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On the 7th of February, 2020 at approximately 16:50 I made a purchase that came out to be about $19.00. I used my debit card, denied any cash back and entered my PIN to complete my transaction. The machine prompted me to remove my card and so I did. I assumed the transaction had been finished since the cashier did not say anything, so I proceeded to exit the store. I then hear a bang on the window and when I turn around, I hear the cashier yelling that my card had been declined. I went back in and another man was being rung up for a soda. The cashier informed me that the man had paid for my items, and though I saw a receipt come out, I never saw the cashier handing it to anyone. It was my new debit card so I assumed I had not activated it properly, thus the reason it had not gone through. Additionally, the man being rung up did not speak English, so I could not clarify what happened with him. The cashier told me that I had to pay the man for the transaction. Because of the above, I believed him so I went to the ATM and withdrew $20- which incurred in extra fees. I did not check my bank's app in the store as I had left my phone in my car, but as soon as I reached it I logged in to check my recent transactions. To my surprise, the charge had gone through and now I had paid over $40 on a $19 transaction. I went back in to show the cashier, but he denied it and refused to see my proof. At this point I was infuriated by the lack of professionalism and I had a flight to catch so I could not stay and argue further.
Product_Or_Service: Snacks and ATM withdrawal
Refund I want a full refund on my entire purchase, PLUS the money I withdrew including fees. I would also like this individual, if not the entire location, to be investigated since it seemed like a well practiced scam as nothing added up. Nobody should ever go through so much troubles and headaches for snacks at such a massive company such as 7-11.
Contact Name and Title: Jobin s*** store manage
Contact Phone: 4078562266
Contact Email: ***
After the intial complaint at the 7 eleven system we tried to reach out the customer via email but we never got any response back after getting the letter from Revdex.com we reached out to the customer via phone and met the Mr *** in person and resolved the issue and apologized about the employee behavior
From: Muhammad K***< [redacted] @ [redacted] .net>Date: Tue, Sep 26, at 12:PMSubject: Re: Complaint ResponseTo: [redacted] < [redacted] @myRevdex.com.org>Hi this is Muhammad k [redacted] 7/11store franchisee on 9/26/I spoke to you on phone regarding case # [redacted] and I was told to send you in writing so I would like to inform you that on 9/12/** [redacted] purchased ( [redacted] Bstrcable 12ft ) from my store because his car battery was dead and his car was park in my parkingAlso he asked my employees to use my employee's car to jumpstart but my employee denied and he left with cable and ask someone to useAnd front of us he used that cable and leftAfter days he brought cable back and said to me he wants to return this cable because he doesn't need itI said to him nicely that sir I can't return this because it has already been used and I wouldn't be able to sell it to my other customerIf it's damaged then I can but you used it front of us.That was the reason I refused to take it back.If you have further questions please contact with me at [redacted] Thanks Muhammad k***7/store franchiseeSent from my [redacted] Sent from my [redacted]
From: [redacted] , [redacted] # Date: Mon, May 12, at 11:AMSubject: Customer complaintTo: " [redacted] " < [redacted] >Cc: [redacted] ***, " [redacted] , ***" [redacted] : Reference your letter dated April 16, citing case ID number [redacted] concerning a customer complaint that our store on [redacted] , [redacted] , VA [redacted] refused to accept personal check information for the purchase of gasoline at this store This store does not sell gasoline and never has Please close this case Thank You [redacted] Field Consultant Market [redacted] Mobile: ###-###-####
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: ---------- Forwarded message ----------From: [redacted] ***< [redacted] >Date: Fri, Jan 30, at 10:AMSubject: Complaint ID [redacted] To: " [redacted] @myRevdex.com.org" < [redacted] @myRevdex.com.org>Good morning [redacted] ,Per your instructions, I am sending this email as an update to my complaint with the hopes the Revdex.com will see my complaint is valid and re-open my complaint.On Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 3:pm, I attended a scheduling viewing of the surveillance tape regarding the incident from my complaint of 11/22/with Mohammad A***, who represented himself as one of the store's managers and son of the owner of the [redacted] ***, Gaithersburg, MD 7-ElevenIn the video, I was quickly able to pinpoint my $bill, which I indicated to MrA [redacted] was the folded bill that I had placed on the counter which was picked up and placed under the other stack of bills by the cashier; however, MrA [redacted] asserted that because of the camera resolution, I could not "prove" that the bill in question was a $billI was allowed to watch the video until the time of clock out of the employee under my persistent insistence (as I wanted to also indicate the moment where the cashier would have removed the ill-obtained bill from the drawer as irrefutable proof), however I very rudely denied the opportunity to view the video until the time she