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Reviews, Incorporated, Incorporated Reviews (29)

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***

This letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed with your office Our company provides a multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network of over 3,websites Our research on this account shows us that [redacted] came to us through, where she clicked on a job that sent her to our site, While she was on, [redacted] did in fact register and provide the job information she indicated that she saw on our siteThe site is clearly marked as part of the Community.When [redacted] contacted our Customer Service, she was promptly removed from our network, as does not "mine individuals personal information without their consent." Contrary to that statement, is dedicated to helping business professionals connect with one another through use of the latest technologies and search tools This is why her information would have been publicly displayed - to assist in her job search

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: The representation that I refused to participate in the production of my resume or that I received the package that I paid for should not be left on this web site for the innacuracy it portrays I wish the right to correct the record When I am able to present the events unveiled, a true portrayal, then I will accept and close the complaint.Regards, [redacted] Timeline with actual emails included, all dates and quotes accurately portrayed, compiled from the real emails I received and sent: 11/16/- Was told that my complimentary resume critique was completed, and I could view my critique by clicking on the link provided for specificsThis email stated, "Your resume critique score is "63"%Your score was determined after carefully evaluating the content, structure, and several other key factors of your resumeWe focused on analyzing areas of your resume that hiring managers are almost certain to review." This email was from "The Resume Critique Team." Click on link to read the following: (Note: None of the below commentary was discussed while working on my resume, nor were any changes in wording or formatting made other than two words in my objective statement, which your own service says is outdated and should be a "career sum***" insteadNo formatting was done for me, no keywords were inserted, no bullets, no verb tenses were touched, no commentary or changes to pronouns, but most of all, there was absolutely no formatting done by your service PeriodAfter two "fact finding" emails, the only thing I got back was my own detail I incorporated into the resume and formatted myself Here are some of the email contents sent to me to encourage me to buy the resume building package: By using an intelligent program that we created, we have scored your resume based on an evaluation of its content, structure and other key factors THE CONTENT OF YOUR RESUME Your resume seems to be missing a career sum***, which is important at this stage in your career Unfortunately, your existing resume gives the impression that you are a "doer" and not an "achiever." Too many of your job descriptions are task-based and not results-based - telling what you did, rather than illustrating what you achieved THE STRUCTURE OF YOUR RESUME The structure of your resume is lacking in organization and consistency, which will hurt your chances of getting contacted for an interview A strong professional format will keep an employer's attention It looks like your resume could use more bullets in certain sectionsThree to six bullets is the ideal number for your most recent jobs, while one to three will suffice to summarize earlier positions make sure your bullets are results-based, highlighting what you achieved as a result of what you did ADDITIONAL POINTERS ABOUT YOUR RESUME You should consider removing, or emphasize less, any work experience from over years agoEmployers are more interested in your most recent, relevant experience In your resume, you incorporated personal pronounsThis is something that you should consider changing We noticed that you are not completely consistent in your resume with your verb tense OUR RECOMMENDATION We'd be happy to help you create a better resumeThrough our professional Resume Writing Service, you will work with a professional resume writer, who can help you perfect your resume and showcase your distinctive skills and qualificationsYour writer will be chosen based upon your industry and experienceThey will provide expert help in choosing keywords for your resume so it will resonate with hiring managers instead of falling victim to some of the latest screening techniques Here's what you can expect after you place your order: We'll start with a few questionsYour resume writer will use your answers to create a powerful resume to showcase you, your qualifications, and your key attributes We'll send you a first draftYou can expect the draft to arrive via email within 72-business hours Once you are completely happy with your new resume, we will send you the final version in the format that you desire 12/and 12/- I received further emails from Beyond's Resume Writing service requesting that I pursue a new resume through their service 12/- another email, this time from John S***, Career Advocate, offering a %discount if I use their service for resume writing services This was the fourth effort on their part to get me to buy their services 12/- Received confirmation of my purchase of their service along with questions to answer, helping them, they said, to determine whom to assign my resume writing to "Below are the questions we need you to complete and email back at your earliest convenience We’ll get started on assigning you to your writer and completing the rewrite upon receiving them from youPlease also attach your most up-to-date resume with your responses." "You will receive a [redacted] copy of your new resume in business days and have the opportunity to review You can respond directly to your writer and request any revisions or edits to the file for a weeklong period to ensure you are 100% satisfied with the drafts Your writer will address any concerns or questions you have about the changes as wellTypically revisions take about 2-business days." Note: I took hours to complete the questions sent to me from John S [redacted] on 12/21, reviewing details with my husband and even adding in things I did not put in my original resume, thinking they were important to a complete portrait of who I was as a person, my work ethic and dedication to any task I thought this would be incorporated in my resume, but what I got back was a hugely truncated version of my resume (on 12/31), only half a page left, with a request to fill in details for the remaining jobs/items listedNothing I had written in the answers to those four questions was even commented on or incorporated in the resume at any pointI had started off the first of the four questions from 12/with this answer..."I am interested in a position as a copy editor, editor in general, writing communications, basically anything that uses my communication/writer/editor skills, as well as leadership skills." Again, I would call this a fact finding mission for my first draft (A PRODUCT) of my resume, but John S [redacted] below announces that this truncated resume sent to me on 12/was the "first draft" of my resume I would call that stretching semantics to the fullest extent I would call a draft a final product presented for critique and further adjustments, not an incomplete, truncated version on paper requesting details for the layout So here, you see again, the big sell I received being dumbed-down in realityThe way I see it, between Allison receiving my questions answered and sending me this truncated fact-finding resume was a delay of days, Allison requesting more information for her to write a formatted first draft of a PRODUCT John characterizes the communication on 12/with the following: - "First draft of a resume is emailed to *** business day turnaround is successfully met The writer requests additional information from [redacted] because her uploaded resume was bare on details“FOR EACH ENTRY BELOW, I NEED TO KNOW YOUR CONTRIBUTION THAT SUPPORTS YOUR GOAL TO BE A COPY EDITORI HAVE REMOVED POSITIONS OR EXPERIENCES THAT DO NOT ALIGN WITH YOUR GOAL” AS I said before, what was sent to me on 12/was not a draft of a resume Nor was the first resume of my own creation that I sent to Allison "bare on details" as John wroteIt just included material Allison thought we should cut so we could fully portray the more recent work history She also deleted a lot of points that focused on my history of leadership, which I would have discussed with her when I saw a first, formatted draft - a product So John's characterization of what was sent to Allison as "bare in details" is a out of context to the point of a lie, and complete whitewashing of the situation for the benefit of covering their company's failure to deliver after efforts to get me to buy in, and a three day delay before another fact-finding mission (John calls a first draft) Allison decided to tailor my resume to being an editor, but I had expressed in the answers to those four long questions from the first fact-finding email on 12-that my leadership and management skills were important to meOn 12/31, more detail was requested because the fully developed history I sent her was cut in half by Allison So she wanted more material for more recent history Also note that on 12/I received an email from Beyond with the following statement: we will be doing a considerable amount of work on revising your resume, including adjustments to the format, style, grammar, content, and moreYou may receive your resume and notice that it looks very different! The good news is, we have a lot of great additions and revisions that we can make to your resume!However, if for any reason you feel that you do not want to see considerable or noticeable changes to the overall design and layout of your resume, please reach out to your writer at this email address and let them know your thoughts My personal thoughts on the 12/email Nada! When Allison sent me the truncated version of my resume on 12/31, she wrote the following to me: The package you purchased includes x standard resume, and standard 72-hour turnaround with up to two revisions within a seven-day periodI am sending you the first draft on December Your revision period ends on January Please provide your feedback as soon as possible to ensure that we can incorporate your changes and suggestions before the deadlineIn order to improve your chances at finding your dream job, I did the following to your resume: updated your format to reflect contemporary guidelines, implemented key skills, competencies, or areas of expertise, and proofed and edited all wording.If you are able to, please open the attached file(s) on a desktop or laptop computerViewing your resume on a mobile device can disrupt formatting and show you an inaccurate presentation of your resumeYour resume is a marketing tool designed to showcase your talents, abilities, and skillsThe presentation, style and word choices are selected to ensure that your document gets attention by hiring managersIf you have specific concerns about how your experience is portrayed, please let me know so I can modify or explain my rationalePlease feel free to make notes or comments on the document directlyYou can return the marked up document to me by attaching it and replying back to this email message Again Nada It was my exact resume, word for word, including formatting that I had in place, just with half of it gone The email from Allison, I can only imagine, is pre-written jargon they send to every writer, whether they did the job or not Allison's email is a complete lie of what she did to my resumeWord choice, style, formatting, implemented skills, competencies or areas of expertise, proof reading and editing, absolutely nothing of this kind appeared in that first "draft," as she calls it The email is a gross lieThe only thing she did was remove more than half of the resume and ask me for more data 1/4/ - It is true and accurate, after the delay in hearing from Allison for three days and no product yet, and the holiday falling in our day time period, I very politely requested a two day extension, which was the very least I thought to ask for in an extension John then characterizes the January interaction by saying " She proceeds to send more emails with the additional information requested by the assigned resume writer." Again, this is a whitewashing of the real events As I waited days and checked my email over and over for a first formatted product from Allison, I played with the information I sent Allison, the details I added to the truncated resume (fact-finding mission) sent to me on 12/ I did