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Address: 1455 Oviedo Mall Boulevard, Oviedo, Florida, United States, 32765
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Oviedo Mall Boulevard.
Buenos dÃas. Adjunto nota escrita para los fabricantes de la foto en 3d, la cual llevarÃa a ellos para finiquitar de la mejor forma este inconveniente, pero que infortunadamente no me fue posible, dada su negativa para contactarme con ellos.
La nota es muy clara, igual que la primera que les entregue a ustedes cuando devolvà por primera vez el producto en cuestión, la cual también anexo.
Si no puedo tener contacto con el fabricante, entonces debo hacerlos a Ustedes responsables directamente. Quiero el producto ofrecido y exhibido, quiero mi foto de forma correcta, no al revés y con defectos tan notorios.
Soy consciente de que algunas diferencias mÃnimas pueden presentarse en el proceso, pues es mecánico, pero de ahà a que la cara sonriente, quedé en la parte posterior y que yo tenga que poner al revés el producto y ver además más imperfecciones de los acabados al dorso.... pues hay mucha diferencia, es extremo, no es correcto, honesto, ético, profesional y por lo tanto es inaceptable.
Si no solucionan ustedes con el fabricante y resuelven esta situación, bien sea con el producto correcto o la devolución del dinero, entonces me veré en la penosa necesidad de proceder por las vÃas legales, para hacer valer mis derechos.
Muchas gracias por su atención.
Inés M.
ANEXO: Lo anunciado
C.C. Better Bussines Bureau.
Florida Department of Consumer Services
Translated by Revdex.com representative
Oviedo Mall Boulevard.
Good Morning. Attached written note for the manufacturers of the photo in 3d, which would lead them to finalize in the best way this inconvenience, but unfortunately it was not possible, given their refusal to contact me.
The note is very clear, just like the first one I gave to you when I returned the product in question for the first time, which is also attached.
If I can not have contact with the manufacturer, then I must make you directly responsible. I want the product offered and displayed, I want my photo correctly, not vice versa and with such obvious flaws.
I am aware that some minimal differences may arise in the process, because it is mechanical, but from there to the smiling face, I was in the back and that I have to put the product upside down and see, in addition, more imperfections of the finished on the back .... because there is a lot of difference, it is extreme, it is not correct, honest, ethical, professional and therefore it is unacceptable.
If you do not solve with the manufacturer and resolve this situation, either with the right product or the return of money, then I will be in the painful need to proceed by legal means, to enforce my rights.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Inés M
ANNEX: The announced
DC Revdex.com.
Florida Department of Consumer Services
Refund money or resolve product issue
To whom it may concern,
Dear Lady/ Sir.
We're small, family owned store in Oviedo Mall that provides customization on different type items with different type of services like Printing, Embroidery, Sublimation ect... One of these Services is 3D Laser glass etching which customers brings their own images for us to put it inside the Glass Crystal Cubes. For that we first digitize their 2D image to 3D then etch that 3D image into a Glass Crystal Cube by a 3D Laser Etching Machines. We use a third party company in Miami which does a 3D digitization and Laser glass etching. We pay them for their services and we make sure our customers are happy with their order before we start because we warn them about customization items can not be altered afterwards so they have to make sure that they like the photo that they give us. And because this is an nonreturnable point we double check and ensure our customers satisfaction and afterwards we make them sign a document called Custom Work Order Form and Contact Agreement which we also explain that Due to the customization nature of our service we do not offer or accept returns or refunds. And since we have a time frame we start all the necessary steps immediately so we can not cancel the order after we place through our providers. Even thou we get our customers sign this contract if the item we provide is defected we still change and or offer discounts and or store credits and or reorder their items.
About this incident; On January 22nd 2018 Mrs Inez M came into our store 1 Stop Custom Shop located in the Ovedio Mall, interested in buying a customized Crystal. We've explained that she need to provide a picture that she likes so we can get it etched in a Crystal cube. We explained that she has to make sure that she likes the picture that she provide for sure and due to custom work being done we had her sign a document stating that there are no refunds or warranties for custom items, She said that she wanted a custom wording under the picture that she provided which she also has written on the Order Form and she examined the picture a second time and words that goes under the picture and dated and signed the form as well. This document and the photo is attached below.
