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Listing Referral Group

83 Penfield Cres, Panorama, New York, United States, 14625-2116

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Reviews Real Estate Consultant Listing Referral Group

Listing Referral Group Reviews (%countItem)

• Jun 26, 2023

Initiating Class Action Law Suit
My experience mirrors that of most everyone in this thread. Lost $5k , got nothing in return but lies. We need to join together to file a national class action lawsuit against this company and the owners. Contact me, Cliff Woodhall Home Team Advantage Realty Cape Coral FL or Kathleen Harrison EXP Realty Orlando FL. Google us please. If we get enough participants we can file class action and if we get multiple states we can go to DOJ for federal fraud charges! Don't let these criminals get away with this scam !

Got extra scammed on top of the regular scam
Im a real estate agent in Canada, Was contacted by Cheryl. They boasted about how great the service was and how easy it was going to be to get me listings appointments. We agreed on a price and a commission %. Prior to sending any money or agreeing in writing. I brought up my concerns with the lack of FSBO options in Canada. We do not have all the sources available like there are in the states. They assured me and said they had ways to get large lists of potential FSBO's and many other ways to get into contact with people.

Immediately after I signed and sent my money. They realized there really are no options of pulling FSBO's or any leads whatsoever in Canada, other than facebook, kijiji etc. There are no companies that compile these people to call either. They pulled a "list" from somewhere with roughly 11 people on it in a 4 hour radius from my location. I live in the most populated area of Canada within 1 hour of my brokerage is well over 4 million people...

Then sensing they had no clue what they were doing and weren't going to make it work. I offered to send them a list of my current leads / contacts. I sent the list of over 300 people and only received 2 referrals. In which I replied immediately to them stating that I had been in contact with them and that they were buyers but mostly tire kickers that I had on the list for over 8 months already and communicated with them in and out. None of the 3 referrals I got have listed, bought or done a single thing and the service has gone completely dead.

LRG knew I was located in Canada and was not going to be able to send them lists to call because THERE ARE NONE HERE... I have all corresponding emails and photos of everything. This website isn't allowing me to upload them for some reason but one of them shows : LRG assuring me there is a "source" they will be able to pull FSBO leads from. Also, an email with Hannah directly stating "Our clients send a variety of leads for us to call: FSBO's Expired/withdrawn/cancelled listings etc. ALL of which I had conversations with them explaining the impossibility because of my location in Canada... They understood and made sure I knew there was ways THEY could pull lists and that all I was required to do is reply when they send leads...Fully scammed, these people are going to hell anyways so I guess in the long run its no big deal for me.

Scam! They are liars!
SCAM! That is all you need to know. I lost a lot of time and money on this. THey make is sound terrific and they are scammers. They are laughing all the way to the bank.

Is there a 0 Star Button?
Ok so I got scammed and I am pissed. I apparently called some fake actors that they have on payroll and I am pissed. I should have known when you could only pay by check that there was a scam involved. Your bank isn't going to help you if you paid by check and signed a contract like a dumbass. After reading all these reviews clearly the 6 month money back guarantee that got me to feel comfortable is all BS as well.

I have had 3 leads sent to me so far and all three were told that I was a buyers agent going to bring a buyer as a way to keep the homeowner on the phone and keep them talking. They were able to make one appointment and get the commitment that I could call and setup two of the other ones but then when I called the homeowners are pissed when they realized I didn't have a buyer coming with me to show the house to them.

I am ready to join a class action lawsuit so please let me know where to join. I know Karma is a B#$% and the people over there might be making good money but they definitely have something bad coming there way.
Is there a 0 Star Button?


SCAM!!! Run as fast you can away from this company, don't waste your money
This company is a scam, they do not live up to any of their promises and refuse honor their "guarantee", a complete fraud. I should have known better when they required 5k up front and would only accept a check, no credit cards...that should have been the red flag...they won't accept credit cards because they don't want people to be able to dispute the charges. I did everything they required to be eligible for the refund guarantee with documentation and they have refused stand behind their worthless guarantee. It is obvious they never intend to honor the guarantee and use it as false advertising to rope you in. Check the reviews and complaints on BBB too, nothing but negative reviews and complaints there also. I have filed a lawsuit against them and will be filing a criminal complaint with the fraud division of the local police dept. If anyone wants to join me in helping to put these people out of business send me your contact information by replying to this review.