departed the storeThis was incidental in any case because I knew for a fact which bill was my $bill and saw the cashier remove it from the counterThe only rebuttal provided to me regarding the cashier clearly removing the bill from the counter was that in any further action it would be "his word against mine" as far as the nature of the bill shown in the video, though he was not present at the time of the incidentHe told me that he and his employee (who he said has been working at that store for over years and has a favorable relationship with he and his father, the owner) had no reason to lie which lead to a debate about who would be more highly motivated in this situation to be dishonestI asserted that I would not just make up a claim and lose more than $in lost wages, court filing fees, time and effort with multiple contacts to the local police, 7-Eleven corporate headquarters and the Revdex.com just to prove that someone I don't know stole money from me if that was not what occurred, whereas the motivation on his side may be the fact that this incident reflected poorly on his store and the cashier committed a criminal activityHe very offensively suggested that maybe I never even had a $bill and that I was just trying to run a fraudulent scam to which I responded that I have only asked for acknowledgement of the wrongdoing and that the cashier face consequences for her actions, not money from the storeThen I stated I would be pressing both civil and criminal charges on the cashier regardless of his store's continued support of her activities, to which he snidely replied "yea, good luck with THAT" and departed the store.As I had at that point witnessed evidence of the theft, I made what was my 4th contact to Montgomery County Non-Emergency Police immediately following this exchangeI was told that the incident was in the system but that it had been logged as a "Business" complaint which protected the cashier from direct charges, so my only option would be small claims court where my complaint would be against the 7-Eleven corporation and a judge would decide on the matter even though I'd seen proof of the theftThe officer also expressed his sympathy and opinion that he believed my complaint simply because of the extended effort I'd exerted on this matter and the number of times I'd contacted the police regarding this incident.As I have reached the end of the line as far as possible resolution via 7-Eleven corporate headquarters and/or store management, I will be visiting the Montgomery County District Court within the next week to file as necessary to initiate my small claimI have full confidence that an unbiased, neutral entity will find in my favor after viewing the footage and considering all evidence; my step after receiving judgement against the 7-Eleven corporation (if this matter is not resolved prior to judgement) will be to file criminal charges against the cashier.Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to re-address this matter with the Revdex.comI hope that it is clear that this matter is of importance to me, not because of the negligible monetary loss but because of the principle and the desire for justice for the wrong done to meI genuinely appreciate the Revdex.com taking this issue seriously especially when the 7-Eleven corporation and the store management refuse to do so.Sincerely, [redacted] [email protected] Date Sent: 1/2/9:27:PMComplaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:In the letter from the franchisee, he accuses me of making a claimWithin the body of the correspondence, the franchisee states that the surveillance video "clearly" shows the cashier giving back the customer (me) the bill that I passed herHowever, I never was a participant in an exchange of my $billAs I stated in my official claim to the 7-corporate office, the $bill was never a part of my transaction; the $bill was removed from my wallet along with the various other bills in my wallet and placed on the counter to facilitate my counting out exact change for the cashier upon HER request after initially offering her a $bill for payment I would very much like an opportunity to view the surveillance video to indicate the following: the time period where I observed that the cashier accused of the theft disappeared from the scene for an extended period following the transaction and prior to the arrival of the law enforcement agents that I called to the scene and the activity of the cashier following the transaction where she had the opportunity to remove the stolen bill from the register to complete the theft.The insinuation that I would frivolously and/or maliciously fabricate an instance of criminal activity against me by someone I do not know for absolutely no personal benefit and voluntarily suffer an even larger expenditure of time and monies than the original $bill that was stolen as I make official complaints to the Revdex.com and 7-corporate headquarters, file civil and then criminal charges against the employee if NO wrong was done to me is absurd; I stand to gain nothing but recognition of the wrongdoing and satisfaction in justice being served.I fully intend to expose the wrongdoing of this 7-employee in a very public manner, and if there will not be any agent of the 7-corporation to exert any effort in rectifying this occurrence, then the morality, professionalism and regard of 7-for customers patronizing their establishment will additionally be publicly called into question as I seek to be made whole in this matter.Regards, [redacted] ***
