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84 Lumber

4484 Quad Country Court, Mount Airy, Maryland, United States, 21771

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84 Lumber Reviews (%countItem)

We had a horrible experience with 84 Lumber that started in October and only just got resolved in January; it was extremely stressful and ended up costing us hundreds of dollars more than it should have.

We ordered an *** patio door in October and specified that we wanted an outswing door. We were given an estimate of $5154 and proceeded with the order. From this point on, every single encounter with 84 Lumber was full of frustrations. Literally too many things to mention.

They had ordered the wrong door! Not only did it not open out, it was also a lower-quality door which the contractors did not realize until they had already taken out the old door. Given that this was now November, they had to install the wrong door so that we weren't living with a hole in the wall. We went back to the store to order the correct door. The salesperson printed out the invoice so that we could double-check it. At this point we found out that we had been overcharged for the lower-quality wrong door by $1400!! The manager did not seem at all concerned about this, which only makes me wonder how many times this kind of fraud is happening.

We were told the door would arrive on 12/20. I called the store on 12/20 and was told the door was in. They never called to tell us. Based on the label on the box, we think it had arrived to the store at least a week prior. Because of this delay, it could not be installed before January. Luckily, this was the correct door. But the contractors had to come out again to take out the wrong door and put in the right door. So we paid the contractors $500 more than we would have if it had bee the right door to begin with.

As long as this summary is, it cannot adequately capture the hassle and stress that we had to go through thanks to this store's complete incompetence. You cannot overcharge a customer by $1400 and act like it's no big deal. You cannot screw something up so entirely that the customer has to pay $500 more for the contractor to fix the issue.

Desired Outcome

Billing Adjustment I do not think that we should be responsible for paying our contractor for the extra work he had to do to fix 84 Lumber's mistake. The store should reimburse us for this amount. It's the absolute least thing they could do. I submitted a complaint to 84 Lumber's website three times and have heard nothing from them. Not even a perfunctory "We're sorry for the inconvenience."

84 Lumber Response • Mar 18, 2020

CASE # ***

12:31 PM (43 minutes ago)
to me


Below is a response in regard to case # ***

To whom this may concern:

I, Tony ***, am aware of the events that took place regarding the experience this customer had with 84 Lumber. We strive to give every customer an outstanding experience when they choose to buy their materials from us. Unfortunately this customer did not have that experience. A former associate of ours placed the incorrect order, sold the order at the incorrect price, and labeled it in our system under an incorrect name making it difficult for the team to find when it came in. The door had a 6 week lead time from our supplier. This customer called the store inquiring about the door, we located it under a different name, and delivered the door to find out it was incorrect. We reordered the correct door and refunded this customer the price difference of $1,421.05.

We extend our greatest apologies to this customer regarding the unacceptable service he or she received with us. The primary associate involved no longer works for our company and we have provided additional training to our counter staff in an effort to prevent situations like this one from occurring.

Additionally, I would be willing to reimburse this customer the $500 for the additional expenses incurred to him or her from their contractor. Please let me know if this is sufficient.

Best Regards,

General Manager

84 Lumber Company

***, MD (***)

(o) ***

(f) 3***

84 Lumber is proud to be named on ***' list of America's Best Large Employers of 2019. Want to join our team? Explore our current openings nationwide.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2020

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I appreciate the response from 84 Lumber and am happy that they will reimburse us the $500. Please let me know how to facilitate that. They should have our credit card info.

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Address: 4484 Quad Country Court, Mount Airy, Maryland, United States, 21771


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