not change what I sent her (additional information), but worked on a couple of layouts by looking at Microsoft templates and trying to get my word count down as it was too high I truly believed that Allison was doing this as well, adding in bullets and condensing what she could, looking at those pronouns first mentioned, verb tenses, and so on, first promised as something the company would pay attention to in my rewrite So I did maybe three different layouts to save space and tighten phrases and sentences to get the word count down All the while I was not adding information at all, but sent Allison three formatted drafts of my own making with reducing word counts with each version I kept checking to see something pretty with bullets and complete word count in-line with what was recommended, but nothing arrived to me from Allison AT this point, I had not yet seen a completed, checked and formatted version of my resume Then came the following: 1/- I hear from John that the two day extension is granted, and as John notes in detail below, there was a process for informing my resume writer about the extension "Customer emails our representative asking for an extension to the revision window and he told her that would not be a problem We communicated this to [redacted] at subcontractor [redacted] who confirmed she would notify the writer." Notice that at the beginning of the response to my initial complaint with, John gives a heading to the timeline of our interaction with the following statement "The confusion was due to the customer requesting an extension of time that was not recognized by the automated message system, resulting in a miscommunication" Note that what John said on 1/was that [redacted] , a subcontractor [redacted] ***, confirmed she would notify the writer So people are involved in making the writer of my resume aware of the extension, at least two people - John and [redacted] John characterizes lack of extension to the project by saying it was an "automated message system" that caused the problem Huge lack of taking responsibility again by the Beyond peopleDid [redacted] not talk to Allison, and couldn't Allison email me that an automated message might shoot out, but to ignore it as our time was extended? Just good business protocol I think is hugely lacking here 1/- John notes that I received an "automated message" that our time to work on the resume is over This is what I am told by Allison in the "automated message": "I am following up with you on your project with us at BeyondAs you know, the revision period has endedHowever, you have a working document in hand (complete with Personal Statement edits) that is now ready..." What I want to note here is that this is NOT an automated message It was a personal email from Allison which notes that she changed a few words in my work objective That was all she did to the resume What she sent me was a second file, the first one being the truncated resume of my own with no other changes made to it, the second being this one, the very last resume attempt I made myself with no other editing, changes, formatting, insertions of attention grabbing words, bullets, word choices, verb tense changes, or anything All that the writer did for me was truncate my resume and let me fill in and format something new, then send it back to me That is why I stick to my conclusion, I was never given a productThere was no automated response mistake that caused confusion Promises were made and not fulfilled, from stato conclusion 1/- I write back to Beyond/John to express the extreme dissatisfaction with the entire experience, expressing that I never received a product and why that was, clearly stating to John the series of events/emails 1/- Received email from customer support requesting to extend my days for revisions, which I found humorous but maybe promising of finally getting a product I was considering, Hi ***,This is [redacted] with Customer Support.We understand that you are not happy with the last set of revisions you have receivedI have opened back your project, extending the revision period like you have requested.I will also have your writer contact you with a status update regarding the changes you would like to see in the next copy of your documents.Please know that our process is fully collaborative and providing specific areas of concern will assist your writer in aligning the resume more closely with your expectations moving forward.Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you need any assistance as we are always happy to help.Best, [redacted] C.Beyond Customer Support My response to [redacted] in customer support same day: "i received no sets of revisions!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me be clearNo resume was written for me" 1/ - Again I communicated with customer service and John, so they clearly knew the problem was NOT just an automated message that slipped out: From: [redacted] @***.comTo: [email protected]: 1/7/ 6:17:P.MEastern Standard TimeSubj: Re: New message from Beyond Customer Support "This woman did absolutely nothing in my resume I answered the initial set of questions and then played with the layout while I waited for her to write a resume for me She cut my resume by %percent and told me to fill in job details in the remaining items I filled in specifics, still not receiving one draft of a resume from her, and while I waited for a draft, I played with the layout and came up with three different versions, each one trying to reduce word count, all by myself She wrote me and asked if she could play with the wording in my objective statement, which I said yes to I still had not received a sample version she produced, laid out and editedShe did receive from me three different layouts (not additional information) I was playing with while I waited for her to send me something - formatted and edited product Then today, I get a "time is up" email, she sends me back the last resume version I sent to her with a few words changed in the objective statement This lady did nothing She asked me to fill in details to what she thought was more important, and then sent me back my own resume rewriteNow I'm searching online and see the many, many complaints with your service I feel like a fool to have spent the money." 1/- In response to my last email to customer service and John, I received the following message from John: "Hi ***, Thank you for CCing me on these messages, though I apologize for not getting back to you sooner It is very concerning to read your feedback and hear about your experience This is not what we strive for as an organization and clearly we have left you very disappointed in our service I am going to absolutely honor a full refund on the order due to the issues you mentioned ($139) and would be happy to discuss it in more detail with you by phone I will give you a call in just a moment to discuss Please keep this email as confirmation of the refund for your records Best, John John S [redacted] Career Advocate, IncThe CAREERNETWORK™" 1/ - I responded: "In the day period, I never received a resumeThank you for the refund" It is true that Beyond had left messages on my answering machine, but the reason they were on my answering machine was that I was not home, and don't return calls to businesses in the evening hours Several days had gone by during which I was not continually checking my emails and not home to catch phone messages As far as I was concerned, I was contemplating what had happened with Beyond, searching in evening hours the reputation of this resume writing service, which did not produce glowing reviews, and deciding if I would consider trying to move forward I kept finding the same things online that I experienced: pre-written script on promises and what they achieved when nothing was done, no drafts and revisions produced, etc 1/ - Much to my surprise, I receive an email from John REFUTING what I said I had experienced with their service Up until this point, I was going to gracefully accept a refund and even thanked them Here is what John sent me after I accepted the refund and stated I never received a resume: "On Jan 13, 2016, at 11:AM, John S [redacted] wrote: Hi [redacted] – The resume draft was sent to you on 12/with requests for additional information Would you like me to forward that email? I’m showing that you responded to that email on January 4th as well Best, John John S [redacted] Career Advocate, IncThe CAREERNETWORK™" 1/ - After John's complete turn around and snarky response rejecting what I had experienced, I decided to immediately report them to the I would not have, had John not decided to pivot, once I was no longer a customer, and take me on in a negative way In conclusion, what I was promised, at least two drafts of an updated formatted resume, checking verb tense, personal pronouns, bullet points"Your resume writer will use your answers to create a powerful resume to showcase you, your qualifications, and your key attributes," was never delivered Instead, I was questioned on two occasions, first the four questions to help them decide what writer to assign me to, and then from the writer, the truncated resume with no other changes in formatting or verbiage, to ask me to supply details to what was left, was all that I received Then at the day period mark, I received returned to me the last version of the resume I played with, no insertions, corrections, deletions, formatting, or any other change from my writer accept two words in my Statement at the top This is what I received for my $ This process is a complete scam Maybe Beyond believes their own sales pitch and in their product, which says even less about the company Do not use their so called resume writing service Their timeline below of the interactions I had with them is a whitewashed version or lie by omission of what really happened Quite skillfully soI more than cooperated in every wayTheir responses to you the customer are pre-written, don't pertain to your experience, and require little effort from their end Beyond Resume Writing's first response to my complaint with the 1/14/ MESSAGE FROM BUSINESS: The confusion was due to the customer requesting an extension of time that was not recognized by the automated message system, resulting in a miscommunication When we tried to resolve, the customer was not interested in working with us A refund was issuedDetails as follows: 12/19/– Customer places order online for Resume Writing for discounted rate of $ 12/21/– Questionnaire sent to customer to initiate process (she ordered on a Saturday so the questionnaire was sent Monday morning) 12/27/– Customer returns questionnaire 12/28/– Customer is assigned a writer named Allison (she returned the questionnaire on a Sunday so the order was assigned Monday morning) 12/31/– First draft of a resume is emailed to *** business day turnaround is successfully met The writer requests additional information from [redacted] because her uploaded resume was bare on details“FOR EACH ENTRY BELOW, I NEED TO KNOW YOUR CONTRIBUTION THAT SUPPORTS YOUR GOAL TO BE A COPY EDITORI HAVE REMOVED POSITIONS OR EXPERIENCES THAT DO NOT ALIGN WITH YOUR GOAL” 1/4/– Customer sends an email to the writer indicating they need more time to review due to the New Year’s holiday Here is the email she sent: “I respectfully request a few extra days on this writing project as the holiday weekend severely limited my ability to put time into the resumePlease let me know if this is possible.” She proceeds to send more emails with the additional information requested by the assigned resume writer 1/5/– Customer emails our representative asking for an extension to the revision window and he told her that would not be a problem We communicated this to [redacted] at subcontractor [redacted] who confirmed she would notify the writer 1/7/– Automated Email from ***’s writer, which did not know about the extension, states that her project is complete This conflicts with ***’s request for an extension 1/7/– [redacted] emails her writer to express dissatisfaction with ignoring the extension of the revision period and says that she will be requesting her money back 1/7/– Customer support follows up with [redacted] and apologizes for the error in the automatic email, says they are committed to revising her resume to her satisfaction and asks for feedback on what areas she would like enhanced 1/8/– More replies to ***, she still insists that no work was done on her resume Customer Support responds stating they will work with her to make sure she is satisfied and asks for some additional information No further replies from [redacted] were received moving forward 1/11/– We left a voicemail and emailed [redacted] inquiring about her dissatisfaction and how he could help, referencing her refund request No reply 1/13/– We left another voicemail and confirmed a full refund of $to *** She replied thanking us for the refund

This letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed with your office Our company provides a multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network of over 3,websites We offer a Career Profile to all of our Jobseekers as a method of differentiating them from their competition This is produced automatically when a jobseeker uploads a resume to his account, and marks it as "Public" Our research shows that [redacted] has three email addresses associated with Profiles on For the email that was given - [redacted] @***.com There is still one open account set to semi-privateLast time he accessed his account was on 4/26/2012.His profile associated with this open account is [redacted] I have found the following email address associated with [redacted] srfs@***.com There is still one open account set to semi-privateLast time he accessed his account was on 11/05/His Profile associated with this open account - [redacted] Finally, there’s another email addresses associated with [redacted] *** There is one open account was set to PublicLast time he accessed his account was on 11/05/This is the account associated with the profile - have no record of MrOhm contacting our customer service for this matter, and wish he had contacted us so that we might have been able to assist him earlierThe status of his public account has been changed to semi-private, as we are not sure what MrOhm wants to do with the settings in his account He can leave it as is, go into the account and set it to private, or he can close his accountOur customer service reps are also available to assist him with thisWe have also taken the required steps to remove his Beyond profile from Google

A Beyond customer service representative called Mr [redacted] and spoke to him this morningThey listened to his concerns and at the end of our conversation he stated that he was happy with our response This initially started after he received the same expired career alert twiceHe received it for the third time on 7/16/That prompted him to write an email @ 6:PMThe email was responded to at 6: PM(See the trail below.) SenderContactID [ [redacted] ] Sender [redacted] Mail Topic General Question EmailAddress [redacted] DisplayPhone ###-###-#### Subject Site Manager CI - Huntsville AL ( [redacted] ) Comment Why are you still advertising this job: Site Manager CI - Huntsville AL ( [redacted] ), When I attempt to apply it shows the job is no longer availableSo does this mean that none of your other positions are available alsoAlso does this mean that you have so few jobs that you dont take them off your site, if that is the case stop sending me emails advertising jobs Very disappointed in Madison, AL - [redacted] CreationDate 7/16/ 6:07:PM Reply Dear [redacted] , Thank you for contacting usUnfortunately, the job opportunity you are interested in applying for is no longer availableThis may have happened because employers who post jobs have the ability to refresh or remove their jobs at anytimeBecause our job alert messages are sometimes created several days prior to being sent, we sometimes find that the opportunity has been filled and removed from the site by the employer before our message reaches its intended recipientWe apologize for this inconvenienceKind Regards, ReplyDate 7/16/ 6:57:PM He filed his complaint with the at 7:PM He received four alerts on 7/16/The one he was upset about came to through [redacted] It takes you directly to the Company website, [redacted] Corporation, where it is stated that the job has been removed We explained that we are a self-service site for our Employers as well as job seekers, and we receive postings from other job boards in order to give our candidates the most opportunities possibleWe have added the expired job to our exclusion list We then sent him an email with the job opportunities found on the Company’s website He also has our number to call with any other questions or concerns that he may have in the future