I discovered yesterday that I had what I thought was carpenters ants in my basement I have contacted few companies and they were not able to help me right awayIn the morning of August 24, I contacted Pest Patrol Inc and spoke to Audey E***He was able to meet me at the house within minutesHe sprayed the inside and outside of the house and explained the steps I need to take in order to eliminate problems in the future He was very pleasant and professional and I would definitely recommend this company for pest control services
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I was provided a free car wash and am satisfied that I finally received the service I paid for The manager's insistence that I purchased the wash at a different 7-is baffling at best, and a fabrication at worst Very perplexing and if this is the management style employed at this location I will simply take my business elsewhere and encourage others to do so as well Thanks to the Revdex.com for their assistance, I do not believe I would have received the services for which I paid had it not been for your involvement Sincerely, [redacted]
On May 24th we had a calibration done by [redacted] All pumps were checked and no issues have been detected with any of the pumpsThese pumps are regularly inspected by the state with the stickers placed on the pumps of when the inspections were doneWe have had these pumps checked several times when ever a problem is brought to our attentionPlease let us know if any further action is needed on our part.? Sincerely,? [redacted] 7-Eleven
I called Pest Patrol Ottawa and they responded immediatelyThe service was very efficient and affordableI really recommend it for any household that suffering from any pest issue
Dear [redacted] lam writting this letter as a response to the complaint (ID [redacted] ) which the Revdex.com received about my 7-Eleven storeI would like to respond to this complaint by addressing to the accusation which was made to my employee about how the cashier stole the customers $ billThis is a completly claim as I have proof from our surveillance video recorded from a camera directly above our register which clearly shows my cashier giving back the disputing customer the exact same bill the customer placed on the counterI will be more then happy to share this recorded video with the Revdex.com and the disputing customer to resolve this issue as soon as possibleYou can reach me anytime on my contact number above.Thank you, Khalid T7-Eleven Store FranchiseeDerwood MD
Thank you for bringing to our attention the concerns of *** ***, Who recently filed a complaint on 7/6/Case #*** We believe that Mr*** has a misunderstanding of his lease-purchase agreement on his tiresI am including the initial documents that he signed, stating the
cash price of our “buy today” option, As well as the lease-purchase agreement to pay over the course of up to monthsWe did not intent to hide any feesThere are two sets of fees that occur monthly until he pays the remaining balanceThese fees disappear the moment the same as cash price is completed, no matter the time frame of payoffThe fees he is referring to are $per month for insurance on the product, And $per month to cover an alignment on the vehicle He has paid in $(since April 10), of which $($34.66/month + tax) has been applied to his alignment and insurance fees, leaving him a balance of $if he pays the balance next monthIf he cannot pay the remaining balance next month, $of his minimum monthly payment will cover these fees for another month I believe we can resolve this quickly and reasonably, in order to maintain a good working relationship with Mr***We would like to reduce his final balance by $Leaving him with $to satisfy the lease-purchase agreement Two other issues I want to address: The alignment was not able to be completed at the initial appointment because he needed some parts replaced before they could be adjustedWe include the alignment to minimize tire wearWe asked him to let us know as soon as the parts were replaced so we could reschedule that serviceHe has not rescheduled that service yet It seemed as though he believed we were filling the tires with nitrogen during the initial installWe do not charge for nitrogen, but it is upon request, which we informed himHe did not want to wait for the nitrogen install (we told him it was a minute process) since it was late in the dayWe are always happy to include free nitrogen as this can enhance tire lifeWe did ask him if we could set up an appointment for the nitrogen fill, but he did not want toWe are still wanting to perform these services for him, And there will not be any extra charges for themIf there is more I can do, please feel free to let me know right away -Aaron K*** General Manager RNR Tire Express Franklin, Indiana 317-886-TIRE (8473) [email protected]
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The purchase equipment was unused and was holding by my daughter in the carBut It is true that I asked around for helps and luckily I met *** guy and used his professional equipment to help run my vehicleI had a limited of time so could not back to store for return the right afterThe manager rejected accepting return because of the electronic could not be refunded he said, it was not because of used itemSo I asked him a print or a written of the policyHe could show anyI am a consumer and have a right to return the purchase unusedHe should have a written return policy on receipt or at the store.
