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Thank you for your correspondence posted on May 22, 2015, and received in our office on May 27, 2015, in which [redacted] has expressed dissatisfaction in our coverage denial of this claim. We appreciate the opportunity to review this matter and tespond .Our records indicate Mr. [redacted]...
reported his Toyota Sienna had been involved inan accident on April 16, 2015 However, since the policy for this vehicle did not become active until May 1, 2015, a coverage investigation was opened to determine if coverage could be applied for the loss date. Our claims personnel listened to the recording of the call from Sandra [redacted] on April 13, 2015, in which she applied for both auto and homeowners coverage to be effective on May 1, 2015. At the time of the call,Ms. [redacted] indicated she belie'9'ed her policies with State Farm were active until May 9, 2015 and/or May 31, 2015. Ms. [redacted] also asked about calling State Farm to cancel her current coverage, and the sales reptesentative advised she could call them that day. However, the representative did not advise her to cancel her current coverage prior to the effective date of her new policies. That effective date was reiterated to Ms. [redacted] several times during their conversation.Unfortunately, since the new auto coverage with our company was not yet in force at the time of the loss, we were unable to CO'Q'et the damage to the vehicle that occurred prior to the effective date.We regret we are unable to provide a more favorable response to this inqu.U.y. However, should Mr. [redacted] have any additional questions about our position, we would encourage him to contact Chums Supervisor [redacted]. Please direct any other inquiries regarding the contents of this letter to me at the above toll free number, directly at ([redacted]
To Whom It May Concern:Thank you for notifying 21st Century of the concerns presented to the Revdex.com on April 20, 2015. Weappreciate the opportunity to respond to this inquiry.As an insurer, it is always our intention to provide excellent service to our...
policyholders, and we regret the difficulties thatthis customer experienced. According to our records, we were advised by the customer on April 14, 2015, that her granddaughter was a licensed driver in her household. As such, the addition of the customer’s granddaughter to her policy was processed in accordance with company guidelines, which require all licensed and uninsured household residents to be included as rated drivers. However, weacknowledge that our communication surrounding the proof of residency documentation needed to reverse this transaction was incomplete. We have removed the customer’s granddaughter from her policy as requested. The resulting credit of $45.90 will be released as a refund to the customer within the next five business days. We thank you for your time and attention to this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused. If we can be of anyfurther assistance, please contact us by email at [redacted]
I called in around 6-8 months ago and informed 21st century I had a dwi and received a suspended license. I was told to fax in legal paperwork from the state showing this suspension. I did so. I dropped the truck I had on the policy because I sold it(because I could not drive- a long convo about doing so because of a suspended license ensued). My wife’s vehicle remained and I informed them I would not be driving it but they insisted I stay on the policy on a recorded line...I told them again that I was suspended and even with the legal state paperwork confirming my suspension they allowed me to stay on the policy because the check they ran said I was legal to drive. I was not. I have paid for the past 6-8 months extra money and the company was def. informed through legal documentation that I was in fact suspended regardless of what checks and balances 21st ran to validate my license. any state paperwork confirming suspension would supersede your check you ran. I was mis-informed and have paid extra money for no reason- I would have gladly dropped my name of the policy because I can't drive and this was understood 8 months ago. now all the sudden my wife is stranded at work without policy because you cancelled her policy under the same info you had 8 months ago...I would like her to be re instated and me dropped.
I have been a good customer and im not asking for any freebies or special treatment but I am asking that someone consider the fact I truly tried to do right by the company when I called in and stated all the facts of my situation and asked for counsel. I was mis-informed and led to believe I should continue to pay to be on a policy I knew I had no right to be on after the suspension. I was never offered to have my name removed rather I had to go through a long convo about how I had to be on it if I was in the house hold no matter what. I just want fair.
April 25, 2016
face="Times New Roman" size="3"> RE: Revdex.com File Number: 11396442
Regarding: [redacted]
Policy Holder: [redacted]
Claim Number: 3005863009
Loss Date: April 2, 2016
We are in receipt of the inquiry from [redacted]. We appreciate the opportunity to review this matter and respond.