We respectfully stand by our previous description of the events that occurred and our attempts to provide this customer with the resume services she had purchased We have refunded the charges, as she had requested, yet she remains unhappy We have provided over 14,successful resume writing orders and have serviced over million customers with resume critiques, without complaint I do not believe the issue is with us

*** ***
*** *** ID# ***
*** ***,
letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed
with your office. Our company provides a
multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network
of over 3,websites, and we also post advertisements on these sites that may
be of interest to our users
research shows that *** *** set up an account as a job-seeker on 7/16/14, and
last accessed this account on 7/23/ This account was set to Private access, which
means that only Employers the candidate applies to, and their personal connections,
could view her information. Our records
show that this account email was unsubscribed on 8/11/(which means that
this account was added to our email exclusion list), presumably according to
her request. However, she did not
deactivate her account, which means that it would have been cached by ***,
and others would still be able to see her information. Once receiving this complaint, we have deactivated
the account as of 11/10/14, meaning *** *** is no longer able to log in and
access her member options, nor will her information be visible
the time her account was active, *** *** could have applied for jobs or
clicked on links outside of the Beyond network, of which we have no control,
not do we keep records. In this manner,
third parties beyond our control could have obtained her email addressIt is
probable also that she is using other job sites in her search as well, and we
have no idea what was done there
a condition of using our site, we require job seekers to first read and
“accept” (by a click) the Terms of Service posted on our website. Our Terms of Service specifically address
that we are not responsible for the actions of third parties, and in
Assumption of Risk.You use the Internet solely at Your own
risk and subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international
laws and regulationsWhile has endeavored to create a secure and
reliable Site, please be advised that the confidentiality of any communication
or material transmitted to/from this Site over the Internet cannot be
guaranteedAccordingly, and its affiliates are not responsible for
the security of any information transmitted via the Internet, the accuracy of
the information contained on the Site, or for the consequences of any reliance
on such informationYou assume the sole and complete risk for using this Site
with Third may post advertisements of third parties on this
Site, including promotions of advertisers, members, or sponsors showing their
goods and services on this SiteYour correspondence, purchases, participation
in, or any other dealings with third parties found on this Site are solely
between you and such third party and such third parties may provide you with
other offers or follow up email from this site or other sourcesYou agree that shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred
as a result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such third
parties on this SiteMoreover, shall not be responsible or liable
for the accuracy, quality, suitability, currency or content of the statements
or conduct of any third party on this SiteYou shall not knowingly or
intentionally interfere with the display of any advertisement
to Other may provide links, in its sole discretion, to other
sites on the World Wide Web for your convenience in locating related
information and servicesThese sites have not necessarily been reviewed by and are maintained by third parties over which exercises
no controlAccordingly, expressly disclaims any responsibility for
the content, the accuracy or currency of the information, and/or quality of products
or services provided by or advertised on these third party web sitesMoreover,
these links do not imply an endorsement of any third party or any web site or
the products or services provided by any third party.”
is dedicated to helping business professionals connect with one another through
the use of efficient and relevant search toolsWe pride ourselves on being
highly responsible to our members’ needs and requests.
feel free to call if you have any further questions or comments about this

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** * ***PS For an online business to demand that a removal be handled only via telephone is highly questionable. Why was the reversal not allowed via their own website or customer service online?I highly doubt a refusal via phone would be quickly serviced.Thank you for your help in this manner or Beyond would have been difficult to me

After spending the time to fill out all required information, all my information was changed all around by beyond .com, was very confusing and frustrating, total waste of time!!

A Beyond customer service representative called Mr*** and spoke to him this morningThey listened to
his concerns and at the end of our conversation he stated that he was happy
with our response
This initially started after he received the same expired
career alert twiceHe received it
for the third time on 7/16/That
prompted him to write an email @ 6:PMThe email was responded to at 6:
PM(See the trail below.)
Manager CI - Huntsville AL (***)
are you still advertising this job: Site Manager CI - Huntsville AL
(***), When I attempt to apply it shows the job is no longer
availableSo does this mean that none of your other positions are available
alsoAlso does this mean that you have so few jobs that you dont take them
off your site, if that is the case stop sending me emails advertising jobs
Very disappointed in Madison, AL - ***
***, Thank you for contacting usUnfortunately, the job opportunity you
are interested in applying for is no longer availableThis may have happened
because employers who post jobs have the ability to refresh or remove their
jobs at anytimeBecause our job alert messages are sometimes created several
days prior to being sent, we sometimes find that the opportunity has been
filled and removed from the site by the employer before our message reaches
its intended recipientWe apologize for this inconvenienceKind Regards,
He filed his complaint with the at 7:PM
He received four alerts on 7/16/The one he was upset
about came to through ***It takes you directly to the
Company website, ***
Corporation, where it is stated that the job has been removed
We explained that we are a self-service site for our
Employers as well as job seekers, and we receive postings from other job boards in
order to give our candidates the most opportunities possibleWe have added the
expired job to our exclusion list
We then sent him an email with the job opportunities found on
the Company’s website. He also has our
number to call with any other questions or concerns that he may have in the

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:The information in the response from the business is not true.After applying for jobs through, I began receiving emails from several sales job solicitors, who I HAD NOT APPLIED to, and they specifically stated in their emails that they found my resume and information on , not from any other site.Also, the 'screenshots' that are referenced in the response have nothing visible, so if they are trying to prove something there, it was unsuccessful There was, and is, NO point during the process of applying for jobs through the site, where the user is given the opportunity to OPT OUT of having their resume and personal contact information made NOT public, which there should be Making a users info public, and then telling them after the fact that they can change their account settings, does not suffice in the least.Regards,*** ***

[redacted] ID# [redacted]
letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed
with your office. Our company provides a
multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network
of over 3,websites, and we also post advertisements on these sites that may
be of interest to our users
research shows that [redacted] set up an account as a job-seeker on 8/7/14, and
last accessed this account on 8/9/ The
account itself was set to semi-private access, so the candidate's information
did not cache to Google and was not made publicOur records show that on
8/9/[redacted] sent emails requesting that his email be unsubscribed, and that this was
done the same day. Once receiving this
complaint, we have now also deactivated the account as of 11/10/14, meaning [redacted] is no longer able to log in and access his member options
the time his account was active, [redacted] could have applied for jobs or
clicked on links outside of the Beyond network, of which we have no control,
not do we keep records. In this manner,
third parties beyond our control could have obtained his email addressIt is
probable also that he is using other job sites in his search as well, and we
have no idea what was done there
feel free to call if you have any further questions or comments about this

