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24/7 Pet Vets

1639 N. Fresno St, Fresno, California, United States, 93703

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Reviews Animal Hospital 24/7 Pet Vets

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I took my cat in to be seen on Jan. 1st, 2020 due to poor appetite for three(3) days and visible signs of pain (curling in a ball) and abnormal urination. My primary vet was closed due to holiday. The Dr. advised my cat has chronic kidney disease and a urinary infection. Then they asked if I wanted to do additional urine testing (culture) and I said "no" that I would take her to her primary doctor since I knew it would take at least three(3) days for the results to come back for a culture. The Dr. did not prescribe anything or provide advice and sent us on our way. After leaving 24/7 Pet/Vets I was left with the impression that my cat was dying of kidney disease and their was nothing they could do, I was devastated! On Jan. 2nd, 2020 I noticed my cat was having same symptoms and with a fever. I took her back to 24/7 Vet as I could not get into my primary that day. I different Dr. examined her and she was hydrated and had fever and still pain and no appetite. The Dr. recommended admitting my cat and keeping her overnight. The next day I went in to see how she was doing and they recommended keeping her another night. I said I could not afford that and the Dr. gave me antibiotics and something to help with appetite and sent us on our way. The next day she was already starting to feel better. I followed up with the primary vet on 1/11/20 for follow up examination and urinary tests. My cat was prescribed two additional weeks of antibiotics due to the urinary infection. The Dr. that 1st examined my cat on Jan. 1st was very not professional and did not make a professional decision in treating my cat. The Dr. should have prescribed antibiotics on Jan. 1st. as their tests were positive for a urinary infection and if antibiotics were prescribed, my cat would not have been hospitalized the next day costing $1500 in additional costs for hospitalization. My cat has been to the vet three(3) additional times since and is very good health with very mild kidney disease. I expressed my frustration about all of this on Jan. 2nd and on Jan. 3rd and the Dr. said she cannot comment on the prior Doctor's actions.

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Address: 1639 N. Fresno St, Fresno, California, United States, 93703


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