2-10 Home Buyers Warranty Reviews (1673)
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2-10 Home Buyers Warranty Rating
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Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/08) */
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation ("HBRWC") is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case XXXXXXXX by [redacted]. We have located Mr. [redacted]'s Limited Home Service Agreement ("Agreement") and...
applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond.
We sincerely apologize for any frustration or inconvenience that Mr. [redacted] may have experienced during the claims handling process. Our records indicate that on July 28, 2015 the independent service contractor Traditional Services made repairs to Mr. [redacted]'s air condition unit by replacing two leaking shraeder valves and adding refrigerant to the system. HBRWC was next contacted by Mr. [redacted] on September 12, 2015. At that time, Mr. [redacted] stated that the air conditioning system had failed again, and that there was damage to the property. Mr. [redacted] stated that he was of the opinion that this damage was caused by the service contractor not replacing the evaporator coil in July.
As Mr. [redacted]'s inquiry indicates, HBRWC is not responsible for any damages to the flooring or ceiling in the area pursuant to section B-5 of his Agreement which states, "We are not liable for incidental, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages or for bodily/personal injury or property damage." This means that HBRWC will not offer coverage to repair any areas that are damaged due to an eligible failure that occurs in the home.
With this said, HBRWC does require that our service contractors maintain active insurance policies. If Mr. [redacted] believes that the damage was caused by the contractor not locating the failure, he may contact [redacted] to request their assistance and/or insurance information in correcting the damage to the ceiling. While HBRWC requests the customer first request this of the contractor, we will release this information if the service contractor declines to do so.
Our records indicate that the eligible repairs to the air handler are completed at this time. While we are not able to offer coverage for the damaged ceiling, we none-the-less appreciate Mr. [redacted] bringing this concern to our attention so we may review the matter further.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/10/12) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The company is reading "consequential damages" to include damages caused, not by the appliance, but by its contractor's negligence. Given that the consumer has no ability to choose a contractor, and given the company's incentive to use cheap contractors, this ends up being a massive issue.
We'll file the lawsuit, and look into broad discovery to see if a class action is appropriate.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/10/21) */
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation ("HBRWC") is in receipt of the rebuttal submitted by Mr. [redacted]. Thank you for the opportunity to review further.
As our previous response indicated, HBRWC does not offer coverage for consequential damages or property damage to the home per section B-5 of his Limited Home Service Agreement. This statement does not make exceptions based on how the damage occurred.
However, our response also advised Mr. [redacted] that he may contact the company Traditional Services to request their insurance information. HBRWC requires all of the independent dispatched to a property maintain active insurance policies. Traditional Services can provide Mr. [redacted] with that information. Any repairs to the ceiling will be between Mr. [redacted], the contractor, and their insurance as this is not an item eligible through HBRWC.
We apologize that we are not able to be of further assistance with this matter. While the ceiling damage is not eligible for coverage, Mr. [redacted] does have the option of contacting Traditional Services for further evaluation t his discretion.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review and...
Our records indicate on February 23, 2017, [redacted] reported on line his air conditioner is leaking water. The independent contractor, [redacted] was dispatched to the property and reported the condensate drain line was clogged. Per the Agreement on page 4 under Air Conditioning;
“Excluded: condensate drain lines”. Since condensate drain lines are not eligible for coverage, the clearing of the line is not covered. The representative called Mr. [redacted] at the phone # listed on the Agreement (this is a different phone # that he has on this Revdex.com complaint; the phone # has now been added) A voice message was left advising the clearing of the condensate line is not eligible for coverage. Mr. [redacted] decided to get a second opinion and he was emailed the guidelines to follow for using a contractor out our network. Number 1 of the guidelines clearly states:
‘1. 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty determines whether or not the system or appliance is repaired or replaced, as defined by your Service Agreement. 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty will only consider reimbursement of the costs that a Network HBW Service Contractor would have charged for the eligible repair or replacement. The cost for you to use an out of network contractor is usually significantly more than using a contractor from our network. Also, your service contractor does not have the benefit of our national purchasing power for parts and equipment. It is likely that these costs will be much higher than 2-10’s costs and you will be responsible for the difference.”