According to the claim file, this was a low velocity impact that occurred in a parking lot. Our insured, Diane [redacted], stated the rear bumper of her 2015 Nissan Versa struck the passenger door and rear quarter panel of Ms. [redacted]’ 2005 Scion. Ms. [redacted] advised she had no damage to her vehicle and stated that Ms. [redacted] had prior damage to her vehicle. In addition, at Ms. [redacted]’ inspection appointment, the property damage that Ms. [redacted] pointed out as being related to this loss did not appear to be consistent with the measurements and lack of damage to our insured’s vehicle. It was also noted that Ms. [redacted]’ vehicle had prior body work on the right quarter panel, and it had been previously painted. The damages did not match the minor scuff on the rear bumper of our insured’s vehicle. As such, her property damage and injury claims were denied.
We did have a conversation with Ms. [redacted] on April 18, 2016 regarding this accident. Ms. [redacted] indicated she was going to contact the dealership that sold her the car the day before the accident to provide supporting documentation that there was no other pre-existing damage to her vehicle other than the trunk lid. She was also going to follow up and see if the CVS Pharmacy had a video surveillance of the parking lot.
While we regret Ms. [redacted]’ dissatisfaction with our denial, the inspection revealed Ms. [redacted]’ damage was pre-existing and not related to this loss. At this time with the information we have available for our review, the denial was appropriate. If Ms. [redacted] submits any additional evidence as noted above, we are certainly glad to review it.
If Ms. [redacted] should have any further questions at this time, she may contact Claims Supervisor [redacted] at ([redacted] or Claims Manager [redacted]
If you should require any more additional information, I can be reached at ([redacted] �...⇄
21st Century Insurance Company
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Claims Customer Relations
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Our file reflects that on November 5, 2013, we mailed the renewal void notice notifying you that your policy was voided. In addition, we mailed the earned premium notice to your residence for $76.50 on November 5, 2013. The billing notice advised you your renewal payment...
was returned by your financial institution. The call that you received on January 6, 2014, was from an auto dialer reminding you of the $76.50 balance on your account. I viewed our records and we have not received any return mail. Thank you for your payment the account balance is zero.
Our records show that we sent an email on January 16, 2015, and asked you to contact our Company because we could not change the due date on your policy from January 30, 2015, to February 5, 2015. We did not receive a response from you, so we sent another email on...
January 27, 2015, and asked you to contact us about your account and auto payment.On February 5, 2015, we mailed a cancellation notice explaining your policy would cancel on 2/18/15, unless we receive $185.62. You did not remit the payment, so the policy canceled February 18, 2015. We refunded $14.02 on December 22, 2015, the account balance is zero.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. HOWEVER I did call to make arrangements due to them knowing the card was no good.
Thank you for allowing me to respond to our former insured's concern.On March 18, 2013, Mr. [redacted] called our office for a quotation on adding his son. At the time, he was provided a quotation and the named driver exclusion and temporary waiver process was explained to him.Mr....
