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Affinion Group, Inc.

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Reviews Affinion Group, Inc.

Affinion Group, Inc. Reviews (1491)

Review: I joined Greatfun and it was going good, a few weeks into my membership I received 2 coupons for $30 rebates on any purchase so I sent both coupons in with the receipts and today I received a letter saying my rebates were denied due to already being credited which makes no sense since I never received the $60 from it I ask Greatfun award me the $60 owed to me for the rebates I sent inDesired Settlement: Reward both $30 rebates



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with his Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation. Our records indicate that [redacted] was enrolled in our Great Fun service on November 28, 2014, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun. The offer for joining Great Fun was $60 worth of purchase rebates. In order to avail himself of the promotional offer, [redacted] was required to return the rebate forms that were included in his membership kit or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process along with his corresponding receipts of purchase. Upon receipt of the completed rebate forms and receipts, [redacted] rebate checks would have been delivered within 4-6 weeks. [redacted] previously filed a complaint indicating that he had not received his rebate forms in a timely manner. In order to uphold our high level of customer satisfaction, we asked [redacted] to either e-mail or fax his receipts to my attention, and I would have his rebates processed by our Claims department. On December 16, 2014, I received a receipt from [redacted] for a purchase from [redacted]. This receipt was forwarded to our Claims department, and a $60 check was sent to [redacted]. Our records indicate that this check was cashed on January 14, 2015. The rebate forms that [redacted] received in the mail were for the original rebates that he was offered as an incentive for joining Great Fun. Because these rebates were already paid to [redacted], his following rebate submissions have been found to be ineligible for payment. We regret any misunderstanding concerning the terms of the promotional offer. [redacted] can be assured that his Great Fun membership was canceled on January 1, 2015, and he will not be charged a monthly fee for the service. We apologize for any inconvenience that [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction. Sincerely, [redacted]Customer Relations



Review: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Please note the $60 rebate for [redacted] are not the rebates I'm speaking of, a few weeks into my membership I received 2 coupons from Greatfun for $30 off a past purchase when I sent them in and a receipt, so I sent those in and received a letter weeks later that I was denied because I supposedly have already got paid for them when I did not. I have cancelled my membership since then [for good reasons from the looks of it up] but was planning on resuming it later this year after I situate my taxes as from a first time user view it looks like a great program but obviously they need to work on their organizing, I've purchased things with the intent of receiving that $60 so I am going to need that in order to pay off my purchases you can make up whatever excuse you want but that doesn't change the fact I received two coupons from Greatfun for $30 eachSincerely,[redacted]



Review: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:As stated before the $60 I received from [redacted] is totally different from the 2 rebate coupons you guys sent me so quit trying to divert attention to the first deal, it's the coupons I received in the mail after I received the $60 from [redacted] that I want to take advantage of I made purchases based off these two rebate coupons so I expect to receive the money owed to me in a timely fashion these coupons came the first week of January and sent in then denied by you guys because you tried saying I was already credited for them when I was not the $60 I got from making a purchase from [redacted] isn't the same as the 2 rebate coupons you sent meSincerely,[redacted]



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] additional concerns. The offer given to [redacted] for joining the Great Fun service was $60 worth of rebates. Per the terms of the offer, members are eligible to redeem these rebates only one time. In order to avail themselves of our promotional offer, members are normally required to return the rebate forms that are included in their membership kit or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process along with their corresponding receipts of purchase. When [redacted] previously filed the complaint that we received on December 12, 2014, indicating that he had yet to receive his rebate forms, we requested for additional forms to be sent to him. However, in order to uphold our high level of customer satisfaction, we also gave [redacted] the option of either e-mailing or faxing his receipts directly to me without the rebate forms included so that I could have his rebates expedited. On December 16, 2014, [redacted] e-mailed me a copy of his receipt for a purchase from [redacted], and a $60 check was sent to him. After [redacted] e-mailed his receipt to us, he received the additional rebate forms that we had requested to have sent to him. He has attempted to submit these forms for additional rebates to which he is not entitled. Please advise [redacted] that he may call me at [redacted] to listen to a recording of his enrollment call that verifies that the rebate forms that he has received and tried to submit are the rebates that he was originally offered for trying the service. These rebates were already paid to [redacted] when he e-mailed us his receipt for a purchase from [redacted]. We again regret any misunderstanding regarding our promotional offer. [redacted] Great Fun membership was canceled on January 1, 2015, and he was not charged a monthly fee for the service. Sincerely, [redacted]Customer Relations



Review: 10423077I am rejecting this response because:My problem with this is the rebate forms didn't come in a timely fashion it seems you guys wait till close to the end period of membership before these rebate forms actually appear I think that's pretty scandelous to do just so you can get people to continue your service if you do not credit me the $60 owed to me I will make sure people know about your shady business pratices, this includes review sites and your [redacted] page, you sent the forms out late? okay that's fine problem is you sent them out weeks after you credited me the first $60 so one naturally presumes that their entitled to the rebates sent out, this is a error on your guys part not mine Sincerely,[redacted]

Review: This company has been pulling out $45.00 from my credit union account for several years without my consent. I found out only recently when I noticed withdrawals on the account.