This is also located in the Agreement under the Terms & Conditions; A-2a.:“ If we elect payment, the amount will equal the lesser of: (i) what the ordinary customer would pay after negotiating the
best price for such services in your area and without the benefits of this Service Agreement; or (ii) the amount we would pay for parts and labor for covered service based upon our contracts with
service contractors (this amount is usually less than retail cost or your actual cost); or (iii) the “DOLLAR LIMIT” reduced by the service fee paid to the service contractor by you and the cost incurred to diagnose the malfunction.”
On March 9, 2017, Mr. [redacted]’s contractor contacted HBRWC and reported the evaporator coil is leaking and causing the evaporator to freeze. He recommended replacing the air handler at a cost of $4160.58 which HBW finds extreme. By using a network contractor, the same work can be done for $771.92 (recently revised to $1050.92 as the amount of $771.92 did not include duct modifications and refrigerant). This includes a national brand air handler that carries a minimum 5 year. If Mr. [redacted] wanted to use his contractor, he can put our offer toward his contractor’s repairs or he has the option of using a network contractor. A call was placed to Mr. [redacted] and a voice message was left.
We do apologize for any frustration or inconvenience Mr. [redacted] has experienced. We have attempted numerous times to contact Mr. [redacted] in this regard. The phone number he provided the Revdex.com has been added as a main contact. On May 15, 2017, a pending claim email was sent to Mr. [redacted] to please call within 7 days as to what he would like to do. HBRWC will not pay his contractors cost per the Terms & Conditions A-2a. If Mr. [redacted] would like to keep his out of pocket costs at a minimum, it would be best he use a network contractor.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:There is not rust on my water heater. I was told my claim was denied because of lapse of coverage time before I renewed the agreement. When I called the company to inquire how claims work, I even asked for advise, that in the event the water heater did need to be replaced would I need additional coverage for replacement? I was told no, that my agreement covered replacement if that was what was needed. I was told that all cases are treated differently some homeowners may have out of pocket expense and some is full coverage, based on the diagnosis. I was never offered any options for repair or replacement and told to get a second opinion from contractor of my choice at my expense. Please see pictures attached. There is no rust on my water heater
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review...
and respond.
Our records indicate on June 4, 2017, [redacted] reported online, his air conditioner was not cooling. We do regret that on occasion, HBRWC will not have an approved network contractor to service an area in a particular trade. We do apologize for this inconvenience. When this occurs, we do request that the customer locate their own contractor. This is described in the Agreement under the Terms & Conditions, A-1 ". No claim forms are used, but we must pre-approve service by an authorized, independent service contractor. If an authorized service contractor is not available in your area, we will ask that you call your preferred service contractor and request that they evaluate your problem, but they must call us for authorization prior to performing service. Your service contractor must be licensed and insured."
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable air conditioning claim that was placed June 5,...
2016. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond. Our records indicate on June 5, 2016, [redacted] reported a leaking pipe within the drywall and about to burst. The air handler is in the attic. Independent service contractor, Blizzard H&A was dispatched to the home and reported “on line” they added 3 lbs. of Freon and cleared the line. [redacted] was still having issues with the leaking. Blizzard could not come back out in a timely manner, therefore she used her own out of network contractor. Her contactor was able to find the problem and he did complete repairs. Even though the agreement specifically states that the Service performed without prior authorization will not be paid. We are understanding of [redacted]’s situation. A representative of this department contacted [redacted] and offered to reimburse her the amount she paid out of pocket to her contractor. [redacted] accepted our offer. HBRWC would like to apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced. We thank [redacted] for bringing this matter to our attention and we look forward to serving her future warranty needs. We respectfully request the Revdex.com to close this matter as this claim was resolved satisfactory with both parties. Sincerely, Office of the President Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
Re: Revdex.com Case #: 7999474 Consumer: [redacted]...