Hey everyone, LRG is a total scam. I have contacted the Attorney General of NY office, and they said they are willing to investigate criminal charges if more people file a complaint with their office. Website is:


Hello KWolf, I am filling out the complaint form with the Rochester Division now, Kathleen, aka KH6899

Save Yourself the Agony
Listing Referral Group dances doesn't deliver and around their obligations on both delivery and refund to the point they exhaust you. You can read my last communication, word for word below before I simply gave up. After blowing $5,000 plus my time and energy all I can say is SA E YOURSELF THE AGONY.

"Agent Adam" Schechtman
Aug 11, 2022, 12:09 PM
to Listing

Please explain to me what the goal is for prospectors calling FSBOs. I dont need someone calling to tell me whether they are willing to work with a buyers agent or not. I was sold on booked appointments.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2022, 12:05 PM Listing Referral wrote:
Hi Adam,

So we have done circle prospecting for you – you sent over circle prospecting lists in January and February. We’ve actually sent you a couple of circle prospecting referrals.

We can continue working those but only in addition to working the FSBO and expired sellers in your market. Reason being that circle prospecting isn’t a very high conversion rate where the FSBO and expired campaigns are.

Hannah Marie

Client Manager

CALL OR TEXT: (585) 310-7240

From: "Agent Adam" Schechtman
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:01 PM
To: Listing Referral
Subject: Re: Refund Request

Im better listing FSBOs myself. Will the prospector do circle prospecting if I provide lists?

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022, 1:41 PM Listing Referral wrote:

Hi Adam,

I am sorry but we will not be providing you with a refund. If you choose to post publicly, I’ll respond there the same way I’ve responded to you here. The referrals we sent you listed more than the 1 in 3 average that we see and we did not receive feedback on a majority of the referrals sent your way. Again, we are happy to continue prospecting for you – I suggest we continue as that will give you a return on this investment – but we will not be providing a refund.


Hannah Marie

Client Manager

CALL OR TEXT: (585) 310-7240

From: "Agent Adam" Schechtman
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2022 12:00 PM
To: Listing Referral
Subject: Re: Refund Request

Hello. Please send my refund by next Friday, 8/19 to avoid any negative publicity for LRG. On the contrary, if I receive the refund I was contractually agreed to, the publicity will be positive.


On Sun, Aug 7, 2022, 11:11 AM "Agent Adam" Schechtman wrote:

Your team did NOT provide the service I was pitched. Anyone can call FSBOs and NOT set an appointment which is exaxtly what your team did. Every one of the "referrals" presented produced exactly the same result... if you read the notes you would see that. All of them resulting in "call to set appointment". What am I paying you for? You didnt receive feedback from me for empty "referrals" because there was no feedback to offer. How about YOUR OBLIGATION as the service provider. I was promised SET PREQUALIFIED APPOINTMENTS and got none. Send me the list of homes listed by other agents. In this market all someone has to do is put a sign in the ground and you say half of the referrals listed? I fulfilled my obligation. My ageeement says Im entitled to a refund. Assuming you insist on keeping all of my money I will have to choice but to share my experience through every disposal which will surely cost more than my refund. Ive been asking to stop services almost since I started after witnessing early on that your referrals are nothing more than a summary of conversations with FSBOS. This is of NO value to me. When I told you guys not to use a bait and switch tactic of "I have a potential buyer" you couldn't produce a single real appointment. Do the right thing and give me a partial refund instead of needlessly wasting your human resources on empty "referrals".


On Thu, Aug 4, 2022, 5:01 PM Listing Referral wrote:

Hi Adam,

Thanks for giving me some time and being patient while I’ve completed this account review. In order to qualify for a refund, we ask that our agents are actively participating in the program by sending list updates twice per month on the 1st and the 15th and providing feedback on the referrals we’ve sent.