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

Put an end to these deceptive practices by this organization and the credit unions through which they are advertising.



Business Response /* (-10, 6, 2013/04/23) */

We are currently researching Mr. [redacted]'s complaint and [redacted] provide a response shortly.


Customer Relations

Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2013/04/23) */

April 23, 2013 ("")


Complainant: [redacted] E [redacted]

Dear Madam or Sir:

This is in response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint filed with your office, received in our office April 22, 2013.

In response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint, we are unable to provide specific details on this website as this pertains to insurance information. Please be assured a response [redacted] be mailed directly to Mr. [redacted] addressing his concerns.


Compliance Paralegal

cc: [redacted]

Consumer Response /* (3000, 9, 2013/04/26) */

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT ACCEPT the response from the business.)

I received a note from the company attached with the activation form signed by me on 8/6/07. Two things were not provided to me in order for this to be a binding contract. 1. I was never provided from the company a rate schedule indicating how much was to be withdrawn from my account. 2. In the time this money has been withdrawn from my account I have not received a certificate of insurance to indicate coverage under this plan. The company letter notes that a certificate of insurance was mailed to me on 1 August 2007. I signed this document on the 6th of August 2007. This whole process is nothing but a scam.

Business Response /* (4000, 11, 2013/05/07) */

May 7, 2013 ("")


Dear Madam or Sir:

This is in response to the Complainant's response submitted to your website on April 26, 2013.

As the complainant's expresses concern regarding insurance, we are unable to provide a detailed response on this website.

Please be assured a detailed response [redacted] be sent directly to the complainant by the carrier.


Affinion Benefits Group, LLC

Third Party Administrator

cc: Carrier

Business Response /* (1000, 15, 2013/05/23) */

[redacted] 24, 2013 Case#: XXXXXXXX

Dear Madam or Sir:

This is in response to the complainants rebuttal to our direct notfication to him.

Please be advised this has been sent to the carrier and they are responding directly to the cmoplainant.

Thank you,

Affinion Benefits Group, LLC

Consumer Response /* (3000, 17, 2013/06/02) */

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT ACCEPT the response from the business.)

I do not accept their response for the following reasons:1)If I signed the Activation/Enrollment Form on August 6, 2007,How is it possible to enroll/process/issue a Certificate of Insurance to me on August 1,2007? 2) According to Affinion/Hartford documentation, I was signed up for $101,000 of coverage.$1000 was to be paid up front by [redacted].Total amount of coverage was $101,000. The Rate Schedule from Hartford dated May 24, 2013,clearly indicates that for a family coverage is $15, charged quarterly to your account not the $45 amount charged to my account for the past six years. Close examination to the rate schedule reveals that a family covered under the $300,000 policy would pay a $45 dollar premium to be paid quarterly. Both entities in their corresponces have been adamant that I had signed up for the $100,000 policy and furnished copies as proof. All I ask is that the kindly request the agency return the $720 dollars I was overcharged for. Also,in closing, please note that Hartford's representative insinuated that the above mentioned contradictions/discrepancies were the "result of a scrivener's error." The use of this terminology only shows that someone higher-up is trying desperately to shift blame.It does not negate the fact that the proof is in their written correspondence.

Business Response /* (4000, 19, 2013/06/18) */

June 18, 2013

Better Business Buerau Complaint #XXXXXXXX

Dear Madam or Sir:

This is in response to the above referenced complaint.

Please be advised a response has been mailed directly to the complainant, via overnight mail. The complainant should be in receipt of our response by 7/19/2013.


Affinion Benefits Group, LLC

Plan Administrator

Business Response /* (-10, 20, 2013/06/18) */

[redacted]Correction to submitted response[redacted]

The complainant should be in receipt of our response by 6/19/2013.

Thank you,

Review: After making an online hotel reservation transaction, an ad for a $25 refund popped up. I thought it was a part of my regular Rewards program, so I called the number to collect the refund. [redacted] said I would receive $25 after enrolling in [redacted]) for $1 & would continue to receive such benefits. I told her I didnt travel much, & didnt want to do it. She insisted that I should take advantage for $1, since I could cancel at any time during the 30 days, and the $25, an additional $50 toward travel, & $20 for gas, would be mine to keep, no matter what. I said no again, & she kept insisting I wouldnt lose anything. Finally, I said ok, for $1, I would do it. Yesterday morning, I got a bad feeling, & called back. [redacted] told me they only did enrollment & to call customer service at ###-###-####. [redacted] said they couldnt cancel my membership because they didnt have my information from enrollment. I spoke with his supervisor, [redacted], who said the same. I called enrollment back & said customer service said enrollment still had my information. [redacted] said she couldnt because they didnt have the information, since it was sent for verification. Sarcastically, I asked if they had someone running around with a paper & pencil with my information. [redacted] said it was on the computer. I asked why she couldnt cancel it then, & she said I didnt have a # yet. Id have to call CS when I got their info. I asked if enrollment were a [redacted] & she only said they were partnered with [redacted]. After a few tries, she said her companys name was [redacted]. I got 2 separate emails from 2 companies, 2 member #s, & 2 #s to call to cancel, along with 2 $1 charges on my credit card. I called to cancel [redacted] & [redacted] said I would have to cancel Shoppers Advantage separately. I was transferred & spoke with [redacted] to cancel that. I said I hadnt agreed to membership with them, & he said I had when I agreed to the $20 gas card. I told him to cancel immediately. They are very deceptive.Desired Settlement: As a matter of principle against such deceptive practices, I want my two $1 charges on my credit card reversed. It isn't much money - it's the principle. I didn't agree to sign up with [redacted] & Shoppers Advantage. If I hadn't caught it & called both to cancel, they would be charging $16.99/month for Shoppers Advantage, because I didn't know I was signing up for multiple memberships. I should ask for my "yours to keep, no matter what" gifts/refunds. Too good to be true ALWAYS is.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with her [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by [redacted] Corporation.