[redacted]'s son received his driver's license on December 11, 2014. Per our guidelines, he was required to be added to the policy or excluded from the policy on his 18th birthday regardless of his licensing status. On December 29, 2014, our agent added his son to the policy in accordance with our guidelines. Per the personal automobile policy, we are not required to obtain consent in such a circumstance. The policy states the following: "You agree that if the information you have provided, and upon which we have relied in determination of your premium, is incorrect or incomplete, or if the information changes during the policy period, we may decrease or increase the premium during the policy period based on the corrected, completed or changed information."Mr. [redacted] was offered the option to exclude his son, but he declined. On January 7, 2015, I personally explained the waiver process for excluded drivers who are away at school. He chose to cancel his policy with 21st Century Insurance effectiveJanuary 10, 2015 and he was proplerly assessed a $50 Cancellation Fee. This fee was outlined on his billing statements, declarations, and by endorsement on the policy.While his son should have been added to the policy on October 4, 2013, he was added effective December 28, 2014. Our agent changed the date to December 29, 2014, but upon further review of his account, she did not credit the policy properly. I have corrected the transaction and credited the policy an additional $5. Mr. [redacted]'s son was on the policy from December 29th to January 10th, for a total of 12 days. The earned premium charge for coverage from December 5, 2014 to January 10, 2014 including the addition of his son was $186. We received a payment of $644 on December 5, 2014 leaving a an unearned premium credit of $458 less the $50 Cancellation Fee. There is now a credit of $408 on the account. No further credits or accommodations are due to him. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.This response is totally false. My son was born in 95, he would have been 18 in 2013. We asked for a quote just to add him for 2 weeks in the winter break and then remove him. At no point in the Call Center discussions was a Waiver process ever told to us, they said he had to be included full time from then on; but it was in later email correspondence that a waiver was offered, and the full process was only explained by the VP after we had cancelled, as no-one there even knew it. I have attached the correspondence so they cannot generate more fictitious responses.They should not be charging me for [redacted], and I was forced to cancel due to their incompetence. Thanks [redacted]From: [redacted] <[redacted]@comcast.net>Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 9:53 AMTo: '[redacted]'Subject: FW: 21st Century Auto Policy # 87121254Hi Mr. [redacted]I hope this email makes it to you. I was a good Customer of 18 years until the last month or so.I can’t believe the sharp business practices, to me unethical, and appalling customer service that has occurred withyour company in such a short period of time.I sincerely hope you will look into this, and review customer issues with your company, as unknown unilateral unagreedpremium hikes seem to be your number 1 complaint. And the intransigence of your staff seem parallelwith the [redacted] of the past crisis.I trust you will take action, and I will try also to complain in Farmers your parent body.Sincerely [redacted]From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]]Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 8:39 AMTo: [redacted]@comcast.netCc: '[redacted]Subject: RE: 21st Century Auto Policy # 87121254Mr. [redacted],I have reviewed your policy and the credit balance is correct. Both the addition of your son and thecancellation fee were valid.Please know that all insurance companies do not have the same guidelines. Our guidelines require thatyour son either be listed or excluded from your policy. The waivers available for students away at collegedoes not allow you to add and remove the driver at will. While I regret losing your business, I am pleasedthat you have found coverage that suits your needs.Pending the outcome of your dispute you have filed with your credit card company, we have suspendedthe refund of $403 that was scheduled to be placed on the card.We sincerely wish you well with your new provider.Thanks,[redacted]Special Services21st Century Insurance3 Beaver Valley Road Wilmington Delaware 19803t 302 252.2136 f 302.252.2465Email: [redacted]From: "[redacted]" <[redacted]@comcast.net>To: "'[redacted]'" <[redacted]>,Cc: "'[redacted]We called your Call Center on 3 occasions, no one mentioned waivers were available (and remember the Lady Ispoke to could barely speak English) until Mr. [redacted] did, then he did not mention you could move on or off, it wasfor term, same with Ms. [redacted].We changed companies so we could move our son on an off our policy as we desired, which is a very normalactivity with all in the community here; and YOUR APPALING CUSTOMER SERVICE.The Farmers agent here, has never heard that you must include everyone in the household, he had no issuessetting it up for us very quickly, and will easily move our sons off and on policies for short periods as we need.I have disputed the refund with American express; send me into collections and I’ll file a small claims court caseand summons against you, for you to defend locally in person.And I have filed a complaint against all of you with the California Insurance