For any agent who submits a refund request, I compile an account review so I can see what has transpired throughout the partnership. The four main components of the account review are:

List submission deadlines met
What was sent for each list submission
Feedback provided on the referrals sent
Status of referrals sent
Upon completion of this review, I’m noticing a huge lack of feedback on the referrals we have sent you. The agreement signed states that you’ll provide feedback on all referrals sent to you, and I’m only seeing feedback on a few of the 19 we sent you way throughout the partnership. I’m also seeing that 7 of the 19 prospects sent to you ended up listing with other agents in your market, which tells me that the referrals we sent you are viable listing opportunities. We can prospect for any agent in any market, but unfortunately we cannot control the agents’ conversion rate. Being that that feedback was not provided on all opportunities, we will not be providing you with a refund.

We are, however, happy to continue prospecting for you. It’ll only take one or two closed listings to recoup your initial investment, and we’re seeing over a 30% conversion rate for the referrals we have sent you. I would try a different approach with these sellers: if someone tells you they’re not quite ready to list, go meet with them anyway. Set up a preview appointment and talk more with them about their home and their market. These sellers, FSBOs especially, most often just need education on the market and the benefits of listing with an agent and what it could mean for their net profits.

Thank you,

Hannah Marie

Client Manager

CALL OR TEXT: (585) 310-7240


As stated in past reviews, the leads sent are only willing to work with a buyer's agent. We have called Hannah multiple times and left messages. DO NOT SEND YOUR MONEY!


Too Bad ZERO Isn't an Option!!
DO NOT HIRE THIS COMPANY! I was contacted by Cheryl Washburn (in May 2021) and was given 2 agents to call for referral purposes. I thought everything was legit in the beginning; they offered me a package of 5 closings for $2,500 PLUS 10% of my commission upon closing in exchange for 1 listing referral appointment per week. To get signed up, I had to print off the agreement, wet sign and send the agreement back along with a CHECK for $2,500 using their FedEX return label. Hannah Marie (my account manager) started contacting me for onboarding after they received my check. At that time, I asked if I could send my spreadsheets to them weekly, which she approved. I had to also sign up with Landvoice at $127 per month to obtain the FSBO, Withdrawn and Expired Lists they required to send for their prospecting. At first, they were living up to their agreement...I would send my spreadsheets and I would receive an email of the summary regarding the lead. However, all appointments told me the same thing, "I am not interested in being represented by a realtor. Why are you calling me?" Another one wanted to retain my services at 0.5% as their listing agent. Regardless of the outcome from the lead, I still looked at it as they are sending me one appointment per week. Then, I went on vacation September 11th - 18th and I notified Hannah that I would be out of the country. They stated they were fine with it so I sent my spreadsheet before I left on 09-10-21 and again after I returned on 09-22-21. I spoke to Cheryl on 09-30-21 because, it was then, I realized I hadn't received any appointments since the end of August and I wanted my money back. I also went back and counted that I only received a total of 8 appointments since I signed up with them on 05-24-21, when I should have received 18 appointments. Cheryl started arguing with me that I wasn't sending my spreadsheets on the 1st and 15th. I explained to her that Hannah approved me to send them weekly and, additionally, if they require me to send spreadsheets twice per month and I am doubling that, wouldn't that be exceeding their expectations. Cheryl said no because it's not on the 1st and 15th. She then told me to send my spreadsheets on the 1st and 15th ONLY and, if I miss a date to just skip it. So, in October 2021, I started sending my spreadsheets on the 1st and 15th. I did miss November 1st so I skipped it just like Cheryl advised me. Even following their 1st and 15th requirements, the last 2 appointments I received was in October (10-07-21 and 10-08-21) and BOTH were over 70 miles away from me. I asked Hannah where she is getting these leads from since they weren't on my spreadsheets and her response was that she added additional areas to my account (without my approval) and she would send these areas to me for approval prior to adding the locations to my account, but that never happened. I did not receive any additional appointments since 10-08-21 and I continued to send my spreadsheets (again missing the 11-01-21 deadline) through the end of December. In total, I received 10 appointments and I didn't call the last 2 due to distance and I should have received 32 appointments. I started emailing, calling, leaving voicemails and texting both Cheryl and Hannah on 12-01-2021 to request my refund, even though I continued sending my spreadsheets through the end of the year. I did finally receive an email from Hannah after 4 or 5 emails to her requesting a refund. To make a long story short, they refused to refund any of my money because I did not "participate". By participate, they mean I didn't send my spreadsheets on the 1st and 15th, even though I reminded them they approved me to send them weekly and, even after I spoke to Cheryl, I was sending them on the 1st and 15th (again, with the exception of 11-01-21) and still did not receive any appointments. They will use any excuse in the book to take the heat off of themselves and blame you to avoid refunding your money; EVEN THOUGH, in the agreement, it states after 6 months if you aren't satisfied with the services, you will get a prorated refund less $500. Here it is the end of January, I have not received my refund, I have filed complaints to the DA in both Harris Country (mine) and Monroe Country (LRG), have consulted an attorney (which we are pursuing) and, now, onto writing bad reviews. Do not fall victim to these scammers as you will become part of the statistic!