*** **
Add'l info: The entire transaction - my counting out the money, him giving me some change AND my returning to the store should all be recorded on the overhead security camera. I have been buying this paper at this location on Sunday and Thursday for the last yearsI have NO
REASON to lie about $1.00. It is a simple error
On May 24th we had a calibration done by *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***All pumps were checked and no issues have been detected with any of the pumpsThese pumps are regularly inspected by the state with the stickers placed on the
pumps of when the inspections were doneWe have had these pumps checked several times when ever a problem is brought to our attentionPlease let us know if any further action is needed on our part. Sincerely, *** ***7-Eleven
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that
this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Hi, We always take every customer’s complaint very seriouslySo I personally contacted Mr.*** *** and offered free top car washes completely free, although the receipt he had was from different 7-eleven, still I offered and he was happy and satisfied Regards On behalf of 7-Eleven
Hello Mr. [redacted]s, My name is [redacted] and I am the manager at the 7-Eleven site on [redacted] I apologize for the inconvenience you experienced at my store with the purchase of gasoline, and I apologize on behalf of the clerk for not making the communication between you and myself...
easy. We take pride in providing great customer service to our guests in our community and highly value your business. Regarding this matter, our carwash was under construction for a few days because we removed the old machine and installed a brand new state of the art car wash machine to better serve our customers. The gasoline price sign does say a "Wash with Gasoline" price and it is a 20 cents discounted price for customers who purchase a carwash with their gas. We have absolutely no issue in refunding your $4.60 to you, all you have to do is come in and purchase any carwash because that is how the discount works. Once you purchase a wash, we can give you the $4.60 back that would have been your savings on your gas purchase had our carwash been available that day. Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you, and hope that you will return to our business once again. Thank you for the feedback and allowing us to improve our business.
Although Mr. [redacted] shared an over view of the situation that occurred, I do not feel his statements were accurate, but more base on feelings of anger that he was feeling at the time. His main concern is the amount of time that it took for him to get his money returned to his card. This is not...
something that we control, and especially not the clerk working that day in the store. When someone pays with a card and a refund is placed on a card, it takes a few days for that to be returned to the card, but it depends on the bank as to how long it takes. When someone purchases gas several banks put a hold on people’s money up to a certain amount determined by the bank until the transaction is fully processed. We have no control over this. Had he paid with cash we would have corrected the situation immediately.On the day that he sent this complaint, he also registered a complaint through our system. I got an email the next day, and seeing his frustration, and noting that he said he needed food, I sent the below email to him. Our coupons are for free food, so I thought that would help his situation. But he failed to respond to my email or to give me the opportunity to help in anyway. I understand his frustration with the situation, which is why I reached out to try and help. But his failure to respond to my email, just shows his complaint was based more on anger than on allowing us to help fix the situation. Thank you, Dan S[redacted]7-Eleven, Inc. | Field Consultant | Market 1606 ' (801) 200-1493 | Daniel.S[redacted]@7-11.com
From: [redacted], [redacted]
#222222; font-size: small; font-family: arial;">Date: Mon, May 12, 2014 at 11:57 AMSubject: Customer complaintTo: "[redacted]" <[redacted]>Cc: [redacted], "[redacted], [redacted]"
Reference your letter dated April 16, 2014 citing case ID number [redacted] concerning a customer complaint that our store on [redacted], [redacted], VA [redacted] refused to accept personal check information for the purchase of gasoline at this store.
This store does not sell gasoline and never has.
Please close this case
Thank You.
Field Consultant
Market [redacted]
Mobile: ###-###-####