By way of background, [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the services. An individual member may join [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly.

Our records indicate that [redacted] was enrolled in our [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage services on July 9, 2014, after making an online hotel reservation, and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent reservation by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. The offer for joining [redacted] Advantage was $75 worth of rebates for travel reservations. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $20 in rebates for gas purchases.

[redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that [redacted] provided her date of birth to the representative confirming her authorization to enroll in both of the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage. As such, [redacted]’s [redacted] Advantage and Shoppers Advantage memberships were both canceled on July 11, 2014, and a refund for each of the $1 trial fees will be issued to her credit card account.

We apologize for any inconvenience that [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and I accept it. It is not satisfactory, although the charges have been credited back to my card. Their tactics are nothing less than a scam, and they should be put out of business.

The response from the company was, at best, nothing less than a bunch of half-truths, that completely insult my intelligence and dignity. I, whole-heartedly, disagree with the response that was given. Giving the representative my birthdate DID NOT mean that I understood that I was agreeing to joining two separate clubs. It meant that I was agreeing to try [redacted] Advantage for 30 days for one dollar. I did not hear anyone switch gears and throw in the name Shoppers Advantage. The representative, who kept talking over me, did mention the $20 gas rebate; but I NEVER heard her mention Shoppers Advantage or more charges. I think I would have noticed had she indicated that, FOR AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO MY CREDIT CARD, I would be enrolled in another trial scam. She just kept saying, for one dollar, I could try this for 30 days. Then, if I canceled during that 30 days, the hotel and gas rebates were mine to keep. Again, she talked over me a lot, when I tried to say , "NO", so that would have been the only time she could have slipped anything in about anything else. When she started talking over me, I should have just hung up the phone. I should have known it was a scam, when she wouldn't take "NO" for an answer.

As for their comment about trying to help their customers by cancelling as soon as possible, that simply is not true. The very next morning, I called the original phone number back, so I could cancel. The representative told me I would have to call customer service. I called customer service, and they said they didn't have the information - enrollment still had it. I called enrollment and they couldn't access it, although it was in their computer system. That's when I told them I would be contacting the It takes threats and following through with them to get a cancelation processed as soon as possible.

I hope their license to do business is pulled, at least in our state.


Review: With out autherization the insurance company began taking money out of my bank account for the insurance on a regular basis . I called and told them no asked for this and they said they would send a letter to be filled out and the money would be returned to account and they did then out of the blue almost a year later it all started again . Called again and got the same answer but this time after filling out the forms they refused to cancel policy our bank sent them a notorised letter and I sent another one of there form letters again the next day . Now 2 weeks later I received a letter saying they have no record of me and snt a different form wanting even more information that I do not have and have never had about a policy number and group number so this time I called to let them know I was turning it into the , if they continue to take money out of my bank account I will be back in touch with you . How many times do I have to tell them I never asked for this insurance and ask to have it cancelled am I required to ask this before taking action ?Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

$ 82.50 dollars returned to my bank account and insurance canceled



December 8, 2014 VIA ONLINE SUBMISSION (“”) Complaint Department RE: Case #: [redacted] Dear Sir or Madam: This correspondence is in regard to the above referenced complaintfiled with your office. Due to Privacy, we are not able to provide specific informationregarding insurance related matters on this website. Please be assured that awritten response addressing all issues raised by the complainant will be sentdirectly to the Primary Insured under separate cover within the next seven (7)to ten (10) business days. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter. Sincerely, Third Party Administrator cc: carrier

Review: Travel Advantage was an option as an additional service when I booked an airline flight through [redacted] Feb 2014 but it was totally cancelled and I didn't choose to take this option. I was billed $16.99 through my online bank account monthly for 9 months costing me $152.91 for nothing. When I called the 800 number listed on my account to find out what the charge was for I was told that I didn't call to cancel within 30 days and an original email was sent to my email and my account continued to be charged until I called today to cancel. I want my money refunded for services I did not use or want.Desired Settlement: I want $152.91 refunded to my account asap for services I did not want or use. I cancelled my airline flight and plan and didn't even go on the trip.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Travelers Advantage membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation. By way of background, Travelers Advantage is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Travelers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge. After researching her concerns, we found that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in our Travelers Advantage service on February 26, 2014, after being transferred to one of our representatives by Allegiant Airlines. Travelers Advantage goes to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the membership. If Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel her membership at the end of the trial period, she was charged the monthly membership fee. The terms of the agreement provided that, in order to ensure uninterrupted service, the membership would be renewed each month at the then current membership fee. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in Travelers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s membership was canceled on December 5, 2014, and a refund of $153.91 is being issued to her debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely, [redacted]

