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360 Degrees of Perfection

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360 Degrees of Perfection Reviews (1)

This same complaint was put in the form of a Review on [redacted] and we are actually in the process of having our lawyer send a Cease and Desist as it containts false information. Hi [redacted] first I would like to ask wasn't it your dad that we dealt with everyday and not yourself? When we called or gave...

updates and inspections of the vehicle it was with your dad not you. You are correct to state that you were not contacted as we were in contact with your father. You are correct to state that you were initially quoted 2-3 weeks as the vehicles who's insurance company comes out the next day that time frame is totally feasible. Occasionally though we end of with an insurance company that is not as equipped as others and has different processes about 1 in 10 times. You were that one in 10 but that is out of our control. I am going to take the time to give you a review of what happened on your claim since you seem to be a bit uneducated with your facts. All of these dates can be backed up with notes and emails. On December 27th, 2017 you dropped off your 2008 [redacted] that was hit by an [redacted] driver. On December 28th, 2017 your estimate was submitted to [redacted] through their online claim processing site. On December 29th, 2017 after your vehicle was torn down for the estimate we submitted Supplement 1 along with photos of the vehicle again through an online site. 17 DAYS PASSED BEFORE THE INSURANCE APPROVED TO COVER THE REPAIRS. On January 12th of 2018 is when [redacted] APPROVED your repairs. It was on that same day that we got the approval on Supplement 1 that we went ahead and processed Supplement 2 and sent images and paperwork over to the Adjuster on your claim. On January 16th, 4 days later, [redacted] Adjuster approved the Supplement #2. On January 19, 2018 we submitted Supplement 3 to cover frame measuring and frame repairs, 3 days later, on January 22nd they approved Supplement 3. Eight days later you picked up your 2008 [redacted] on February 1st, 2018. On February 5th, 2018 we submitted the final paperwork and photos to [redacted] and on February 15th, 2018 we received final payment on the claim. One thing we should note is that not all hardware is replaced on a vehicle by the insurance company so original hardware is put back in. I apologize if some of them seemed dirty or mismatched but that is what you had on the car prior. Keep in mind that everything on your car except the new parts that we put in is 10 years old already. The Positive reviews on this site are from actual customers but yes two of our customers actually applied to work here and they actually do work here as they stated in their review but we do appreciate you pointing that out. Several if not most of our employees do also own cars believe it or not and could easily end up in an accident and also become a customer. You were given a printed copy of your lifetime warranty. Why have you not stopped by here if it is something that we did wrong. [redacted] are not made for off road you most likely lost your clips and mounts if you bottomed out on off road. We will still take a look at it for you and it will be easy to tell if something broke off or snapped off or if it was put in incorrectly. We stand behind all of our services so please if you are this unhappy stop by and ask for Brodie, he is the General Manager and he can help you out. If it is something we did that was less than perfect we will absolutely fix it at no expense to you.Tell us why here...

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Address: 6945 Indiana Ct Suite 600, Arvada, Colorado, United States, 80007


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+1 (303) 423-8927


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