After payment was received we sent the order out to a third party company to be done exactly how she ordered with the photograph that she provided.
After arrival of the Crystal we called her to pick it up anytime she pleased. She arrived after few days with a brilliant sweet little lady which we believe is her grand daughter. They both inspected and liked the crystal accepted it and Mrs M signed the Order Form under " I have examined, received the item in perfect shape" part and both walked out of the store happy. All this time she was happy but we have to add that she asked for discount on the price which wasn't possible since this is our base price and we use a third company and if we provide lower prices we can't make profit.
After some few days she returned upset that the picture inside the crystal wasn't correct. She went on to describe that in the photograph she gave us the man was smiling and looking upright not downwards. After we showed the picture her again she accepted that it was the photograph that she gave us but we had to make him smile somehow even maybe we could make his mouth upside down. We have explained that this is not even a possibility at this point with the help of her grand daughter she said she will go to the police and at that point our clerk politely told her to come back and see the store Manager.
On February 3rd she returned with Mrs. Zorraida T and Little Lady and she flipped the crystal around and show us a different angle and liked the way the picture turned out and told the manager that she wants the picture that way (Which is the mirror of the same picture) We explained to her that this is due to an optical allusion created when the three-dimensional photo is inverted. We also, explained that there is nothing we can due because this is exactly what she ordered. Her daughter was there as well as an interpreter due to a language barrier. Even the daughter understood and said it was what she ordered and told us that her mother is stubborn and all she wanted at this point was the inverted photo instead of the original. She demanded that we produce a new crystal with the picture inside backwards and put the words underneath that way.
After accepting her terms and losing all return on investment for the business to make the customer happy we ordered the second crystal the picture backwards but the wording right way. When it arrived Mrs Torres accepted the crystal and said thank you for going all that trouble to make Mrs. M happy.
We thought that she was happy with the last product and never had any idea about her dissatisfaction until we received your mail in our mailbox. We had no additional attempt from her or words saying she wasn't happy with second crystal we got made for her.
After few days we received a box with the second crystal with a letter threatening to sue. We already spent more than we got from her and after all we did to make Mrs M happy we don't think it's possible make everyone happy anymore. But still our hopes and services is high enough to carry out a great customer service and we strive to keep a higher standards on that level. Please inform that she can keep both of the Crystals and that will be the final service we will give to her.
Below we have attached the original photo supplied from Mrs M, First and second crystals we made for her and Custom work order forms for both times and placed it side-by-side with both attempts of the crystal.
Best Regards,
Mehmet A E
1 Stop Custom Shop
[email protected]
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
From: *** (mailto:inesm***[email protected])
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 5:09 PM
To: Revdex.com
Subject: Re: Revdex.com Complaint Case#*** (Ref
Intenté contestar pero se me fue la página y no soy buena manejando internet. Solamente alcance a escribir que nunca estuve contenta, y que siempre demostré mi inconformidad, desde el primer instante. Y no se trata de que yo querÃa la imagenn invertida..... es que la imagen del rostro estaba invertida y yo la querÃa al derecho... como debe ser.
Si tienen los dos cristales me demuestran entonces que sà hicieron el intento de nuevo, solo que el señor no me los dio los dos, como me lo dijo .... entonces dudé y crei que solo habÃan volveado la inscripción y me senti engañada.
Translated by Revdex.com representative
From: *** (mailto:***)
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 5:09 PM
To: Revdex.com
Subject: Re: Revdex.com Complaint Case#*** (Ref
I tried to answer but the page went away and I'm not good at handling the internet. I only managed to write that I was never happy, and that I always showed my disagreement, from the first moment. And it is not that I wanted the image inverted ..... it is that the image of the face was inverted and I wanted it to the right ... as it should be.
If they have the two crystals, they show me that they did try again, only that the man did not give them to me, as he told me ... so I hesitated and thought that only the inscription had returned and I felt cheated.
Thank you.
Per consumer rebuttal