Business: 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty HBW File No.: GA367739-01/02 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (“2-10 HBW”) is the administrator of the 2-10 New Home Warranty Program. However, the warranty itself is the builder’s warranty, and the builder is primarily responsible for making warranted repairs. As the administrator, HBW handles the intake of service requests from the consumer and works with the builder and the consumer to administer the warranty terms and to coordinate warranted repairs. This process sometimes involves coordination with subcontractors and others, who may actually be responsible for completing the repair work. The warranty in question is a one year workmanship warranty with an effective date of December 12, 2014 to December 12, 2015. The consumer filed 4 separate service requests with HBW for warranty work within the applicable warranty term. On each occasion, HBW responded to the consumer’s service request with a written response via e-mail within one business day of receipt of the service request. HBW also immediately informed the builder of the actions required of the builder to make repairs using the Construction Performance Standards outlined in the warranty booklet. HBW is available to assist the consumer and the builder with the warranty process, but the builder has the responsibility to work with the consumer to actually schedule and complete the work. Our records indicate we were notified by the builder that all repairs have been completed to the consumer’s home. We have received the attached signed off items from the builder in response to the consumer’s file. The warranty also offers arbitration as an alternative method to resolve disputes under the builder’s warranty. If your consumer disagrees with the builder’s position, the consumer may contact our office and request to file arbitration pursuant to the terms of the warranty. We apologize for any inconvenience the consumer may have experienced. We do appreciate Mr. [redacted] bringing this matter to our attention. Sincerely, 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review and...
Our records indicate on August 31, 2016, [redacted] reported this were is back up affecting other lines in the home. The first contractor reported the he found the drain going into the wall is an inch higher than what’s going into the drain. Thus it cannot drain proper due to the incorrect slope. A second opinion was sent to the home and was able to clear the blockage. A supervisor called [redacted] and he has confirmed that the line is now clear.
HBRWC would like to apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced. We value his business and we look forward to serving his future warranty needs.
Office of the PresidentHome Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“2-10 HBW”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review...
and respond.
Our records indicate on November 23, 2016, [redacted] reported 4 appliance claims. The independent contractor, [redacted] was dispatched to the property to evaluate all of the appliance.
Washer - [redacted] reported the unit is not completing cycles and leaking. – [redacted] reported there are no signs of leaking after filling unit up 3 times fully and going through cycles. It is missing the correct timer knob. Unit fills correctly, drain correctly and agitates correctly; he found no mechanical failures.
Dryer – [redacted] reported the dryer over heats. – [redacted] reported he was unable to find anything wrong with this unit. Door seems to close fine, unit cycles on thermostat properly and unit has good airflow.
Refrigerator – [redacted] reported the refrigerator is leaking. – [redacted] reported the door is rubbing at the bottom, you have to push the door closed by some force. This is caused because the door interior liner/shell is warped. The interior shell is excluded from coverage under Appliances. There is no mechanical failure found to the refrigerator.Dishwasher – [redacted] reported the dishes do not get clean. [redacted] reported there is no mechanical failures and it is working as intended. The only observation was that he found dishes in upper rack blocking top spray.
[redacted] disagreed with [redacted]’s reports. The representative advised he could get his own second opinion and we would be happy to review his contractor’s findings. This was on November 30, 2016. [redacted] just recently contacted 2-10 HBW on August 29, 2017 (9 months after the last diagnostics from [redacted]). He advised he had acquired a second opinion and had sent us a letter. The letter has not been received. The representative advised him that he can send it as an email to [redacted] and he understood. We have not yet receive the diagnostic’s report from his contractor. To expedite service, [redacted] can also have his contractor call in his findings at [redacted].
We do respectfully disagree with [redacted]’s statement. 2-10 HBW always work with contractor’s out of our network. Motors are a mechanical failure but [redacted] did not find any motor failures. Perhaps the motor failed to one of the appliances after [redacted]’s diagnostics back in 2016.
In [redacted]’s desired settlement, he is requesting that we replace each of his appliances. With the information we have, we regret that we will not be repair/replacing his appliances. 2-10 HBW has fulfilled their obligations as specified in the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement.