Commissioner.Next will be the Revdex.com, and ABC7 on your side, later this week when I get a little free time.I would like all of this forwarding to the CEO and Marketing VP of Century 21 and Farmers, who own you,please. Also please let me know what corrective actions you have taken to prevent this happening again.Thank you. And I sure we will be dealing with this a lot more as all these other actions are taken and workedthrough. It is not the money for me now it is principle – though if you give me my proper credits and compensationI will cease and desist.Best wishes [redacted]From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]]Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 1:48 PMTo: [redacted]@comcast.netCc: '[redacted]Mr. [redacted],I agree that it would have been helpful to advise you of the availability of the waivers; however, it is myunderstanding that in your interactions with the [redacted] agents, your focus, which is evidenced bythe emails you provided below, was to remove your son from your policy or undoing the transaction inwhich he was added. Had you entertained the exclusion and allowed us to send the form to you, youwould have seen that the information regarding the temporary waiver was clearly spelled out on thedocument.While I cannot remove the cancellation fee or [redacted] from your former policy, I can give you credit for theGood Student Discount if you provide a current grade report for him and he qualifies. This will slightlyreduce the earned premium amount for the period in which he was listed on your policy.Lastly, please advise if it is your intention to dispute your payment of $644 on December 5, 2014. It is ourcontention that the payment is valid, but if you choose to dispute the charge and it is by chance chargedoff by your credit card company, your account will be sent to collections for any unpaid earned premiumamounts and uncollected fees.Thank you.[redacted]Special Services21st Century Insurance3 Beaver Valley Road Wilmington Delaware 19803[redacted]Email: [redacted]From: "[redacted]" <[redacted]@comcast.net>To: "'[redacted]'" <[redacted]>,Cc: "'[redacted]Please be prepared to spend much more time on this. You might be “Century 21st “ contractually correct on this,but you are not morally right or customer focused and your Customer Service appalling – which you agreed wasthe case below.But you cant impose changes without a Customers understanding or agreement – and when in fact none of yourstaff even new the workings of your policy – if they had none of this would have arisen in the first place, as wewould have used the waivers.Quoting your email and my response below to prove this:________________“I would like to clarify our guideline. While we do require your son to be listed or excluded from your policyas he is a member of your household, we do offer an accommodation for students away at college. Thedriver must be excluded and you can request up to four waivers per year for periods when they comehome from school which will allow them to drive. I apologize if this information was not communicated toyou.”________________“Thank you Ms. [redacted]It is interesting that the information about the waivers has never been mentioned to us by anyone else, you wouldhave thought it would have been the first thing, and you would have had a fact single sheet to brief yourCustomers.”________________We’ll be speaking again, with several organisations, I am starting with American Express today. And will file othersthis week.Thanks [redacted]From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]]Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 7:08 AMTo: [redacted]@comcast.netCc: '[redacted]Mr. [redacted],I reviewed our file and your credit balance of $403 is correct and will be credited to your credit cardaccount.As I previously stated, your son, as a member of your household is required to either be listed on orexcluded from your policy. A student away at school is still considered a member of your household. Wedo not need your authorization to add a driver to your policy under this circumstance. As such, your sonwas properly added to your policy and any premium charge due to his addition is valid.Please know that you had the option to exclude you son and take advantage of the waivers available forexcluded students. You chose to cancel your policy and as such, the cancellation fee is valid.We sincerely regret losing your business and wish you well with your new insuring relationship.Sincerely,[redacted]Special Services21st Century Insurance3 Beaver Valley Road Wilmington Delaware 19803[redacted]Email: [redacted]From: "[redacted]" <[redacted]@comcast.net>To: "[redacted]Why would you sent this to me, you were assigned to this case and called me to tell me you would do nothing, andyou said you were a manager – but your title is Supervisor a grade below Manager anywhere else.I will also dispute this with American Express shortly, if not successfully resolved.Just another example of Century 21st poor business practices.