This letter
is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed with
your organization.  Our company provides
a multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers, among them,
a job board which can be searched by job seekers for new...

opportunities.  Apparently, [redacted] opened
at least one job seeker account with us in order to search our database of job
opportunities, which is not unlike the classified section of a newspaper.  (Such accounts are provided free of
charge.)  career related services, but
did not care for the service or the information requested and closed out of it.
He complained that he now received calls for undesirable positions.  [redacted] had not contacted customer service
before.  After receiving this complaint,
our customer service representative reached out to [redacted] by email and telephone
to get clarification and see how we could help the situation.  He refused to speak with them.  Based on what information we do have, it
appears that [redacted] is being contacted by the third party advertiser on
whose link he clicked, or his account indicated he wanted to be contacted when
we had career service offerings, a selection he could have opted out of when
setting up his account.   During the time
her account was active, he also could have applied for jobs or clicked on links
outside of the Beyond network, of which we have no control, not do we keep
records.  In this manner, third parties
beyond our control could have obtained his contact information. It is probable
also that he is using other job sites in his search as well, and we have no
idea what was done there.  The calls received by him were not made by our company.
When As a
condition of using our site, we require job seekers to first read and “accept”
(by a click) the Terms of Service posted on our website.  Our Terms of Service specifically address
that we are not responsible for the actions of third parties, and in
Assumption of Risk.You use the Internet
solely at Your own risk and subject to all applicable local, state, national,
and international laws and regulations. While has endeavored to
create a secure and reliable Site, please be advised that the confidentiality
of any communication or material transmitted to/from this Site over the
Internet cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, and its affiliates are
not responsible for the security of any information transmitted via the
Internet, the accuracy of the information contained on the Site, or for the
consequences of any reliance on such information. You assume the sole and
complete risk for using this Site.
“Interaction with
Third Parties. may post advertisements of third parties on this
Site, including promotions of advertisers, members, or sponsors showing their
goods and services on this Site. Your correspondence, purchases, participation
in, or any other dealings with third parties found on this Site are solely
between you and such third party and such third parties may provide you with
other offers or follow up email from this site or other sources. You agree that shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred
as a result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such third
parties on this Site. Moreover, shall not be responsible or liable
for the accuracy, quality, suitability, currency or content of the statements
or conduct of any third party on this Site. You shall not knowingly or
intentionally interfere with the display of any advertisement.
Links to
Other Sites. may provide links, in its sole discretion, to other
sites on the World Wide Web for your convenience in locating related
information and services. These sites have not necessarily been reviewed by and are maintained by third parties over which exercises
no control. Accordingly, expressly disclaims any responsibility for
the content, the accuracy or currency of the information, and/or quality of
products or services provided by or advertised on these third party web sites.
Moreover, these links do not imply an endorsement of any third party or any web
site or the products or services provided by any third party.” is
dedicated to helping business professionals connect with one another through
the use of efficient and relevant search tools. We pride ourselves on being
highly responsible to our members’ needs and requests.  As we were unable to discuss the matter with Mr.
Shafer directly, we deactivated his account.
Please feel
free to contact me if you have any further questions or comments about this matter.

This letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed with your office.  Our company provides a multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network of over 3,000 websites.  Our research on this account shows us that [redacted] came...

to us through, where she clicked on a job that sent her to our site,  While she was on, [redacted] did in fact register and provide the job information she indicated that she saw on our site. The site is clearly marked as part of the Community.When [redacted] contacted our Customer Service, she was promptly removed from our network, as requested. does not "mine individuals personal information without their consent." Contrary to that statement, is dedicated to helping business professionals connect with one another through use of the latest technologies and search tools.  This is why her information would have been publicly displayed - to assist in her job search.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

This letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed with your office.  Our company provides a multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network of over 3,000 websites, and we also post advertisements on these sites that may be of...

interest to our users. Our research shows that [redacted] had activity as a job-seeker as early as 10/5/16, and last accessed this account on 1/19/17.  The account itself was set to Private access, so the candidate’s information did not cache to Google and was not made public. Our records show that [redacted] applied to at least 21 jobs through our site, and viewed many more in the time the account was open. It was closed on 1/19/2017, the day she called and requested same.    During the time her account was active, [redacted] could have applied for jobs or clicked on links outside of the Beyond network, of which we have no control, not do we keep records. Our research shows that she is using at least 2 other job boards to support her job search ([redacted] and [redacted]). In this manner, third parties beyond our control could have obtained her email address. In addition, we found:   ·        [redacted] initially came to Beyond from a job posting on [redacted]. ·        She created an account on 1/8/17. ·        [redacted] was presented with one of our registration modals when she joined Beyond.  She agreed to our privacy policy when she created an account (See screenshot #1 and text below). ·        [redacted] opted in to receiving a resume Critique from [redacted] on 1/8/17.  This offer is presented with an unchecked box in our registration modal.  She needed to check the box and click continue to qualify for their offer.  (screenshot #2 below). ·        She clicked on 19 jobs that took her off Beyond’s site to view/apply to positions. ·        We deactivated her account on 1/19/17, in response to her request. ·        On 1/21/17, she came back to Beyond by clicking on a job posted on [redacted].  Since she still had a cookie, she was tracked with her contact ID even though her account is no longer active. ·        As a condition of using our site, we require job seekers to first read and “accept” (by a click) the Terms of Service posted on our website.  Our Terms of Service specifically address that we are not responsible for the actions of third parties, and in particular:  Assumption of Risk.You use the Internet solely at Your own risk and subject to all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. While has endeavored to create a secure and reliable Site, please be advised that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to/from this Site over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. Accordingly, and its affiliates are not responsible for the security of any information transmitted via the Internet, the accuracy of the information contained on the Site, or for the consequences of any reliance on such information. You assume the sole and complete risk for using this Site.  ·        “Interaction with Third Parties. may post advertisements of third parties on this Site, including promotions of advertisers, members, or sponsors showing their goods and services on this Site. Your correspondence, purchases, participation in, or any other dealings with third parties found on this Site are solely between you and such third party and such third parties may provide you with other offers or follow up email from this site or other sources. You agree that shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as a result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of such third parties on this Site. Moreover, shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, quality, suitability, currency or content of the statements or conduct of any third party on this Site. You shall not knowingly or intentionally interfere with the display of any advertisement.  ·        Links to Other Sites. may provide links, in its sole discretion, to other sites on the World Wide Web for your convenience in locating related information and services. These sites have not necessarily been reviewed by and are maintained by third parties over which exercises no control. Accordingly, expressly disclaims any responsibility for the content, the accuracy or currency of the information, and/or quality of products or services provided by or advertised on these third party web sites. Moreover, these links do not imply an endorsement of any third party or any web site or the products or services provided by any third party.”  ·        We make it clear that we provide a service that displays job postings of third parties, and that we do not review or screen them, no different than the classified section of a newspaper.   “BEYOND.COM MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE SUITABILITY, QUALITY, COMPLETENESS, TIMELINESS, CURRENCY, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, LEGALITY IN YOUR JURISDICTION, OR ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES DESCRIBED OR CONTAINED ON THIS SITE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THIRD-PARTY CONTENT, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES LINKED TO, DOWNLOADED FROM, DISTRIBUTED THROUGH OR ACCESSED FROM THIS WEB SITE FOR ANY PURPOSE. ALL SUCH INFORMATION, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS, AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT.” Screenshot #1 - Registration Modal with checkbox for Privacy PolicyScreenshot #2 – [redacted] (a.k.a [redacted]) Opt In Message in Registration is dedicated to helping business professionals connect with one another through the use of efficient and relevant search tools. We regret that [redacted] did not understand the implications of using the Internet and job searching in such a public way, and wish she had contacted us so that we might have been able to assist her earlier.