We apologize for any frustration or inconvenience that [redacted] may have experienced during the claims handling process. We value his business and we look forward to serving his future warranty needs.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The company did not speak to me, but someone else at the address with a different policy.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I need further clarification and wanted to respond. Below is my response that needs to get addressed. Hi,You record that shows I reported an unusual noise on my furnace on January 1, 2018 is correct. I needed someone to check it out.Clarified Information:Your independent contractor, [redacted], missed 1ST appointment on Jan 2 then on Jan 3 no show during the appointment slot. Made me wait entire day. Lost work time. Eventually showed up. I ask you to please read the full details on it on my original complaint here to get clarification.Incorrect Information:Your independent contractor did not replace the fan motor on January 3, 2018. He did not replace anything. He just opened things up and says nothing is wrong.I do maintain and take care of my air filter timely. Your contractor took out the air filter and it was not extremely dirty. He says he won’t put it back on. That is OK by me. I did not ask your contractor to replace the dirty air filter. I simply said I’ll provide a new one and lets just put it back on. He didn’t want to put it because he says it doesn’t belong there even though the system’s sticker says it does.Correct Information:Later on Jan 3 2018 I found water all over the place where the furnace is and it was from one of the pipes or something the contractor opened and/or broke. I didn’t ask to come damage my property. I called Jan 3 and 4 to report the problem and on Jan 4 I was told I’d get a call from the contractor to come fix the issues within 72 hours.Didn’t Follow Through:It is Jan 16 2018 and I didn’t get any contractor to come fix the issue. Question:2-10 failed to follow through on your promises. I made the premium so that I get peace of mind in exchange for my money. You failed to do that. You are forcing me to come to this conclusion because of your actions. Why would I only get a pro rata refund? You mentioned my service fee has been refunded. It will take approximately 10 to 14 business days to receive the check. Is it the $75 you are referring to?On Jan 10, 2018 I notified contractor hasn’t showed up to fix the issue and on Jan 11, 2018 I have a voicemail that says a contractor will show up. No show still, I’d need a different contractor to come address the issue. I’ll call 2-10 back today to get another escalation. Thank you.
I should be paid the $180 I was told I would be reimbursed. I would also like to know how much I would get reimbursed once I cancel with 2-10. 2-10 should also honor the statements they tell their customers in the future.
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty...
Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond.
Our records indicate on July 9, 2017, [redacted] reported online it is 85 degrees and her air conditioner is not cooling. The independent contractor, [redacted] was sent the dispatched but declined online reporting the customer is going to use their own contractor. The guidelines for using a contractor out or our network, were sent to her. [redacted] contractor reported the capacitor has failed and it needs to be replaced. The claim was authorized according to the Agreement under the Terms & Conditions. A-2.a “If we elect payment, the amount will equal the lesser of:…(ii) the amount we would pay for parts and labor for covered service based upon our contracts with service contractors (this amount is usually less than retail cost or your actual cost)”. There has been a business decision made to reimburse [redacted] the $180 she is requesting. This will be reimbursed once we receive the invoice. It will take approximately 14 business days to receive the check once it is processed. The representative has been sent to our coaching and development team, so the representatives can learn from this.
We ask that [redacted] contact accounting directly at [redacted] if she is interested in the amount of her return if she cancels her Agreement with HBRWC. If after speaking with accounting, she would still like to cancel, she may send a written request to [email protected]. The Agreement would be cancelled as stated in section H of the Terms & Conditions of her Agreement, which states: “If this Service Agreement is canceled after 30-days, the owner of the home at the covered address will receive a pro-rata refund of the purchase price for the unexpired term.”
HBRWC would like to apologize for the inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced do to a customer service mistake.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to...
review and respond.
When and evaporator coil is in need of replacement and the like kind coil is not readily available, per the Agreement B-2 “When replacement of systems or appliances of identical dimensions are not readily
available, we are responsible for installation of replacement equipment, but not for the cost of
construction or carpentry needed because of different dimensions.” This means to construct/modify the ductwork to accommodate the new coil would be the customers cost. Ductwork is listed as covered in the Agreement, however there must be an eligible failure to the ductwork in order for coverage to apply. Mr. [redacted] has our supreme coverage which state; “Improper installation/repair/modification
when necessary to effect an eligible repair. This means; if there was a prior improper repair or modification done to the ductwork, it would be taken care of. Mr. [redacted]’s duct work was not improper. Mr. [redacted] spoke to a manager. The manager understood his interpretation of the Agreement and has settled this matter with Mr. [redacted].