[redacted]From: [redacted]Please remove this email from your distribution this is not a customer inquiry email. For your conveniencethe you can access your policy via 21st.com or call our customer service department at [redacted]From: "[redacted]" <[redacted]@comcast.net>To: "'[redacted]'" <[redacted]>, "[redacted]Please would you sort the cancelation of my policy out with [redacted] and her department, or someone in herdepartment that has authority in Century 21 to make adjustments to refunds:They are trying to charge me the following:1. Pro-rata fees for our original and only authorized policy of ~$644 - justified2. Pro-rata fees for the addition of [redacted] – never authorized for inclusion the whole reason for this documentedissue3. Cancelation charges of $50 – when you caused this whole mess (clearly below) – and you should be giving mecompensationThe total of the refund quoted to me on the phone was around $430, when it should be $530 or more.Please resolve this internally within Farmers, or I will pursue the matter externally, with all or some of thefollowing options:CA Insurance CommissionerRevdex.comABC 7 on your sideA smalls claims court filing for recovery[redacted] – perhaps you would pursue this elsewhere in Farmers, a customer of 18 years being got rid of by totalincompetence. Farmers spends a lot of money trying to attract customers and show how good they are!All. I look forward to a proper refund, quickly.Thank you[redacted]From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]@comcast.net]Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 2:43 PMTo: '[redacted]'Cc: '[redacted]It is interesting that the information about the waivers has never been mentioned to us by anyone else, you wouldhave thought it would have been the first thing, and you would have had a fact single sheet to brief yourCustomers. But the thought of having to regularly deal with your call center is off-putting, horrific and will notwork for us. Online ability to make these changes would be a significant advantage, but again unrealistic for youwhen the paperless insurance document process hasn’t been working since November, and the website has beenunavailable several times I have tried to access it.Sorry but we’ll leave when our plans are in place. Thanks [redacted]From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]]Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 2:09 PMTo: [redacted]@comcast.netCc: '[redacted]We are sorry to have lost your business and do apologize for any misinformation that you were provided.I am dismayed at the service you received when you contacted us regarding this matter. Our goal is toprovide a positive experience to every customer and recognize that this commitment was not met. Weapologize for any inconvenience this matter caused.I regret that you feel our guidelines are inflexible. I would like to clarify our guideline. While we do requireyour son to be listed or excluded from your policy as he is a member of your household, we do offer anaccommodation for students away at college. The driver must be excluded and you can request up to fourwaivers per year for periods when they come home from school which will allow them to drive. I apologizeif this information was not communicated to you.Again, I am sorry to have lost your business and hope that you may reconsider your decision to go toanother providers.Sincerely,[redacted]Special Services21st Century Insurance3 Beaver Valley Road Wilmington Delaware 19803t [redacted]Email: [redacted]From: "[redacted]" <[redacted]@comcast.net>To: "'[redacted]Thank you Ms. [redacted].Unfortunately Ms. [redacted] any time for resolution has past now. I will be canceling the policy for one that hasflexibility, has proper Customer Service and meets our needs, including just allowing our son to be added for theshort periods he is at home.I’ll let you know when I have completed the details and the switch over time when set.It is shame though after so many years of business, and your inflexibility and intransigence seem unbelievable.Also [redacted] and I reviewed the performance of your service reps we spoke to on calls and both rated ourexperience as the lowest possible and worst we have had with all the different companies we deal with in the lastyear.[redacted]From: [redacted], C[redacted]Please see the email below from Mr. [redacted] regarding the above mentioned policy.Thank you.Regards,[redacted]IMPORTANT NOTICE:The information in this email (and any attachments hereto) is confidential and may be protected by legal privileges and work productimmunities. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the information. Receipt by anyone other than the intendedrecipient is not a waiver of any attorney-client or work product privilege. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify meby “Reply” command and permanently delete the original and any copies or printouts thereof. Although this email and any attachments arebelieved to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is theresponsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by American International Group, Inc. or itssubsidiaries or affiliates either jointly or severally, for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.Third Party Relationships. [redacted] Worldwide and [redacted] Travel Assist have alliance relationships with thirdparty product and services vendors. As part of many such relationships, [redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] TravelAssist are able to refer and/or resell certain products and services and/or may receive compensation from vendorsin the form of fees or other benefits in connection with the marketing, technical, and other assistance provided by[redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] Travel Assist. Member acknowledges that such relationships may befinancially beneficial to [redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] Travel Assist.From: [redacted] [mailto:[redacted]@comcast.net]Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 12:10 PM[redacted]This has been