This letter is in response to the above-referenced consumer complaint that was filed with your office.  Our company provides a multitude of career-related services to employers and jobseekers on a network of over 3,000 websites.  We offer a Career Profile to all of our Jobseekers as a...

method of differentiating them from their competition.  This is produced automatically when a jobseeker uploads a resume to his account, and marks it as "Public".  Our research shows that [redacted] has three email addresses associated with Profiles on   1.    For the email that was given - [redacted].com There is still one open account set to semi-private. Last time he accessed his account was on 4/26/2012.His profile associated with this open account is[redacted]. 2.      I have found the following email address associated with [redacted] srfs@[redacted].com There is still one open account set to semi-private. Last time he accessed his account was on 11/05/2004. His Profile associated with this open account -[redacted]   3.      Finally, there’s another email addresses associated with [redacted] There is one open account was set to Public. Last time he accessed his account was on 11/05/2012. This is the account associated with the profile - We have no record of Mr. Ohm contacting our customer service for this matter, and wish he had contacted us so that we might have been able to assist him earlier. The status of his public account has been changed to semi-private, as we are not sure what Mr. Ohm wants to do with the settings in his account.  He can leave it as is, go into the account and set it to private, or he can close his account. Our customer service reps are also available to assist him with this. We have also taken the required steps to remove his Beyond profile from Google.