Really Good Scam
Great sales people. Lots of promises. They follow up on nothing. Luckily, I didn't pay $5000 like many did. I only lost $2500. They're making money hand over fist scamming Real Estate agents. It's got to stop. you've been warned. do NOT do business with these people.


Very unsatisfied and they won't return calls or issue refund!
I was with them 6 months, I sent in my FSBO and Expired like required on the 1st and 15th of every month. Got a few FSBO leads but nothing worked out, I requested a refund after my 6 months was up and got no response at 1st; then did get an email from Hannah stating she had been out of office for few weeks with personal issue and would look into my refund and get back with me. I have emailed and called several times since September when she emailed me and have received no refund and no communication! I want/need my refund back like promised me when I signed up, I held up my end of the bargain and I am due my refund like I was promised!


Poor service and they do not back up their 6 month guarantee
After receiving a cold call I signed up for the service in December with guarantees of 1-2 appointments per week from them on FSBO properties. The cost on this was $5000 and I had to pay around $150 to an outside company for the FSBO and expired leads. The sales person stated they have 6 month guarantee with money back. They gave me 2 different agents to call as referrals. I spoke to one and he said the right things. When I looked up these agents recently I am not able to find any information on them online or find them in the system of the brokerage they were said to represent. For the first month or so the leads they were sending me were weird. I would call the FSBO only to find out they had already signed a contract with an agent. One they sent over I was told the gentleman was selling his mothers condo who passed away. When I called and went gingerly into the conversation I found out this was not the case. At around month 3 I tried to get my money back but they told me I have to wait until month 6. Finally in Feb I was able to sign my first listing contract from the service. For the month of March I only received 1 semi valid lead and none in April. When I signed up for this service I was told they would set actual appointments. I was later informed by the operations manager that no appointments would be set and they only send you leads that they think are warm. After the promise of 1-2 appointments a week they have not set a single appointment for me. I have received a total of around 11 leads with most of them being wrong information. In June I decided to pursue the 6 month guarantee for my money back. As of 2 weeks ago she let me know she has to review my file and it would take a few days. I have not heard back from them since. I would not recommend getting into business with this company or sending them YOUR $5000. They make promises in both service and guarantee they are not able to keep with poor communication. I requested a refund based on their service guarantee and it was declined. She responded with many details that were not correct or did not go along with the feedback I provided. I see from their other reviews that they try to discredit the agents who provide feedback.


Terrible, lousy, horrible leads... service and communication. I paid them $5000 October of 2019 and was promised the moon, sun and the stars and all I got was a bunch of hot air. I haven't gotten one solid lead... chased dozens. I was promised expired leads... never received one... not one all they sent me were FSBO's! They SUCK... do not waste your hard earned commissions.