Review: I have cancelled with this company multiple times, and each time I'm given a "cancellation code" and yet the following month I am charged again. They do not want to cancel, so I have to spend a half an hour on the phone with them demanding that service please stop. I have never received any products (coupons or otherwise), so essentially I am being unwillingly charge 16.99 for nothing. I have researched online that I am not the only one with this issue. After they promise it has been cancelled, and I'm charged again, they inform maybe its from their 'sister company' but the charge originates from them (as stated on my bank receipts). I have asked to speak to management and my request is ignored, and instead spoken over with more sales pitches.Desired Settlement: I just want my money back and for them to stop charging me. I have received no product, so I do not understand why I am being charged.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun on January 4, 2014. On that date, she was asked if she would like to learn about a special offer when trying the services for trial periods. The offer for trying Shoppers Advantage was a $50 shopping credit. The offer related to Great Fun was a $40 [redacted] gift card. Ms. [redacted] provided her first and last name, address, and billing information in order to accept the offers in the services.

During the enrollments, Ms. [redacted] was provided with the terms of the memberships in Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun. Great care is taken to ensure that the consumer authorizes enrollment in the programs. Unless the consumer affirmatively elects to subscribe, they will not be enrolled as a member, nor billed the fees at the end of the trial periods. Trial members may cancel at anytime within the trial periods by simply calling our toll-free numbers, which are provided during enrollment and listed on the membership materials and owe nothing further.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Shoppers Advantage and Great Fun. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on January 28th, 2014, and she was not charged a fee for the service. Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on May 8th, 2014, and a refund of $50.97 will be issued to her debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I received in the mail a notice for past due payment on coverage for an Accident protection plan that I do not own !! I called the [redacted] number and was given a chance to get a free restaraunt gift card and then an 800 number to call that connected me to [redacted] !!?? Seems to be a fraud here... thanks

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)

info on results !



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/04/11) */

April 11, 2013



Dear Madame or Sir:

This correspondence is in response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint filed with your office.

As Mr. [redacted]'s complaint is in regard to insurance, we are unable to provide specific details on this website. A formal response will be mailed directly to Mr. [redacted].


Compliance Paralegal

cc: [redacted]

Review: The Plus Advantages program provided by Affinion Benefits Group enrolled me without my consent or knowledge, at the rate of $6.00/month, to provide me with some unspecified benefits which I never used.They charged my checking account at [redacted] for four years, under the guise of a service provided by the bank: that is why I never questioned the charge. [redacted] provided my account information to Affininion and I am pursuing that issue with [redacted]. However, I wish to make a complaint about Affinion not as a rated company but as a larcenous and criminal enterpriseYour truly [redacted]Desired Settlement: I wish Affinion to reimburse me for all of their illicit charges dating back to 2010--at $72.00/year



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with his Plus Advantages membership, a service provided by Affinion Benefits Group, LLC (“ABG”).

By way of background, ABG is the Plan Administrator for savings and protection programs offered to customers of participating financial institutions nationwide. Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in the Plus Advantages program through his participating financial institution, [redacted]. The Plus Advantages program provides various savings and health discount benefits including access to hotel discounts, the Rx Advantage Prescription Drug Program, and discounts on prescription eyeglasses and contacts at participating optical providers nationwide.

Please be assured that we make every effort to comply with a member’s request to cancel their membership in the Plus Advantages program for any reason. Accordingly, if a customer is dissatisfied with the services under the program, the company will cancel the membership, and they will owe nothing further. Mr. [redacted] can be assured that his membership was canceled on April 10th, 2014, and a refund totaling $150.00 is being issued to his checking account as full reimbursement of the monthly fees that were charged to his account by ABG. This includes any membership fees charged to Mr. [redacted]’s account since May of 2012.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.





Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her CreditLine membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation. As a member of the CreditLine service, Ms. [redacted] was entitled to a variety of benefits including having access to her [redacted] credit report as well as one bureau quarterly credit monitoring with [redacted]. The one bureau quarterly credit monitoring benefit allows us to notify our members of changes to their [redacted] credit report, including certain derogatory information, new accounts, public records or changes of address that have been added to their [redacted] credit file. However, this benefit would not detect charges being made to a member’s existing checking, credit or debit card accounts as these transactions are not reported in a consumer’s credit file. We would urge consumers to contact their bank or financial institution regarding unauthorized charges made to these accounts. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in CreditLine. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s membership was canceled on December 8, 2015, and refunds totaling $878.00 will be issued to her. We ask that Ms. [redacted] please allow fifteen to twenty business days to receive her refund checks.We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.Sincerely,Jason A[redacted]Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I called to cancel the Travelers Advantage/Shoppers advantage membership under Triligent corporation Today I was reviewing a credit card statement online and saw a charge for $16.99 from Triligent Corporation and so I pulled up an old email, actually a few of them since their phone number was not in their first email, and telephoned to dispute the charge. The first number I called prompted me to ask for an agent, which I did but after waiting a few minutes in silence, I knew no agent would come to the phone. I searched through other emails they'd sent and found a different number and reached a human. He then began to tell me I was enrolled in some program. Cut in advised I never signed up for service and wanted whatever account cancelled immediately and a refund. It took me forever searching on line to find a website and see exactly what this company was all about. I have never been on that website and I put what numbers I found on my bank statement see if any was a membership number. Said no acct found. This company Triligent corporation needs to be fined I have no idea of how long they have been taking $16.99 out if my bank account. Online there are many websites with complaints about this 'SCAM COMPANY'!Desired Settlement: I would like all the 16.99 charges back