HBRWC would like to apologize for any inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced. We value his business and we look forward to serving his future warranty needs.
Office of the PresidentHome Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
Our records indicate on March 28, 2018, Mr. [redacted] requested service as his air conditioner is not cooling. The independent contractor, [redacted] Air Conditioning and Heating reported the compressor has bad bearings, a faulty control board and the coil is rusty. [redacted] refused to just replace the compressor...
and control board as he would not be making enough money. He will only replace the entire system. [redacted] has been sent to our contractor relations department to address the contractor.
We do not normally replace an entire system when only a couple of components need to be replaced. Home Service Agreements are there to get your systems and appliances back to running condition and this is the promise we make. It is the policy of warranty companies to perform a repair when one is possible, much like a manufacturer warranties their products. These type of repairs are customary and reliable, and we will guarantee the work for the full term of the Agreement. This process is also specified in the Agreement’s Terms & Conditions, section B-1 which states; “We solely determine whether covered systems or appliances and their components will be repaired or replaced.” 2-10 HBW does take the independent contractors recommendation into consideration, but the final decision for repairs or replacement is solely ours.
Although we prefer all our customers receive fast and reliable service, we are not liable to provide timely service due to [redacted]’s refusal to replace the compressor and control board. Pursuant to section B-10 of the Agreements terms and conditions; “We are not liable for failure to provide timely service due to conditions beyond our control; including but not limited to: delays in obtaining parts, equipment, weather delays, labor difficulties or scheduling difficulties between you and the service contractor.”
The independent contractor, [redacted] was dispatched and reported the compressor valves have failed and the indoor evaporator coil is leaking. A cost comparison was done and it was more cost effective to replace Mr. [redacted]’s air conditioner system. The equipment was ordered and [redacted] has notified us the installation of the air conditioner was installed on April 17, 2018.
We apologize to Mr. [redacted] that he did not receive the quality service that he expected as 2-10 HBW is committed to providing superior home warranty protection and customer service.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) that went into effect August 11, 2016 and applicable claim. Thank...
you for the opportunity to review and respond.
Our records indicate on August 13, 2016, [redacted] reported his air conditioner is not blowing cold air. The independent service contractor, ** [redacted] was dispatched to the home and reported the system was void of Freon and there is a leak in the condensing unit. The claim was called in 2 days after the warranty effective date. Originally the claim was denied as “not in good working order at the beginning of the service period.” From our experience, it takes much longer than 2 days for an a/c system to lose all of its Freon. Mr. [redacted] did send in his home inspection which showed the system was in good working order and the denial was overturned. It was first decided to replace the condensing coil because it was more cost effective, however on August 23, 2016, the contractor reported we would need to replace the condensing unit. He did not give us his justification. We finally were able to get a hold of the contractor and he refused to replace just the coil as to the type of coil it is. As not to hold up the claim any further, the condensing unit was ordered. On September 7, 2016, a represented called Mr. [redacted] and confirmed the work is complete.
HBRWC would like to apologize for any inconvenience and delay [redacted] has experienced. We value his business and we look forward to serving his future warranty needs.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Although their response lacked honesty and accountability.
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review and...
Our records indicate on September 20, 2016, [redacted] reported the dishwasher does not complete cycles. The independent contractor, [redacted] was dispatched to the property and reported online that the drain hose was plugged up and billed out online. [redacted] did not report to HBRWC that the dishwasher will break down again due to its age. [redacted] is correct in that we do have a new rebate program that is offered. However it is only when an appliance claim is originally set up and not on a recall visit. The conversation [redacted] had with the representative is not noted but it is time stamped where the phone call will be pulled. [redacted]’s claim has been sent to our employee development team to review and if appropriate, coach the representative. HBRWC is committed to providing superior home warranty protection and fast, friendly and reliable customer service leaving a positive experience to all our customers. His concerns enables us to make corrections and continue to improve our service.