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The representation that I refused to participate in the production of my resume or that I received the package that I paid for should not be left on this web site for the innacuracy it portrays.  I wish the right to correct the record.  When I am able to present the events unveiled, a true portrayal, then I will accept and close the complaint.Regards,
Timeline with actual emails included, all dates and
quotes accurately portrayed, compiled from the real emails I received and sent:
11/16/2015 - Was told that my
complimentary resume critique was completed, and I  could view my critique by
clicking on the link provided for specifics. This email stated, "Your resume critique score is "63"%. Your score
was determined after carefully evaluating the content, structure, and several
other key factors of your resume. We focused on analyzing areas of your resume
that hiring managers are almost certain to review."  This email was from "The Resume Critique Team."
Click on link to read the
following:  (Note:  None of the below commentary was discussed while working on my resume,
nor were any changes in wording or formatting made other than two words in my
objective statement, which your own service says is outdated and should be a
"career sum[redacted]" instead. No formatting was done for me, no keywords were
inserted, no bullets, no verb tenses were touched, no commentary or changes to pronouns, but most of all, there was absolutely no formatting done by your
service.  Period. After two "fact finding" emails, the only thing I got back was
my own detail I incorporated into the resume and formatted myself.
Here are some of the email
contents sent to me to encourage me to buy the resume building
By using an intelligent program that we created, we have
scored your resume based on an evaluation of its content, structure and other
key factors ...
Your resume seems to be missing a career sum[redacted], which is
important at this stage in your career.
Unfortunately, your existing resume gives the impression
that you are a "doer" and not an "achiever." Too many of your job descriptions
are task-based and not results-based - telling what you did, rather than
illustrating what you achieved.
The structure of your resume is lacking in organization
and consistency, which will hurt your chances of getting contacted for an
interview.  A strong professional format will keep an employer's
It looks like your resume could use more bullets in
certain sections. Three to six bullets is the ideal number for your most recent
jobs, while one to three will suffice to summarize earlier positions ... make
sure your bullets are results-based, highlighting what you achieved as a result
of what you did.
You should consider removing, or emphasize less, any work
experience from over 25 years ago. Employers are more interested in your most
recent, relevant experience.
In your resume, you incorporated personal pronouns. This
is something that you should consider changing.
We noticed that you are not completely consistent in your
resume with your verb tense.
We'd be happy to help you create a better resume. Through
our professional Resume Writing Service, you will work with a professional
resume writer, who can help you perfect your resume and showcase your
distinctive skills and qualifications. Your writer will be chosen based upon
your industry and experience. They will provide expert help in choosing keywords
for your resume so it will resonate with hiring managers instead of falling
victim to some of the latest screening techniques.
Here's what you can expect after you place your
We'll start with a few
questions. Your resume writer will use your answers to create a powerful resume
to showcase you, your qualifications, and your key attributes.
We'll send you a first
draft. You can expect the draft to arrive via email within 72-business
Once you are
completely happy with your new resume, we will send you the final version in the
format that you desire.
12/7 and 12/16 - I received
further emails from Beyond's Resume Writing service requesting that I pursue a
new resume through their service.
12/19 - another email, this time from John S[redacted], Career Advocate,
offering a %15 discount if I use their service for resume writing services. 
This was the fourth effort on their part to get me to buy their
12/21 -
Received confirmation of my purchase of their service along with 4 questions to
answer, helping them, they said, to determine whom to assign my resume writing
"Below are the questions we need you
to complete and email back at your earliest convenience.  We’ll get started on
assigning you to your writer and completing the rewrite upon receiving them from
you. Please also attach your most up-to-date resume with your
responses."  ...
"You will receive a [redacted] copy of your new resume in 3 business days and have the opportunity to
review.  You can respond directly to your writer and request any revisions or
edits to the file for a weeklong period to ensure you are 100% satisfied with
the drafts.  Your writer will address any concerns or questions you have about
the changes as well. Typically revisions take about 2-3 business
Note:  I took hours to complete the 4
questions sent to me from John S[redacted] on 12/21, reviewing details with my husband
and even adding in things I did not put in my original resume, thinking they were
important to a complete portrait of who I was as a person, my work ethic and
dedication to any task.  I thought this would be incorporated in my resume, but
what I got back was a hugely truncated version of my resume (on 12/31), only half a page
left, with a request to fill in details for the remaining jobs/items
listed. Nothing I had written in the answers to those four questions was even
commented on or incorporated in the resume at any point. I had started off the
first of the four questions from 12/21 with this answer..."I am interested in a position as a copy editor, editor in
general, writing communications, basically anything that uses my
communication/writer/editor skills, as well as leadership
 Again, I would call this a fact finding mission for my
first draft (A PRODUCT) of my resume, but John S[redacted] below announces that this
truncated resume sent to me on 12/31 was the "first draft" of my resume.  I would
call that stretching semantics to the fullest extent.  I would call a draft a
final product presented for critique and further adjustments, not an incomplete,
truncated version on paper requesting details for the layout.  So here, you see
again, the big sell I received being dumbed-down in reality. The way I see it,
between Allison receiving my 4 questions answered and sending me this truncated
fact-finding resume was a delay of 3
days, Allison requesting more information for her to write a
formatted first draft of a PRODUCT.   
John characterizes the communication on 12/31 with the following: - "First draft of a
resume is emailed to [redacted].  3 business day turnaround is successfully met.   The
writer requests additional information from [redacted] because her uploaded resume was
bare on details. “FOR EACH ENTRY
AS I said before, what was sent to me on 12/31 was not a draft of a resume.  Nor
was the first resume of my own creation that I sent to Allison "bare on
details" as John wrote. It just included material Allison thought we should cut
so we could fully portray the more recent work history.  She also deleted a lot
of points that focused on my history of leadership, which I would have discussed
with her when I saw a first, formatted draft - a product.  So John's
characterization of what was sent to Allison as "bare in details" is a out of context to the point of a lie, and complete whitewashing of the situation
for the benefit of covering their company's failure to deliver after 4 efforts
to get me to buy in, and a three day delay before another fact-finding mission (John calls a first draft). 
Allison decided to tailor my resume to being an editor, but I had expressed in
the answers to those four long questions from the first fact-finding email on
12-21 that my leadership and
management skills were important to me. On 12/31, more detail was requested because the fully developed history I sent her was cut in half by Allison.  So she wanted more material for more recent history.
Also note that on 12/28 I received an email from Beyond with
the following statement:
...  we will be doing a considerable
amount of work on revising your resume, including adjustments to the format,
style, grammar, content, and more. You may receive your resume and notice that
it looks very different! The good news is, we have a lot of great additions and
revisions that we can make to your resume!However, if
for any reason you feel that you do not want to see considerable or noticeable
changes to the overall design and layout of your resume, please reach out to
your writer at this email address and let them know your
My personal thoughts on the 12/28 email .......  Nada!
When Allison sent me the truncated version of my resume
on 12/31, she wrote the following to me:
The package you
purchased includes 1 x standard resume, and standard 72-hour turnaround with up
to two revisions within a seven-day period. I am sending you the first draft on
December 31. Your revision period ends on January 7. Please provide your
feedback as soon as possible to ensure that we can incorporate your changes and
suggestions before the deadline. In order to improve your chances at
finding your dream job, I did the following to your resume: updated your format
to reflect contemporary guidelines, implemented key skills, competencies, or
areas of expertise, and proofed and edited all wording.If you are able
to, please open the attached file(s) on a desktop or laptop computer. Viewing
your resume on a mobile device can disrupt formatting and show you an inaccurate
presentation of your resume. Your resume is a marketing tool designed to
showcase your talents, abilities, and skills. The presentation, style and word
choices are selected to ensure that your document gets attention by hiring
managers. If you have specific concerns about how your experience is portrayed,
please let me know so I can modify or explain my rationale. Please feel free to
make notes or comments on the document directly. You can return the marked up
document to me by attaching it and replying back to this email
Again ......
Nada.  It was my exact resume, word for word, including
formatting that I had in place, just with half of it gone.  The email from
Allison, I can only imagine, is pre-written jargon they send to every writer,
whether they did the job or not.  Allison's email is a complete lie of what she
did to my resume. Word choice, style, formatting, implemented skills,
competencies or areas of expertise, proof reading and editing, ....  absolutely
nothing of this kind appeared in that first "draft," as she calls it.  The email
is a gross lie. The only thing she did was remove more than half of the resume
and ask me for more data.
- It is true and accurate, after the delay in hearing from Allison for
three days and no product yet, and the holiday falling in our 7 day time period,
I very politely requested a two day extension, which was the very least I
thought to ask for in an extension.  John then characterizes the January 4 interaction by saying ...
" She proceeds to send more emails with the additional information
requested by the assigned resume writer."
Again, this is a
whitewashing of the real events.  As I waited days and checked
my email over and over for a first formatted product from Allison, I
played with the information I sent Allison, the details I added to the
truncated resume (fact-finding mission) sent to me on 12/31.  I did not change what I sent her
(additional information), but worked on a couple of layouts by looking
at Microsoft templates and trying to get my word count down as it was too high. 
I truly believed that Allison was doing this as well, adding in bullets and
condensing what she could, looking at those pronouns first mentioned, verb
tenses, and so on, first promised as something the company would pay attention
to in my rewrite.  So I did maybe three different layouts to save space and
tighten phrases and sentences to get the word count down. 
All the while I was not adding information at all, but
sent Allison three formatted drafts of my own making with reducing word counts