I was approached by business to hire their services. Based on reviews, I asked specific questions about how I would get leads. They answered them in a positive way and told me to call past clients; which I did. After I sent them money, they sent an email telling me something completely different. I called immediately and told them I wanted to cancel; not to cash my check and I wanted out of the contract based on false information they gave me. They told me I had to try the program and that I would be satisfied. I tried the program and they did not deliver. I have asked repeatedly for my refund and am not getting any response from the company. I want my $5000 back because I was lied to buy two people and I tried to cancel immediately but they wouldn't let me. Their contact States that they will give the money back if not satisfied but they are not responding to me not are they offering me services. I can provide names, emails and text if needed


6 months ago I spoke with Cheryl W from LRG and she did a great job of selling me on her services. She had me talk to one of the appointment setters and he demonstrated how he identified expired listings who were motivated to sell and "had to sell in the next 30 days." Cheryl told me that I could expect 1-2 appointments set per week and that I would pay an upfront fee and then another 10% for every closed listing. I was guaranteed 6 closed deals within 6 months. She promised that if after 6 months I had not closed 6 deals she would refund my initial investment of $3,000 (minus $500 per closed transaction). She also promised that the appointment setter who I spoke with would be the one calling on my behalf. Now, 6 months later, I have LRG has not set a single appointment for me. In the first 3 months they would send about 1 "Lead" per week, but they were fake leads. I was required to separately purchase leads from a 3rd party (whom Cheryl recommended) for about $1,000. and I did. I would send them leads in the zip code areas that I work. For weeks they would send me "Leads" that were over an hour outside of my area AND were not on the list of leads I sent them. So clearly, they were sending me bogus leads form someone else's list. I sent them feedback on every single bogus lead they sent me and they kept sending them for weeks. Finally, they started to only send "leads" form the list I sent them. In EVERY CASE they copy/pasted the same fake "notes" about the conversation they had with the homeowner. "He asked if you had a buyer and I told him that you were a top agent and that if anyone had a buyer, you would." They sent me 1 or 2 leads where the seller had agreed to meet with me. In one case his son and son in law were both REALTORS and he said he'd have to work with them. In the other case they had already decided that if their FSBO didn't work, they would rent the place. Finally, from Dec 18th until Feb 15th 2020 I received no communication from the anyone at LRG. No leads (bogus or otherwise). Once we reached the 6 months mark, I had my attorney send a letter requesting the refund and Cheryl has not responded. In fact, she has not responded to any of my emails, texts or phone calls since around the time she cashed my check. I am still waiting for my refund, but I assume Cheryl has devised a way to avoid accountability.


I paid $5000. for listing referral group to make calls and set appointments for me and they guaranteed 10 listings. When they did not keep their part of the bargain, I called/text and emailed both Caitlin O l and the Mystery man "Bryan S" no one with return any correspondence at all, they just ghosted me. Will not respond to anything. They are not making calls or sending leads and I have not gotten any listings at all from them for the $5000.00 I invested "by check only" I cannot even make a formal dispute with a credit card company for the charges. Clearly the business is a scam and I need help to get my money returned and I want to make sure that they are not able to continue to scam other people.


I am a real estate agent and In July of 2018 I paid Listing Referral Group $5,000.00 to call sellers and set up listing appointments for me in my designated areas. They guaranteed me at least 12 appointments over a 6 month period. They gave me ZERO appointments in my areas. I called, emailed and texted the employees asking why they have not delivered on their guarantee but they eventually stopped getting back to me. They are a terrible company and should not be in business

I signed up with these guys about 10 months ago. They promised to be prospecting and sending over three to four listing appointments a week I gave them $10,000 through a wire transfer. I have received a total of 36 appointments in the last 10 months and only did I start getting a few more appointments after I sent over a formal request in writing through *** to refund my money. Now they're telling me that they will not refund my $10,000 so I am absolutely suing them. The contract I signed says three to four appointments a week IF they only gave me three every week that would be 12 listing appointments a month. I have 36 over 10 months, and let's not forget the fact that these people don't even answer the phone when I call. Either way what I'm going to be suing them over is the fact that they have promised me 12 appointments a month at a minimum and in 10 months I have only received 36 they are clearly neglecting me and not holding up their end of the bargain.
My brokerage is *** Realty in NY, my name is ***, feel free to *** me and reach out if you would like to know more. There will be a lawsuit to follow this post.