HBRWC would like to apologize for the inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced. As [redacted] has requested in his desired settlement. A check for $100 has been processed. It will take approximately 10 to 15 business days to receive the check. We value his business and we look forward to serving his future warranty needs.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by Mr. [redacted]. We have located Mr. [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) and applicable claim. Thank you for the opportunity to review and...
Our records indicate on September 6, 2016, Mr. [redacted] reported his air conditioner is not blowing cold air. The independent contractor [redacted] was dispatched. The first time out, the found the dual capacitor had burnt out and they replaced it. The system worked for an hour and stopped. The contractor was recalled to the home and found that the air handler needs to be replaced due to the blower motor has seized and stops due to thermos overload and the evaporator coil is leaking. There is no model or serial # on the air handler. We were not able to locate an air handler that the contractor needed. As to prevent any further delay, the contractor was authorized to replace the air handler. The contractor was booked and was not able to complete the work as quickly as we’d like. A supervisor has been assigned to this case and called the contractor. They report the work has been completed. He called Mr. [redacted] and received his voice mail. A message was left to confirm completion.
HBRWC apologizes to Mr. [redacted] for the experience he has had with the customer service and the delay to his claim. We strive to provide fast, friendly and reliable service, leaving a positive experience to all our customers. His concerns enables us to make corrections and continue to improve our service. We value his business and we look forward to serving his future warranty needs.
Office of the President
Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:While I appreciate the response and finally a resolution, I still cannot fathom how this process would be acceptable at any business. From service call to misdiagnosis to lost parts to lack of follow-up, this process took over 60 days. Meanwhile we were out of an appliance that we use daily. Yes the response I get from 2-10 pushes back on the contractor but takes no responsibility for their own shortcomings.Unfortunately, I now see that the lack of customer service extends all the way to upper management at 2-10. I understand the terms and conditions, although I appreciate you quoting them again to me as your employees have done throughout this process. The simple fact is that at no point, did anyone really try to help resolve the situation. The customer, me, would have to follow up week after week to see if they had found a contractor, if they had found the missing part, or if they had received a response/diagnosis from the contractor. If this is the way 2-10 does business, then I have a hard time continuing any relationship going forward.
The Office of the President at Home Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation (“HBRWC”) is in receipt of the inquiry submitted under case [redacted] by [redacted]. We have located [redacted]’s Limited Home service Agreement (“Agreement”) that went into effect July 21, 2016 and applicable claim. Thank...
you for the opportunity to review and respond.
Our records indicate on July 26, 2016, [redacted] reported there was a leak in the basement and air was not blowing out very cold. He spoke to a representative and said he closed on Thursday July 21 and moved in on Friday July 22 and found the basement floor wet from condensation from the ac unit. He shut the unit down and called in the claim. The representative explained that this may be an issue that occurred prior to the effective date of the Agreement and if this is the case it will not be eligible for coverage. She explained there is a pre-existing clause in the Agreement. This is located in the Agreement under the Terms & Conditions 3. “are in place and in good and safe working order at the beginning of the Service Agreement. Coverage will apply to an existing defect or mechanical failure provided the defect or mechanical failure could not have been detected by a visual inspection and a simple mechanical test.”
The independent service contractor, [redacted] [redacted] was dispatched and reported the system was low on refrigerant, added leak seal and the system worked for a short period until the Freon leaked out. [redacted] was recalled right back to the home and reported the leak seal did not hold, there are leaks around the compressor, and it has shorted to ground. The contractor is afraid if he takes the compressor out, the unit may fall apart. The technician tried to do a leak test but the Freon was coming out everywhere.
The claim was reviewed and there was enough evidence to determine the system was not in good working order at the beginning of the Service Agreement and the claim was denied. Mr. [redacted] sent in his home inspection. For a proper visual inspection and testing, would require a licensed HVAC company. A home inspector is not a licensed HVAC contractor. There were no mechanical tests or visual inspections such as temperature readings, done to the system to show that the system was in good working order. The home inspection was not enough information to overturn the denial. We regret that [redacted]’s air conditioner is not eligible for coverage. We apologize that we are not able to be of further assistance.
Office of the PresidentHome Buyers Resale Warranty Corporation