with each version.  I kept checking to see something pretty with bullets and
complete word count in-line with what was recommended, but nothing arrived to
me from Allison.  AT this point, I had not yet seen a completed, checked and formatted
version of my resume.  Then came the following:
1/5 - I
hear from John that the two day extension is granted, and as John notes in
detail below, there was a process for informing my resume writer about the
"Customer emails our representative
asking for an extension to the revision window and he told her that would not be
a problem.  We communicated this to [redacted] at  subcontractor [redacted] who
confirmed she would notify the writer."
Notice that at the beginning of the response to my initial
complaint with, John gives a heading to the timeline of our interaction with the following statement.
"The confusion was due to the customer
requesting an extension of time that was not recognized by the automated message
system, resulting in a miscommunication"
Note that what John said on 1/5 was that [redacted], a subcontractor [redacted],  confirmed she would notify the writer.  So people are involved in making the
writer of my resume aware of the extension, at least two people - John and
[redacted].  John characterizes lack of extension to the project by
saying it was an "automated message system" that caused the problem.  Huge lack
of taking responsibility again by the Beyond people. Did [redacted] not talk to
Allison, and couldn't Allison email me that an automated message might shoot
out, but to ignore it as our time was extended?  Just good business protocol I
think is hugely lacking here.
1/7 - John notes that I received an
"automated message" that our time to work on the resume is over.  This is what I
am told by Allison in the "automated message":
"I am following up with you on your
project with us at Beyond. As you know, the revision period has ended. However,
you have a working document in hand (complete with Personal Statement edits)
that is now ready..."
What I want to note here is that this
is NOT an automated message.  It was a personal email from Allison which notes
that she changed a few words in my work objective.  That was all she did to the
resume.  What she sent me was a second file, the first one being the truncated
resume of my own with no other changes made to it, the second being this one,
the very last resume attempt I made myself with no other editing, changes,
formatting, insertions of attention grabbing words, bullets, word choices, verb
tense changes, or anything.  All that the writer did for me was truncate my
resume and let me fill in and format something new, then send it back to
That is why I stick to my
conclusion, I was never given a product. There was no automated response mistake
that caused confusion.  Promises were made and not fulfilled, from start-up to
1/7 - I write back to Beyond/John to express the
extreme dissatisfaction with the entire experience, expressing that I never
received a product and why that was, clearly stating to John the series of
1/7 - Received email
from customer support requesting to extend my days for revisions, which I found
humorous but maybe promising of finally getting a product.  I was considering, ...
Hi [redacted],This is [redacted] with
Customer Support.We understand that you are not happy with the last set of revisions you have
received. I have opened back your project, extending the revision period
like you have requested.I will also have your writer contact you with a
status update regarding the changes you would like to see in the next copy of
your documents.Please know that our process is fully collaborative and
providing specific areas of concern will assist your writer in aligning the
resume more closely with your expectations moving forward.Please do not
hesitate to reach out to us if you need any assistance as we are always happy to
help.Best,[redacted] C.Beyond Customer Support
My response to [redacted] in
customer support same day:
"i received no sets of
revisions!!!!!!!!!!!!!  let me be clear. No resume was written for
- Again I communicated with customer service
and John, so they clearly knew the problem was NOT just an automated message
that slipped out:
From: [redacted].comTo: [email protected]: 1/7/2016
6:17:12 P.M. Eastern Standard TimeSubj: Re: New message from Beyond Customer
"This woman did absolutely nothing in my resume.  I
answered the initial set of questions and then played with the layout
while I waited for her to write a resume for me.  She cut my resume by %50 percent and told me to fill in job details in the remaining
items.  I filled in specifics, still not receiving one draft of a resume from
her, and while I waited for a draft, I played with the layout and came up with
three different versions, each one trying to reduce word count, all by
myself.  She wrote me and asked if she could play with the wording in my
objective statement, which I said yes to.  I still had not received a
sample version she produced, laid out and edited. She did receive from me three different layouts (not additional information) I
was playing with while I waited for her to send me something -  formatted and edited product.  Then today, I get a "time is up" email, she sends
me back the last resume version I sent to her with a few words changed in the
objective statement.  This lady did nothing.  She asked me to fill in
details to what she thought was more important, and then sent me back my own
resume rewrite. Now I'm searching online and see the many, many
complaints with your service.  I feel like a fool to have spent the
1/11 - In
response to my last email to customer service and John, I received the following
message from John:
Thank you for CCing me on these messages,
though I apologize for not getting back to you sooner.  It is very concerning to read your feedback
and hear about your experience.  This is not what we strive for as an
organization and clearly we have left you very disappointed in our service.  I
am going to absolutely honor a full refund on the order due to the issues you
mentioned ($139) and would be happy to discuss it in more detail with you by
phone.  I will give you a call in just a moment to discuss.  Please keep
this email as confirmation of the refund for your
John S[redacted]
Career Advocate,
Inc. The
- I responded: "In the 7 day period, I
never received a resume. Thank you for the refund"
It is true that Beyond had
left 2 messages on my answering machine, but the reason they were on my
answering machine was that I was not home, and don't return calls to businesses
in the evening hours.  Several days had gone by during which I was not
continually checking my emails and not home to catch phone messages.  As far as
I was concerned, I was contemplating what had happened with Beyond, searching in
evening hours the reputation of this resume writing service, which did not
produce glowing reviews, and deciding if I would consider trying to move
forward.  I kept finding the same things online that I experienced: pre-written
script on promises and what they achieved when nothing was done, no drafts and
revisions produced, etc.
- Much to my surprise, I receive an email
from John REFUTING what I said I had experienced with their service.  Up until
this point, I was going to gracefully accept a refund and even thanked them. 
Here is what John sent me after I accepted the refund and stated I never
received a resume:
Jan 13, 2016, at 11:30 AM, John S[redacted] <JS[redacted]> wrote:
Hi [redacted] – The resume
draft was sent to you on 12/31 with requests for additional information. 
Would you like me to forward that email?  I’m showing that you
responded to that email on January 4th as
 John S[redacted]
Career Advocate, Inc. The
- After John's complete turn around and
snarky response rejecting what I had experienced, I decided to immediately
report them to the  I would not have, had John not
decided to pivot, once I was no longer a customer, and take me on in a negative
In conclusion, what I
was promised, at least two drafts of an updated formatted resume, checking verb
tense, personal pronouns, bullet points... "Your resume writer will use your answers to create a powerful
resume to showcase you, your qualifications, and your key
attributes," was never delivered.  Instead, I was
questioned on two occasions, first the four questions to help them decide what
writer to assign me to, and then from the writer, the truncated resume with no
other changes in formatting or verbiage, to ask me to supply details to what was
left, was all that I received.  Then at the 7 day period mark, I received
returned to me the last version of the resume I played with, no insertions,
corrections, deletions, formatting, or any other change from my writer accept
two words in my Statement at the top.  This is what I received for my $140. 
This process is a complete
scam.  Maybe Beyond believes their own sales pitch and in their product, which
says even less about the company.  Do not use their so called resume writing
Their timeline below of the
interactions I had with them is a whitewashed version or lie by omission of what
really happened.  Quite skillfully
so. I more than cooperated in every way. Their responses to you the customer are pre-written, don't pertain to your experience, and require little effort from their end.
................................................................................... /> Beyond Resume Writing's first response to my complaint with the
confusion was due to the customer requesting an extension of time that was not
recognized by the automated message system, resulting in a miscommunication.
 When we tried to resolve, the customer was not interested in working with us.
 A refund was issued. Details as follows:
12/19/2015 – Customer places order online for Resume
Writing for discounted rate of $139
12/21/2015 – Questionnaire sent to customer to initiate
process (she ordered on a Saturday so the questionnaire was sent Monday
12/27/2015 – Customer returns questionnaire
12/28/2015 – Customer is assigned a writer named
Allison (she returned the questionnaire on a Sunday so the order was assigned
Monday morning)
12/31/2015 – First draft of a resume is emailed to
[redacted].  3 business day turnaround is successfully met.  The writer requests
additional information from [redacted] because her uploaded resume was bare on
1/4/2016 – Customer sends an email to the writer
indicating they need more time to review due to the New Year’s holiday.  Here is
the email she sent:
respectfully request a few extra days on this writing project as the holiday
weekend severely limited my ability to put time into the resume. Please let me
know if this is possible.”  She proceeds to send more emails with the
additional information requested by the assigned resume writer.
1/5/2016 – Customer emails our representative asking
for an extension to the revision window and he told her that would not be a
problem.  We communicated this to [redacted] at  subcontractor [redacted] who
confirmed she would notify the writer.
1/7/2016 – Automated Email from [redacted]’s writer, which
did not know about the extension,  states that her project is complete.  This
conflicts with [redacted]’s request for an extension.
1/7/2016 – [redacted] emails her writer to express
dissatisfaction with ignoring the extension of the revision period and says that
she will be requesting her money back.  
1/7/2016 – Customer support follows up with [redacted] and
apologizes for the error in the automatic email, says they are committed to
revising her resume to her satisfaction and asks for feedback on what areas she
would like enhanced.
1/8/2016 – More replies to [redacted], she still insists
that no work was done on her resume.  Customer Support responds stating they
will work with her to make sure she is satisfied and asks for some additional
information.  No further replies from [redacted] were received moving forward.
1/11/2016 – We left a voicemail and emailed [redacted]
inquiring about her dissatisfaction and how he could help, referencing her
refund request.  No reply.
1/13/2016 – We left another voicemail and confirmed a
full refund of $139 to [redacted].  She replied thanking us for the refund.

Ok, I have deleted the [redacted].com but can't delete the other two, because those email addresses don't exist any longer.  Go ahead and delete the other two accounts.  
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

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