incredibly badly handed by everyone at you department, including me talking to a lady that didn’tseem to be able to understand English for practical business communication. We will not be paying you any moremoney, and you no longer have access to our auto-pay, or be completing any forms for you. Also I am not reallyinterested in your policies about households, we are paying for a service clearly defined, and have been with youprobably for nearly 20 years with that same clearly defined service, and don’t need you unilaterally changing ourpolicy and more than doubling the cost without our consent or agreement. It is unethical.I will inform our household broker in your group this morning, and start to get quotes for other insurancecompanies. And consider whether to take this further with Insurance overseers, or Customer Advocacy Groups orforums.I will let you know if I decide to cancel, in the meantime we are continuing our insurance as defined prior to thisissue at the old rate which is fully paid through this 6 month period, and I will calculate any refunds based on thatrate, pro-rated on a daily basis should I decide to cancel, although I would anticipate you considering furthercompensation for these unnecessary events well above this to be added.What a horrible experience of incompetence this has been after nearly 20 years of business with you, when weonly asked for a quote for additional service. Unbelievable.Again, I want to see this copied to your Customer Service VP. Or please give me their name and email address and Iwill write.[redacted]From: [redacted], Corrinne [mailto:Corrinne.[redacted].com]Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 7:12 AMTo: '[redacted]'Cc: [redacted], BradleySubject: RE: 21st Century Auto Policy # 87121254Dear Mr. [redacted],Now that we are aware that your son is a licensed driver in the household we are required to add him asa driver per underwriting requirements and apologize that this was not clearly communicated to your wifeduring her call. To remove [redacted], a signed Named Driver Exclusion form is required. If you wish to proceedwith this option we will submit a request to 21st Century to forward the form to you for signature.This issue has been raised to the Manager of Special Operations within 21st Century and this will also beaddressed with the individual agents concerned.Whilst we do not wish to lose your business, a cancellation request form is attached to this email shouldyou decide to switch to another carrier.Regards,Corrinne [redacted], CISR[redacted]Manager - Member Services[redacted] Travel | [redacted] Property Casualty2929 Allen Parkway, 14th Floor, Houston, TX 77019Tel +1 817 826-7200Tel +1 888-737-3916corrinne.[redacted].com | www.[redacted].com | www.[redacted].com/travel/relocationIMPORTANT NOTICE:The information in this email (and any attachments hereto) is confidential and may be protected by legal privileges and work productimmunities. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the information. Receipt by anyone other than the intendedrecipient is not a waiver of any attorney-client or work product privilege. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify meby “Reply” command and permanently delete the original and any copies or printouts thereof. Although this email and any attachments arebelieved to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is theresponsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by American International Group, Inc. or itssubsidiaries or affiliates either jointly or severally, for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.Third Party Relationships. [redacted] Worldwide and [redacted] Travel Assist have alliance relationships with thirdparty product and services vendors. As part of many such relationships, [redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] TravelAssist are able to refer and/or resell certain products and services and/or may receive compensation from vendorsin the form of fees or other benefits in connection with the marketing, technical, and other assistance provided by[redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] Travel Assist. Member acknowledges that such relationships may befinancially beneficial to [redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] Travel Assist.[redacted]We are not including him in our policy at this time and he has not driven our cars. As I have said to Mr. [redacted] inanother email, I have cancelled our auto-pay, we never authorized your additional premium and only asked for aquote to be added, and we will not pay for your mistake.If you wish me to source other insurance I will, and yours will be prorated and refunded on a str[redacted]ht time basis fortime used. Also I will remove my house insurance from your group and sell my [redacted] shares.I don’t see how this can all have arisen from a simple quote request, which was never authorized to move forward.Let me know and will start auctioning everything and inform your house insurance broker of your service issuesalso.Also I would like this matter raised to your Customer Service VP.Thank you, and I am really upset we are all having to waste this time, energy and emotion over just a quoterequest.