I agree with everyone here! I have had the same exact experience. No good leads-just FSBO's out of my area. Bryan is rude and insulting, and yes they blame you if your list is not exactly on the 1st and the 15th, Now my emails are being blocked to Bryan and Cheryl ( the President) the only emails that are going thru are to submissions. I gave them $3000 of my hard-earned money back in October it is now almost March!! I am willing to get on that list with mark g but there is no email address there. Please anyone that is considering this company beware they deserve their "F" rating!!

Listing Referral Group Response • Mar 10, 2020

We have been in contact with ***-***. We have tested her emails and they are being received by us, not sure why they were bouncing back a the time she wrote this review. We have discussed Laura's account and have agreed to continue calling on her behalf. We were pulling an additional list of FSBO in her market to supplement the numbers she was sending which we have agreed to no longer do. She has agreed to send her submissions in on the 1st and the 15th of each month or to let me know when she can't so we can keep calling for her. That is how our partners alert us of their availability.She is back in our schedule and we are calling on her behalf.

I inquired about utilizing this service of calling real estate leads, to set appointments. They require a $5,000 investment, exchanged for leads. You have to pay for you own service, search, and send. Then they send you appts. I was doing this for a while, and I was sent 4 appts, none of which turned into even a face to face meeting, to give me a chance. I complained, via email and voicemails, they never respond. The only thing they say is I didn't do this for 6mo, and that's what they require. And asked me to start over. I did it for 4mo, there was ZERO return on investment. They say, if you're not satisfied in the first 6mo you can get a refund. Now I call and email, and email and call, and NO ONE ever gets back to me. Real Estate is hard enough, now companies are stealing.

Listing Referral Group Response • Mar 10, 2020

Our Client Manager did reply to ***'s email on 12/5 letting her know why she was not eligible for a refund. Ms. *** hired us to call FSBO and EXP in her market. She started working with us in August. We informed her she would need to work the program for 6 months in order to be eligible for a refund. Eligibility is based on participation. We require that our partners send us the list of FSBO and EXP in their market that they want us to call at a minimum twice per month on the first and 15th. *** sent FSBO and Exp the first submission on 8/1. She then only sent a FSBO list on 8/15 and 10/15. She did forward a cold calling list on 9/1. She sent a list mid-September but it was sent too late to be added to the schedule for that period. Many of her lists were very small in number of leads to call. 10/1 was FSBO and EXP, only EXP on 11/1 and then never sent another list. So in the 4 months she was working she did choose to only work one list or the other in a lot of cases each period. She then complained about the number of referrals we were sending. What we have to send as referrals (which the agent controls) is a direct result of what list types and how many an agent sends us to call. We were still able to send 7 referrals in that time period. 3 of the 7 listed with other agents in the market after we sent them to Ms.. We also require feedback from our partners to assist them through this process and ensure they are working the referrals in a timely manner from when we send. Ms. never provided any feedback on what we did send. We did inform Ms. that based on the fact she was requesting the refund early, that she missed a deadline and that she never provided feedback, she was not eligible at this time for a refund. We did offer to continue calling on her behalf is she could commit to these things moving forward which she declined. We are ready to resume our effort when she desires.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
They did not send me 7 leads, I did give feedback, it wasn't a requirement to to have them work all 6 months, it was with-in that 6mo. None of the leads they set even answered the phone, except one, that told me he only said yes so they'd get off the phone. I set 3 FSBO appointments YESTERDAY, by myself. I'm great at converting, if my lists were too small, they should have said that, there was no requirement on list size or service. It's not okay what they're doing. I want my money back. I do not want them calling for me, I will not work with them again, I will not resolve this issue until my $5,000 is returned.


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Address: 83 Penfield Cres, Panorama, New York, United States, 14625-2116


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