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the services. An individual member may join Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

After researching her concerns, we found that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage services on July 3rd, 2012, after being transferred to one of our representatives by [redacted]. Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. If Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel her memberships at the end of the trial periods, she was then charged the monthly membership fees. The terms of the agreements provided that, in order to ensure uninterrupted service, the memberships would be renewed each month at the then current membership fees.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Travelers Advantage and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Travelers Advantage membership was canceled on October 3rd, 2013, and a full refund of $204.88 was issued to her credit card account. Ms. [redacted]’s Shoppers Advantage membership was also canceled on October 3rd, 2013, and an additional refund of $238.86 was issued to her account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for this service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations



Review: [redacted]

I am rejecting this response because:

I'm happy with my refund the customer service I received from rep was extremely unprofessional when I called to inquire about the charges on October 3 2013.

Review: I reserved a ride online with [redacted] about May 28 this year. A pop-up the came up for Great Fun. I signed up for it thinking I could save money on something worthwhile. By June 26 I became aware that they were charging $16.99 for a service that provided me no benefit, so I cancelled my membership (cancellation #[redacted]). Then 9/17 this year I was charged $16.99 by TLG*Buyers. I cancelled my membership with them today, 10/11, but they will not refund the money they charged me, even though I was not aware that I had signed up for TLG when I signed up for Great Fun. I have seen complaints online from others who have been taken in by this ad, and I just want to report that it is the nearest thing to a scam that I have ever been roped into. I would appreciate it if you could look into this. It seems deceptive to me.Thank you,[redacted]Desired Settlement: Refund if possible; sanction and report by at least. For your information, my Great Fun membership number was [redacted] and my TLG number was [redacted]. Cancellation numbers were [redacted] for Great Fun and [redacted] for TLG.Thank you,[redacted]



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Great Fun and Buyers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun and Buyers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in the services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Buyers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that [redacted] was enrolled in our Great Fun and Buyers Advantage services on May 31st, 2013, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Buyers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Buyers Advantage, if Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

Great Fun and Buyers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] provided her date of birth to the representative confirming her authorization to enroll in both of the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Buyers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun membership was canceled on June 26th, 2013, during the trial period, and she was not charged a monthly fee for the service. Ms. [redacted]’s Buyers Advantage membership was canceled on October 11th, 2013, and a refund of $51.97 is being issued to her credit or debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: Beginning 05/14/2014 "[redacted]" held 2 $1 charges on my debit card (associated to my checking account). Beginning on 06/25/2014 "[redacted]" began a $16.99 monthly charge. I noticed this charge on 08/07/2014 and called them. Through a customer service representative, I had to dispute with the office manager for a refund. The manager only wanted to refund one month. The next offer was 1/2 off each of the 3 months June, July, August 2014. I refused. The manager finally agreed to a full refund when I said A credit was made same day but only for 1 amount of $16.99; at which time they waited 19 days to recharge (2x in 1 month) me the $16.99. They have taken $16.99 from my checking account every month from June 25, 2014 until (presently) April 29, 2015. This does not include the 2 $1 fees from May 2014.Desired Settlement: I fully expect a complete refund of $188.89 (INCLUDES 11 MONTHS OF DEDUCTIONS AT $16.99 PER MONTH FROM 06/25/2014 THROUGH CURRENT 04/29/2015 + ORIGINAL $1 (X2) FEES FROM MAY 2014. This amount will be increased (beyond April 29, 2015), determined by time of settlement.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with her Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation. By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer’s account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in our services. An individual member may join Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on May 9, 2014, after making a purchase from Spirit Airlines and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate she accepted. The offer for joining Great Fun was two $50 rebates for purchases from Spirit Airlines. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $20 in gas rebate purchases. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Ms. [redacted] did not inform us that she wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, she would be charged the current monthly membership fees.Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] provided her date of birth to the representative confirming her authorization to enroll in both of the services. Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Ms. [redacted] Great Fun membership was canceled on August 5, 2014, and a refund of $16.99 was issued to her debit card account. Ms. [redacted] Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on April 29, 2015, and an additional refund of $187.89 will be issued to her account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for this service. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Relations