[redacted]I apologize for the delay in replying as I have been in meetings until now. As your son is in thehousehold, although away at school, he does need to be included as a driver on the policy perunderwriting requirements. I apologize that this was not clearly explained to your wife at the time of hercall. Your wife was advised of the away at school and good student discounts which can be applied uponreceipt of the transcripts confirming his grades. The other alternative is to exclude him as a named driveraltogether from the policy, to do this 21st Century will require a signed named driver exclusion form. If youwish to pursue this option we will have the form sent to you for signature.I apologize for the inconvenience that this situation has caused.Regards,[redacted]The information in this email (and any attachments hereto) is confidential and may be protected by legal privileges and work productimmunities. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use or disseminate the information. Receipt by anyone other than the intendedrecipient is not a waiver of any attorney-client or work product privilege. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify meby “Reply” command and permanently delete the original and any copies or printouts thereof. Although this email and any attachments arebelieved to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is theresponsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free and no responsibility is accepted by American International Group, Inc. or itssubsidiaries or affiliates either jointly or severally, for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use.Third Party Relationships. [redacted] Worldwide and [redacted] Travel Assist have alliance relationships with thirdparty product and services vendors. As part of many such relationships, [redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] TravelAssist are able to refer and/or resell certain products and services and/or may receive compensation from vendorsin the form of fees or other benefits in connection with the marketing, technical, and other assistance provided by[redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] Travel Assist. Member acknowledges that such relationships may befinancially beneficial to [redacted] Worldwide and/or [redacted] Travel Assist.F[redacted]All we ever asked for was a quote for [redacted] to be added, we did not authorize you to add him.He is to be removed and the policy to be set as it was prior to this enquiry. I should have had no need to call you,and do not wish too. Put the policy back to what it was.I am not really interested in your review. If you wish me to pursue this further I will - by trying other insurancecompanies and getting quotes to move my business elsewhere.Immediately please confirm our policy is back to what it was previously, prior to the request for a quote for [redacted] tobe considered.Please respond immediately. Thank you [redacted].[redacted]Thank you for your telephone call received on 01/05/2015Your business is very important to us and we believe that is important that we address your concerns.Our understanding of the concerns you raised are as that your son [redacted] was added to your policy withoutyour authorization.We will carry out a thorough assessment of your concerns, this will include a review the call from yourwife on 01/02/15 with our agent, you will appreciate it will take a short period of time for us to gather andreview all the relevant information. Please be assured that we will provide a response or an update assoon as we can although no later than the end of today.If in the meantime you wish to discuss anything further, please feel free to contact us directly at thenumber listed below.Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention.Sincerely,[redacted]
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Our roadside assistance department spoke with Mr. [redacted] upon receipt of his inquiry dated September 2, 2015. Mr. [redacted] stated he was concerned because when he called in September 2015, for service he was told he had reached his five...
tows. We reviewed the roadside assistance claims for Mr. [redacted] and confirmed he had reached the maximum number of tows allowed under his policy. Should Mr. [redacted] have any further questions, we encourage him to contact Claims Representative [redacted] further assistance.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I copied a transaction history from my bank and do not see the charge on the 16th as stated from 21st century. I recieved a call from [redacted] at 21st century on Weds explaining that I am responsible for past due balance and next months balance within 10 working days and then policy will be terminated.
Mark Smith
The account information in question was provided to us by the complainant's son who did not identify the mother as the sole account holder. To review the request for reimbursement, we ask for a bank statement reflecting said charges, and the complainant as...
the sole account holder. We also request a copy of the filed police report pursuing charges against the policyholder for fraudulently accessing her account. This information may be faxed to [redacted] Thank you.
I mailed you a letter to forward to your current insurance carrier, so they can update their files and amend your policy accordingly. I will also mail you a copy of your corrected CLUE report as soon as it is available.
line-height: 150%;">Revdex.com:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I want to know what address did 21st Century send the cancellation letter to. My fiancee lost her driving privileges because of this. And we're in the process of trying to get it back. And Florida DMV hasn't made it easy, even with the paperwork they told her she needed.
Thank you for allowing me to respond our customer's concern.
