to obtainutilities services.Please if you have any additional questions. I can be reached directly at###-###-####.Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Care Representativeas[redacted]@cmsenergy.comcc: Eastern Revdex.comClosed complaint 9/12/2017Tell us why here...
03/28/2016 18:07:18 [redacted] J [redacted] (DJ[redacted])[redacted] MI 48161Dates of Service: January 1, 2010 - PresentI have remarked the account.Current Balance: $116.71[redacted]12 Month Payment HistoryDate Amount01/15/15 $ 72.1702/17/15 $ 25.0903/26/15 $ 26.5404/13/15 $...
27.2208/13/15 $168.1310/12/15 $ 94.9911/18/15 $ 26.41- Payments made online[redacted]- Emails have been sent each month to alert that their ebill is ready toview.[redacted]3/23/16 - At 5:05 pm I called [redacted] at ###-###-#### and spoke to him abouthis concerns. I apologized that when he called into customer service thatthe calls were disconnected but that I would be happy to help him withthis.I let him know that we have sent an email to him every month to let himknow that his ebill is ready to view. I explained to him that because ofthe large volume of emails that we send out each day that sometimes theycan end up in either a junk or spam folder. I also explained that even ifhe doesn't receive that email he would be able to view his bill online.I asked [redacted] if he was able to log into his online account and he told methat he could. [redacted] said that when he tries to make a payment that oursystem will not let it complete.I told [redacted] that I would be happy to help him with that and asked if hewas at a computer now to log in. I let him know that we would just havehim enter in his checking account information again and he should be ableto make the payment. He told me that he wasn't at a computer right nowbut would be in a few minutes. He said that he would get logged in thengive me a call back so I could help him make the payment. I let him knowthat I would remove all late charges for him.[redacted] left me a voicemail after I had left for the day stating that he hadgotten tied up with work and hadn't been able to give me a call back butwould do so the next day.3/28/16 - At 12:23 pm I called [redacted] at ###-###-#### and asked if he was ata computer at this time and he stated that he was on a job and would giveme a call back later today.At 5:14 pm I called [redacted] again at ###-###-#### and he stated that he wasbusy and would have to give me a call back another day to try and completehis payment. I let him know he can call whenever he has a few minutes andI will help him complete his payment.Final Resolution with [redacted] March 28, 2016Mr. [redacted] aware of resolution
03/12/2018 12:09:03 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])CUSTOMER INFORMATION[redacted] M [redacted] / [redacted] / [redacted] RD HESPERIADates of Service: 11/03/2014 - PresentRELEVANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION- Mr. [redacted] is currently on the Shutoff Protection Plan for $234.00 permonth- The enrollment took place on...
01/23/2018- The January bill was generated on 01/25/2018due on 02/19/2018 for$234.00- The next bill was generated on 02/23/2018 for $468.00 (2 SPP Paymentsowing)- We received a $234.00 payment on 03/08/2018, this took care of theJanuary SPP payment, due on 02/19/2018- As of today, 03/12/2018, the SPP amount owing is $234.00CUSTOMER CONTACT SUMMARY- Left message for Mrs. [redacted] on 03/12/2018 at 12:55 PM, at phone number###-###-####03/12/2018 16:52:17 EST [redacted] W. [redacted] (BW[redacted])- Ms. [redacted] called back on 03/12/2018- I apologized for the misinformation provided by the first CSR- She is aware I will be providing this for coaching- I went through the timeline above and explained why she does owe the$234.00 for her SPP payment- She said she never received the first bill with the SPP payment owing- I then offered her a $50.00 credit; she accepted- She thanked me for following up- Requested $50.00 amends on accountSUMMARY OF RESOLUTION- Address claim of billed for two cycles in one month/Need for adjustmentResolution: Customer didn't receive first bill on SPP, received secondbill and paid it shortly after receiving it. She is aware she owes forboth payments, minus the $50.00 credit. Mrs. [redacted] knows there will beno further bill adjustment beyond the credit offered.- Address rude customer serviceResolution: I apologized for the way she was treated and let her know Iwould be providing this feedback to our Contact Center for internalfollow-up.I provided this information to John Racine for Contact Center follow-up.Corporate Complaint closed 03/12/2018
02/06/2018 11:56:02 EST [redacted] ([redacted] / 8074[redacted]Service dates 12/02/17 to PresentCalled [redacted] at 630-520-3033, got voicemail. Left message with my contact info on it and will call her back tomorrow 02/7/18.02/06/2018 12:17:42 EST [redacted]...
[redacted] ([redacted])Meter Read & consumption12/05/17-12/21/17 Actual 1218kwh12/22/17-01/25/18 Actual 2255kwh01/25/18-02/06/18 Actual 345kwh12:17pm [redacted] returned my call, we went over her usage and I looked at previous electric usage here. Her current bill has usage of approximately 700kwh more than the highest bill here in the past. [redacted] stated she has boiler heat but also has a baseboard heater in her upstairs loft area. This has been set at approximately 55 degrees. She went on to say that she recently shut it off and has been leaving her boiler temp set at 63-65. She had been advised by customer service to turn it down to 55. I explained that would be incorrect given that the furnace is older and it isn't as efficient as current day boilers. It would take her longer and use more gas to heat her home that way. She did have the furnace inspected and they said it is running great. We went back to discussing her electric usage and that I am going to try to ping (get a read) from her meter. I couldn't get my system to do it so I a co-worker do it for me and we obtained a read of 35496 which shows 348kwh more used since 01/25/18. I also explained to her that she can verify this read when she gets home by looking at her meter. This equates to an average of 31.63kwh compared to the 64kwh per day she was using prior to shutting the baseboard heat down. I reiterated that this was an average and that the usage was probably higher before she shut it off and could be lower now that she has it off. She was happy to hear this. We discussed the bill itself and her ability to pay it. I explained that I am happy to work with her on it. I asked her to check her finances and see what she can pay on 02/20/2018 and I will spread the rest out for her. While the bill is currently high she is happy to know that she found the cause and that we will work with her on the bill. I apologized for any incorrect or inadequate info given to her by customer service and asked her to call me direct if she has further questions and to call by 02/20/18 if she needs additional time for payment. She thanked me for speaking to her and helping her. She had no further questions.CLOSED 2-6-2018