Although the business is neglecting one of the initial $1 'holding' fees assessed, I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: I signed up for Great Fun on 3/3/14 when I bought 2 concert tickets from [redacted]. I was promised a $50 rebate for each ticket. If I signed up for Shopper's Advantage I would also receive a $20 gas card, so I signed up. My Great Fun membership number is 97734312 and my Shopper's Advantage membership number is [redacted]. I called on 4/2/14 to follow up to the rebates since I hadn't received anything yet and was told I would receive them within 14 business days. Called on 4/22/14 to follow up again and was told I would receive them within 14 business days. Still nothing from both Great Fun and Shopper's Advantage. On 5/1/14 I cancelled my memberships to both because my free trial ends on 5/2/14 and was told the rebate forms have been processed. I'm not sure what that means, but I still have received nothing and they haven't held up their end of the deal. My cancellation number for Great Fun is [redacted] and my cancellation number for Shopper's Advantage is [redacted].Desired Settlement: On the last 2 calls I made, Great Fun said what they were sending me was a rebate form that I would fill out and send back in with information regarding my [redacted] purchase. At this point I'm sick of dealing with them, I just want my $20 gas card and two $50 rebates in a check. My order number from [redacted] is [redacted] ordered on 3/3/14 if it needs to be verified.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]’s concerns with her Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on March 3rd, 2014, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. The offer for joining Great Fun was $100 in rebates for purchases from [redacted]. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $20 worth of rebates for gas purchases.

In order to avail herself of the promotional offers, Ms. [redacted] was required to return the rebate forms that were included in her membership kit or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process along with her corresponding receipts of purchase. Upon receipt of the completed rebate forms and receipts, Ms. [redacted]’s rebate checks would have been delivered within 4-6 weeks.

We regret that Ms. [redacted] did not receive her rebate forms in a timely manner. In order to uphold our high level of customer satisfaction, Ms. [redacted] may either e-mail ([redacted]) or fax (###-###-####) her receipts to my attention, and I will have her rebates processed by our Claims department.

In addition, both Ms. [redacted]’s Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships were canceled on May 1st, 2014, and she will not be charged a monthly fee for either service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: Upon reviewing our bank credit card statements, we discovered this company, without our knowledge and authorization, has been charging our account $12.99 per month. No services were provided by this company. We do not even know how they received our information. Online details state this company is a scam, much like a parasite it attaches to your account when you purchase a REAL service and then continues to suck money out without letting you know about it.We will be seeking a full refund from this scam company.

Product_Or_Service: N/A

Order_Number: XXXXXXXX

Account_Number: example withdrawal #

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

TLG has withdrawn money from our account 14 times, each time for $12.99 for a grand total unauthorized withdrawal of $181.86. We would like the entire sum deposited back into our account.



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/08/12) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with [redacted]'s Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in Great Fun. An individual member may join the service in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in the Great Fun service on December 30th, 2009, while responding to an online offer on the Great Fun website. The Great Fun membership was described to her at the time of enrollment, including billing and cancellation terms. Ms. [redacted] accepted the offer by providing verification of acceptance (City of Birth) and clicking "yes", indicating her agreement to enroll in the service.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in Great Fun. As such, Ms. [redacted]'s membership was canceled on August 12th, 2013, and a full refund of $532.59 will be issued to the debit card account that was charged.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to their satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Business Response /* (-10, 6, 2013/08/12) */

In our previous response to Mr. [redacted]'s complaint, I incorrectly stated that Ms. [redacted]'s enrollment in Great Fun occurred through an offer on the Great Fun website. Ms. [redacted] was actually enrolled in the Great Fun service while responding to an offer on the [redacted] website.

We again apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] may have experienced.


Customer Relations

Review: I purchased 2 airline tickets on 2/26/15 from [redacted] and an offer popped up for a $50 rebate. I signed up for the rebate with Shoppers Advantage. The cost was $2.00 for a 30 day membership and I was promised that I would receive my $50. However, after 2 weeks I did not receive it and called the company. I was informed that the form was emailed to me and I would also be mailed a form for the rebate as well. I did not receive an email with this information and it was never mailed. After 10 business days as promised I called the company again to inquire and the lady said I would receive the form for the $50 rebate the next day and it would include 2 $50 rebates. The lady said all I had to do was send in the rebates for 2 different airline flights and I would be issued the money. I still have not received this form and it has been over a month. I want my $2.00 back and my $100 as promised because this is a scamDesired Settlement: I would like my $2 back plus the $100 as promised because I have been scammed



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with her Great Fun membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation. Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on February 26, 2015, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on her recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Ms. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. The offer for joining Great Fun was two $50 rebates for purchases from [redacted]. The offer related to Shoppers Advantage was $20 in gas purchase rebates. In order to avail herself of our promotional offers, Ms. [redacted] was required to return the rebate forms that were included in her membership kits or sent to the e-mail provided during the enrollment process along with her corresponding receipts of purchase. Upon receipt of the completed rebate forms and receipts, Ms. [redacted] rebate checks would have been delivered within 4-6 weeks. We regret that Ms. [redacted] did not receive her rebate forms in a timely manner. In order to uphold our high level of customer satisfaction, Ms. [redacted] may either e-mail ([redacted]) or fax ([redacted]) her receipts to my attention, and I will have her rebates processed by our Claims department. In addition, Ms. [redacted] Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage memberships have both been canceled, and refunds are being issued to her credit or debit card account as reimbursement of the two $1.00 trial fees that she was charged. We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. Sincerely,