I reviewed our file and found that [redacted]'s was contacted by our third party lead group following up on a quotation previously obtained. The lead group member transferred the call to our sales rep, [redacted]. The...
address information was not reviewed or discussed on either call.
The policy was bound on September 8, 2014 at the price originally quoted on September 2nd at the address in Brawley. As an accommodation, I have waived the $41 for this term only.
We regret that our relationship has gotten off to a rocky start. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we did not succeed in this instance.
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns.
Thank you for allowing us to respond to [redacted] concerns.
We correctly canceled his policy effective June 18, 2013.
The balance of $97.16 on the account is in part a result of a $75 refund check that was inadvertently sent to [redacted] on October 26, 2012 when a...
customer wrote [redacted] policy number on his payment in error. The refund was cashed by [redacted] on November 5, 2012. When the other customer discovered his error in January of 2013, we debited [redacted] account for the unearned refund on January 11, 2013. This was explained to [redacted] on May 24, 2013.
The remaining $22.16 is the earned premium charge for coverage from June 13, 2013 to June 18, 2013.
[redacted] can either contact 21st Century Insurance to pay his balance or make payment through our collection agency.
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions or concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you for allowing me to respond to Mr. [redacted]s concerns.I have reviewed our file and found that Mr. [redacted]s refund has already been issued.On January 15, 2015, Mr. [redacted] called and requested to cancel his policy effective that day. A member of our Customer Service...
Department assisted with processing the cancellation and advised Mr. [redacted] that he would be receiving an unearned premium refund of $208.74.On February 27, 2015, Mr. [redacted] called to check on the status of his refund. A member of our Customer Service Department advised Mr. [redacted] that his refund had not yet been released, and that a request would be sent to our Accounting Department to have it manually issued.At the time of cancellation, our billing system calculated an unearned premium refund owed of $208.74. In reviewing Mr. [redacted]s billing history, it has been determined that he was only owed an unearned premium refund of $153.46. The delay in issuing Mr. [redacted]s refund was caused by this system miscalculation. We apologize for any inconvenience this matter caused.On March 2, 2015, we issued a refund check for $208.74 to the last policy address on file. We would like Mr. [redacted] to keep the additional $55.28 to accommodate for any interest owed and inconvenience experienced due to the delay in issuing his refund. If it has not already arrived, Mr. [redacted] should receive the check within the next 2-5 business days.If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I need more then just a "I sent a letter." We've been through this before TWICE and no resolution was seen. Since 21Century submitted it, you need to FOLLOW THROUGH and make sure its done!!!! plus you owe me for all the extra insurance I'm paying for your false reporting...
Thank you for your inquiry filed by Mr. [redacted] on July 27, 2015, in which he expresses dissatisfaction with our handling of his claim and policy.This claim was reported on December 9, 2013, after Mr. [redacted]'s vehicle was involved in a single-vehicleaccident. It was subsequently...
inspected and determined to be a total loss. On January 27, 2014, payment of$12,149.56 was issued to Mr. [redacted] and the claim was closed.Upon receipt of Mr. [redacted]'s inquiry to the Revdex.com, we reviewed the file and found he was shown as the responsible driver in out claims system. Ow: review of the initial telephone call in which he reported the loss confirms he advised us his girlfriend, [redacted], was operating the vehicle at the time of the collision; itappears we simply enrered him as the driver in error. We apologize for this oversight We have since updatedour claims system, which now indicates [redacted] was the driver. Although Mr. [redacted] states he hasadvised us of this issue previously, our claim file includes no reference to any contact from him regarding this issue or any request that we adjust our records. However, it is possible he spoke to someone outside of our claims operation regarding the matter.Regarding the policy and premiums, we have made the appropriate adjustment and applied a credit to his current policy balance. Mr. [redacted] has been advised of this adjustment and our correction of the claim record. This matter is now resolved, but we apologize fot any inconvenience Mr. [redacted] experiencedShould you have questions :regarding this letter, you may contact me toll free at ([redacted]