I sincerely hope that action is taken with the way these people conduct bussiness. Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
It is unfortunate that Ms. [redacted] feels she has been treated with disrespect. This, however is simply not the case. Ms. [redacted] had a wonderful relationship with the adoptive parents (and Gina throughout the process) and for some time after the placement. Ms. [redacted] and the...
adoptive couple communicated directly with each other. There were no issues pertaining to pictures/updates and in fact the adoptive couple was sending pictures directly to Ms. [redacted]. The relationship changed and there is no longer any communication between Ms. [redacted] and the adoptive couple direct. It is unfortunate that the relationship between the two parties fell apart, because now the agency is caught in the middle of two unhappy parties, and we have no control of the situation. We are trying to help mend the situation and Gina is innocently caught in the middle. After the relationship changed, Ms. [redacted] reached out to Gina to receive pictures.
Gina has made yearly efforts in order for Ms. [redacted] to receive the pictures that Ms. [redacted] rightly deserves. In the end Gina has always received pictures and sent them on to Ms. [redacted]. Unfortunately not always in the time frame Ms. [redacted] or our agency expects. Gina will continue to be an advocate for Ms. [redacted] as we strongly feel that every birth parent deserves to receive updates and pictures should they choose. Ms. [redacted] actually was sent her yearly pictures/update on August 19, 2016.
Ms. [redacted] has chosen to continually call during the weekends and therefore Ms. [redacted] was asked simply to call during normal business hours. This appears therefore to be the basis of Ms. [redacted] complaint. Ms. [redacted] has been told that the office is closed on the weekends and there is nothing that can be done until the office is opened again on Mondays. This is how it is with all clients. Gina has responded to many e-mails and will continue to do so as long as it is done during normal business hours when her requests can be addressed. There are no harassing or hurtful e-mails. Gina has never called Ms. [redacted] names.
When Ms. [redacted] reaches out to Gina for her updates, Gina responds in a timely manner. Gina in turn, reaches out to the adoptive parents and is met with hostility, but she is tenacious in getting the updates for Ms. [redacted] and has been successful. Ms. [redacted] has to understand that the agency and Gina can only do that which is within their control. Ultimately the agreement/arrangement is between the two parties yet the agency and Gina act as a go between and our goal is to facilitate both parties in a timely and professional manner. The agency and Gina will continue to facilitate Ms. [redacted] requests. It is hoped that Ms. [redacted] understands our limitations sometimes in caring to her requests.
I am extremely aware of the limitations done with the agency and they simply cannot force pictures to be sent to me, BUT, Gina, has talked to me with great disrespect and I will sent the email interactions that forced me to involve the Revdex.com. Gina, has called me a lier, said I needed " mental help" and has made many other indirect assumptions towards as if I was some sort of it or merely trying to start problems. This is simply NOT the case. I want my yearly pictures to know my daughter is healthy happy and we'll taken care of. Every year I am met with sort responce contact from Gina and a long wait ( normally months) after I email to get my pictures. I called two weeks and wasn't told not to call on,weekend. I simoly was told by anamarie that Gina, first was out of town and then the nextra time that she would be back money. That was it. Gina, from the beginally has lies and made promises that were not kept, starting with 7 years ago when I was told someone from the agency would we present at the birth. No one was, I handled the adoption myself and went about what I thought was right until we could finally get ahold of both parties legal counsel. It has been a ruff 7 years of dealing with this. But Gina, has not made it easy on me either.. calling names, making assumptions, anx simply not replying to my through email or phone calls like I am told she will is extremely unprofessional. It is a flat out lie stating Gina, is professional and had always advocated for me. I have every email ever sent between us dating back 8 year. The way Birth parents are treated and talked to needs to stop! I will forward the last few emails with this complaint which is was lead to me taking action.