[redacted]Customer Relations

Review: I purchased a set of [redacted] headsets from FYE on Dec 20, 2013 for my grandson. At that time I was unwittingly enrolled into some type of membership discount program. I discovered the deduction when checking my statement. I had no idea what type of service this was nor do I even recall signing up for the service. I called on August 2, 2013 after obtaining the number from the bank and once I realized what the service is, I attempted to cancel and requested the refund for which I was denied due to the terms and conditions of service. The rep said it could not be cancelled and that she could only send her a $20.00 gift card and my I hung up. I had my daughter to follow up with a call about 10 minutes later. The rep she spoke with did not have the account listed as cancelled but as saved and listed to receive a $20.00 gift card.Needless to say I am appalled at the service that was provided starting at the time of purchase up to the call I made for a refund. The credibility of this organization is more than questionable with the senior scam of offering services that I will never use up to misrepresentation in order to keep me in the program. I can only assume that they have some type of incentive program for saves which left me a victim once again.Fortunately the rep my spoke with was able to cancel the service and provided me with the additional information needed in order to request the refund in writing.I faxed a formal request aa instructed for full refund of all funds deducted from my account from January 2013 thru August 2013. This organization has not only failed to refund me but has not even acknowledged any receipt of my request.

Account_Number: XXXXXXXX

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

Total amount of $95.92. This is $11.99 per month for 8 months.



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/08/12) */

Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted]'s concerns with her FYE Backstage Pass VIP membership, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, FYE Backstage Pass VIP is part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in FYE Backstage Pass VIP. An individual member may join the service in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billing along with the name of the service to identify the charge.

Our records indicate that Ms. [redacted] enrolled on December 20th, 2012, by purchasing an FYE Backstage Pass VIP membership when shopping at an FYE store. We are mailing Ms. [redacted] a copy of her store receipt that indicates her agreement to enroll in the service and also details the terms and conditions of the enrollment for her to review.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that a member is satisfied with their membership in FYE Backstage Pass VIP. As such, Ms. [redacted]'s membership was cancelled on August 2nd, 2013, and a refund of $83.93 will be issued to her debit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that she was charged for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Ms. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to her satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: This company has been charging my credit card for the past 3 months without any legal or informal business agreement between us. I suspect fraud unless the company finds fault and offers reimbursement for all charges.My suspicion as to how these charges came about is my signing up for the "Great Fun!" service in exchange for a voucher to [redacted], a service that I had cancelled within my allotted window to avoid any charges, per both written and verbal agreement with Great Fun!/TLG.I request immediate stoppage of any additional charges, and reimbursement for all monies charged. I will unfortunately be seeking an attorney if left unresolved within 30 days.

Product_Or_Service: Great Fun! Trial Subscription

Account_Number: XXXXXXXX

Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

I respectfully request reimbursement for all charges within 30 days. All charges amount to: $16.99 X 3 months + $1 "test charge" = $51.97



Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2013/07/02) */

Thank you for [redacted]'s correspondence regarding his concerns with his Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage membership, services provided by Trilegiant Corporation.

By way of background, Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage are part of an established membership-based discount service company. We jointly market our memberships with our clients to their respective customers. We always obtain authorization from a consumer to post charges to a customer's account prior to billing and enrolling the consumer in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. An individual member may join the services in a variety of ways, however in all instances the member must affirmatively agree to enroll and be billed. To ensure that consumers are satisfied, we process cancellation requests promptly. To facilitate cancellation, a toll-free number is printed on all membership materials and appears on the credit/debit card statement at the time of the billings along with the names of the services to identify the charges.

Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] was enrolled in both our Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services on January 31st, 2013, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, Mr. [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, which our records indicate he accepted. According to the terms of the agreements for Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage, if Mr. [redacted] did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that Mr. [redacted] provided his date of birth to the representative confirming his authorization to enroll in the Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in Great Fun and Shoppers Advantage. As such, Mr. [redacted]'s Great Fun membership was canceled on February 18th, 2013, during the trial period and he was not charged a monthly fee. Mr. [redacted]'s Shoppers Advantage membership was canceled on July 1st, 2013, and credits totaling $68.96 will be issued to his credit card account as a full refund for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations

Review: Automatically renewed membership despite request to cancel - The Affinion Group, Inc. marketed services using the name "[redacted]" on a 30-day trial basis for $1.00. I accepted the offer and my membership (membership #: [redacted]) commenced on 3/24/2014. My credit card was charged $1.00 two (2) times on 3/25/2014. On 4/21/2014 at 4:05 p.m., I called ###-###-#### to cancel. The call lasted 7 minutes and I was told that my membership was canceled. My credit card was not charged in April 2014; however, it was subsequently charged $16.99 on the following dates: 1.) 5/12/2014, 2.) 6/16/2014, 3.) 7/7/2014, 4.) 8/29/2014, and 5.) 9/16/2014.Desired Settlement: I desire a full refund of all unauthorized charged. Specifically, each $16.99 charge to my credit card on the following dates: 1.) 5/12/2014, 2.) 6/16/2014, 3.) 7/7/2014, 4.) 8/29/2014, and 5.) 9/16/2014.



Thank you for your correspondence regarding [redacted] concerns with his [redacted] membership, a service provided by [redacted] Corporation.