Thank you,
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Sincerely,[redacted]
Our position remains the same regarding this matter.? We will continue to facilitate getting pictures for Ms[redacted] as we do with all birth mothers
I sincerely hope that action is taken with the way these people conduct bussiness. Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
It is unfortunate that Ms. [redacted] feels she has been treated with disrespect. This, however is simply not the case. Ms. [redacted] had a wonderful relationship with the adoptive parents (and Gina throughout the process) and for some time after the placement. Ms. [redacted] and the...
adoptive couple communicated directly with each other. There were no issues pertaining to pictures/updates and in fact the adoptive couple was sending pictures directly to Ms. [redacted]. The relationship changed and there is no longer any communication between Ms. [redacted] and the adoptive couple direct. It is unfortunate that the relationship between the two parties fell apart, because now the agency is caught in the middle of two unhappy parties, and we have no control of the situation. We are trying to help mend the situation and Gina is innocently caught in the middle. After the relationship changed, Ms. [redacted] reached out to Gina to receive pictures.
Gina has made yearly efforts in order for Ms. [redacted] to receive the pictures that Ms. [redacted] rightly deserves. In the end Gina has always received pictures and sent them on to Ms. [redacted]. Unfortunately not always in the time frame Ms. [redacted] or our agency expects. Gina will continue to be an advocate for Ms. [redacted] as we strongly feel that every birth parent deserves to receive updates and pictures should they choose. Ms. [redacted] actually was sent her yearly pictures/update on August 19, 2016.
Ms. [redacted] has chosen to continually call during the weekends and therefore Ms. [redacted] was asked simply to call during normal business hours. This appears therefore to be the basis of Ms. [redacted] complaint. Ms. [redacted] has been told that the office is closed on the weekends and there is nothing that can be done until the office is opened again on Mondays. This is how it is with all clients. Gina has responded to many e-mails and will continue to do so as long as it is done during normal business hours when her requests can be addressed. There are no harassing or hurtful e-mails. Gina has never called Ms. [redacted] names.
When Ms. [redacted] reaches out to Gina for her updates, Gina responds in a timely manner. Gina in turn, reaches out to the adoptive parents and is met with hostility, but she is tenacious in getting the updates for Ms. [redacted] and has been successful. Ms. [redacted] has to understand that the agency and Gina can only do that which is within their control. Ultimately the agreement/arrangement is between the two parties yet the agency and Gina act as a go between and our goal is to facilitate both parties in a timely and professional manner. The agency and Gina will continue to facilitate Ms. [redacted] requests. It is hoped that Ms. [redacted] understands our limitations sometimes in caring to her requests.
I am extremely aware of the limitations done with the agency and they simply cannot force pictures to be sent to me, BUT, Gina, has talked to me with great disrespect and I will sent the email interactions that forced me to involve the Revdex.com. Gina, has called me a lier, said I needed " mental help" and has made many other indirect assumptions towards as if I was some sort of i
t or merely trying to start problems. This is simply NOT the case. I want my yearly pictures to know my daughter is healthy happy and we'll taken care of. Every year I am met with sort responce contact from Gina and a long wait ( normally months) after I email to get my pictures. I called two weeks and wasn't told not to call on,weekend. I simoly was told by anamarie that Gina, first was out of town and then the nextra time that she would be back money. That was it. Gina, from the beginally has lies and made promises that were not kept, starting with 7 years ago when I was told someone from the agency would we present at the birth. No one was, I handled the adoption myself and went about what I thought was right until we could finally get ahold of both parties legal counsel. It has been a ruff 7 years of dealing with this. But Gina, has not made it easy on me either.. calling names, making assumptions, anx simply not replying to my through email or phone calls like I am told she will is extremely unprofessional. It is a flat out lie stating Gina, is professional and had always advocated for me. I have every email ever sent between us dating back 8 year. The way Birth parents are treated and talked to needs to stop! I will forward the last few emails with this complaint which is was lead to me taking action.
Thank you,
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:Sincerely,[redacted]