After researching his concerns, we found that [redacted] was enrolled in both our [redacted] and [redacted] services on March 21, 2014, after making a purchase from [redacted] and then responding to an offer to receive a rebate on his recent purchase by calling a toll free number. Upon calling the toll free number, [redacted] was presented with the option to enroll in both [redacted] and [redacted], which our records indicate he accepted. According to the terms of the agreements for [redacted] and [redacted], if [redacted] did not inform us that he wished to cancel the memberships at the end of the trial periods, he would be charged the current monthly membership fees.

[redacted] and [redacted] go to great lengths in order to ensure that an authorized person agrees to the memberships. Our records indicate that [redacted] provided his date of birth to the representative confirming his authorization to enroll in both of the services.

Please be assured that we make every effort to ensure that members are satisfied with their memberships in [redacted] and [redacted]. As such, [redacted]’s [redacted] membership was canceled on April 21, 2014, and he was not charged a monthly fee. [redacted]’s [redacted] membership was canceled on September 22, 2014, and a refund of $85.95 will be issued to his credit card account as full reimbursement of the fees that he was charged for the service.

We apologize for any inconvenience that [redacted] may have experienced and hope that this matter has been resolved to his satisfaction.


Customer Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]. I was unaware of the dual membership. The practice seems deceptive in my opinion, however, I accept the businesses response because they agreed to a full refund and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.


Review: Affinion Group has been doing an automatic withdraw from my first community credit union account that they have not been authorized to do so. I have been forced to close this account because of there actions. They have been billing $15 a Quarterly starting June, 2013. Looks like a total of $45 has been taken from my account.Desired Settlement: Refund of the funds taken!



March 13, 2014

VIA ONLINE SUBMISSION Complaint Department

94 South Turnpike Road

Wallingford, CT 06492

RE: File #: [redacted]

Dear Sir or Madam:

This correspondence is in regard to the above referenced case number,

received in our office March 10, 2014. Affinion Benefits Group, LLC is the

third party administrator for the insurance carrier related to this matter; and

in that capacity, we are responding to you.

Due to Privacy, we are not able to provide specific information

regarding insurance related matters on this website. Please be assured that a

written response addressing all issues raised by the complainant will be sent

directly to the Primary Insured under separate cover within the next seven (7)

to ten (10) business days.

We appreciate your understanding regarding tis matter.


Affinion Benefits Group, LLC

Third Party Administrator

cc: carrier

Review: Rec'd Letter dated 12/07/2013 notifying me that they had taken over my AD&D policy ID [redacted]. This letter was received on 01/04/2014. I mailed them a letter notifying them to cancel my policy immediately. Received another letter about the policy on 1/10/2014 and I copied the letter again and mailed it to them. On 3/5/2014 They withdrew $24.75 from my checking account. I contacted my bank, [redacted], and sat with [redacted] , Retail Banker,while we phoned them. Their automated answering phone system stated that this account was closed. But calling their customer service phone we talked to [redacted] and after over 20 minutes of talk she finally agreed to cancel the policy. She stated that they would refund the payment in 5 to 10 days. We contacted them again today because the refund was never received and they stated that they would forward the policy for approval of the refund. JUST MORE STALLING. What has to be done to obtain the refund of $24.75 that is long over due and should NOT have been taken in the first place??? I would like assurance that the refund is forthcoming and will NOT happen again.

Product_Or_Service: AD&D INSURANCE

Account_Number: COVERAGE ID [redacted]Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund

The withdrawal that they made without due cause on 3/05/2014 of $24.75. They have stalled long enough and I do not want it to be repeated in the future. I WANT AN IMMEDIATE REFUND.



March 27, 2014

VIA ONLINE SUBMISSION (“”) Complaint Department

RE: File #: [redacted]

Dear Sir or Madam:

This correspondence is in regard to the above referenced complaint

filed with your office.

Due to Privacy, we are not able to provide specific information

regarding insurance related matters on this website. Please be assured that a

written response addressing all issues raised by the complainant will be sent

directly to the Primary Insured under separate cover within the next seven (7)

to ten (10) business days.

We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.


Third Party Administrator

cc: carrier




Review: [redacted]

This filed complaint involves money withdrawn from my bank account for a policy that I cancelled by letter on 01/05/2014 and again in February. In spite of TWO letters of cancellation on a policy they withdrew $24.75 from my checking account on 03/05/2014. When I met with [redacted] in an attempt to cancel the amount withdrawal I found that it would require $30.00 to cancel the money. Lori phoned their automated phone line and was notified that the policy was cancelled. When we contacted their customer service line we were told after 20 minutes that it would require 7 to 10 days to process the money. AFTER 10 DAYS WE CONTACTED THEM AGAIN AND WERE TOLD THAT THEY WOULD START TO PROCESS THE RETURN. I FINALLY RECEIVED ON 03/26/2014. My family was in business for over 100 years and never attempted to scam a customer. This is a large insurance company with absolutely NO ETHICS. [redacted]

Money was finally refunded on march 26, 2014. There was absolutely no reason for the withdrawal from my checking account in the first place.


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Description: Buying Clubs & Group Purchasing Service, Marketing Consultants

Address: 313 Talbot Blvd, Chestertown, Maryland, United States, 21620-1016


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